
I am Sanne Dillen, studentMaster Physical education and Kinesiology at the Catholic University Leuven. With my promoter Professor J. Tolleneer I am working on my Master thesis about the ethical aspects of dance, wellbeing and health.

With this research I would like to search for differences between professional dance education, professional dance companies and amateur dance companies. I will also look for possible similarities and differences between divers dance styles. The main purpose of this investigation is to detect possible alarming situations and search for recommendations to keep dancing both on amateur and professional level as humane and pleasant as possible.

For this thesis I would like to ask you to truthfully fill in the following questionnaire. Your answers will be treated with the highest confidentiality and will be converted anonymously. It is your right to quit the questionnaire at any moment or to decide to leave some questions unansweredbecause of personal considerations.

Furthermore I would like to say that there are no wrong answers. Fill in the questions personally and in your own truth.

Thank you in advance,

Friendly regards,

Sanne Dillen

Langstraat 11, 2270 Herenthout



Dancestyleandtrainings magnitude

1)At whatagedid you start dancing? ……………

2)Which dance style(s) do you practice/ have you practiced and how many years of experience do you have in each style?

Style: ……………Experience: ……………

Style: ……………Experience:……………

Style:……………Experience: ……………

Style: ……………Experience:……………

Style: ……………Experience:……………

Style: ……………Experience:……………

3)How many hours do you dance each week? …… hours/week

4)What dance style(s) do you practice most, how many hours a week do you practice them and where?

Style : ………………… hours/weekDanceinstitute: ……………

Style : ………………… hours/weekDance institute: ……………

5)Do you do other condition or strengthexercises? YES/NO

(circle the most fitting answer; if NO go to Coaching style and work pressure)

6)How many hours a week do you practice these exercises and what kind of training are we talking about? (short description of training goals and kind of used exercises)

Kind of exercise:…………………………………………………………………


…… hours/week

Coachingstyle and workpressure

1)How do you experience the support of family, teachers/choreographers and others?

A. Extremely high expectations ofperformance

B. High expectations mainly of performance

C. Highexpectationsmainly of fun and progress

D. Neutral

E. Low expectations (circle the most fitting answer)

  • OTHERS: ………………………AB CDE

2)What are your goals/ plans for the future in dance, how do you want to achieve them and do you think you will succeed?



3)Do you think the demands and approach of your teachers/choreographers resemble your goals and ambitions? (circle the most fitting answer + explain)

YES/ NO…………………………………………………………………

4)How do youfeelduringpractice? (e.g. intimidated, secure, insecure, self certain, frightened...)



5)A. Do you think sexual harassment exists in your main style?

(circle the most fitting answer)YES/NO

B. Have you been in contact with any kind of this matter yourself? Or do you know people who have? …………………………………………………………


6)Are you a perfectionist? (circle the most fitting answer)YES / NO

7)Do you believe that sometimes it’s necessary to work beyond your physical limits?

(circle the most fitting answer; if NO go to question 9) YES / NO

8)Why do you think this is necessary? And do you think it’s unhealthy for your body?


9)Do you have experience with stress and stressful situations? Explain.



10)How often do you experience this kind of high stress level? …………………………

11)Do you experience competition between yourself and your fellow dancers?

(circle the most fitting answer) YES/NO

12)Do you have the feeling that teachers/choreographers associate different with male dancers than they do with female? If YES, on what matter?

(circle the most fitting answer)

YES: ……………………………………………………………/NO

13)Do you believe there is more competition between female dancers than there is between male dancers? If necessary explain. (circle the most fitting answer)

YES /NO…………………………………………………………………

14)What do you think about the work pressure of your dance education/training?

(circle the most fitting answer)



15)How do you experience the association with your teachers/choreographers and with your fellow dancers and what kind of mentality is most common in your main style?

(e.g. distant, spontaneous, cosy, strict,..)

Main style:……………………………………………

Association teacher/choreographer:……………………………………………

Association fellow dancers:……………………………………………


Physical aspects and injuries

1)Have you had any injuries in the past? YES/NO

(injury: had to miss at least 1 dance class because of physical pain or a physical injury)

(circle the most fitting answer; if NO go to question 10)

2)How many injuries have you had during your entire dance career? …………

3)What kind of injuries have you had, what was the cause, when did it happen, how long haven’t you been able to dance and what kind of treatment have you had?

(if you have had more than 3 injuries you can use the backside of this page)

-Kind of injury:……………………………………………………


When: ……………………

Number of days out:……

Kind of treatment:……………………………………………………

-Kind of injury:……………………………………………………


When: ……………………

Number of days out:……

Kind of treatment:……………………………………………………

-Kind of injury:……………………………………………………


When: ……………………

Number of days out:……

Kind of treatment:……………………………………………………

4)How many injuries have you had since September 2009?……

5)Have you ever restarted dancing before you were fully recovered? If YES, how many times? (circle the most fitting answer; if NO go to question 8)

YES: ……………………………………/NO

6)In what way weren’t you/ didn’t you feel fully recovered?

(in case of multiple circumstances please explain all of them)



7)Why did you restarted dancing before you were fully recovered? Internal or external pressure,…? (pressure from yourself or from outsiders e.g. family, teachers,..)



8)Have you ever experienced a relapse after partial or full recovery from an injury?

(circle the most fitting answer; if NO go to question 10)YES /NO

9)How often has this happened and how long after the original injury did it happen?

Number of times:……………

Time between injury and relapse: ……………

10) How often do you experience pain during or after dance sessions?

(circle the most fitting answer; if NEVER go to question 14)


11)In what way would you describe this pain?


12)What is the cause of this pain and how do you think you could make it disappear?


Measures to take:……………………………………………………………………

13)Does this pain effect your daily tasks? If YES, explain in what way this pain effects your life.



14) Do you think you have enough information at your disposal concerning health and injury prevention in dance? If YES, where have you got this information?

(circle the most fitting answer)

YES : ……………………………/NO

15)Do you believe you are fit enough to perform your dance activities optimally? And why do you believe this? YES / NO

(physical fitness: strength and endurance capacities; circle the most fitting answer)



personal data and lifestyle


2)Bodyweight: ……… KgLength: ………m.Age: ……….

3)Is your nutrition adapted to your dance career? If YES, in what way exactly?

(circle the most fitting answer)YES/ NO



4)Do you have an irregular or disturbed eating pattern?YES/NO

(circle the most fitting answer; if NO go to question 7)

5)How would you describe this irregular or disturbed eating pattern?



6)Explain in what way this pattern is caused by your dance career and in what way it effects your dancing.



7)How often do you have trouble sleeping? (circle the most fitting answer)


8)Do you smoke? (circle the most fitting answer)YES/NO

9)How many alcohol do you drink each week? ……… glasses/week

10)Do you use any other kind of drugs? If YES, which?

(circle the most fitting answer)

YES: ………………………………………… /NO

Thank you very much for your cooperation !