PHARONIC DANCE * ch means chifitelli

Choreographed by Halima and Mezdulene

4ch: Walk out with hands in prayer position.

1ch: Push prayer hands up above head

1ch: Arm sway to left, to right and circle around into rt arm over head and both arms extended to left.

1ch: Repeat swaying to right first

1ch: Repeat swaying to left first and ending up in Egyptian pose.

1ch: Walk forward four steps with head movement.

1ch: Bring arms down and pull up in front of body into position over head.

1ch: Take two steps backward while bringing hands down to face then chest in prayer position.

1ch: Raise right hand up over head slowly with elbow out. Raise left hand to left shoulder and meet with right hand over head.

1ch: Do fish motion with hands and turn to right.

1ch: Undulate, undulate and pivot around to left.

1ch: Undulate, undulate and pivot around to right.

1ch: Undulate, undulate and pivot around to left.

1ch: Undulate, undulate and face forward with palms facing up.

1ch: Cross arms and do giving motion ending up in Egyptian pose.

1ch: Push hands slowly upward until arms are straight

2ch: Turn in a circle CW

2ch: Turn in a circle CCW

1ch: Bring arms down and cross wrists under chin and do head movement right left center.

1ch: Keeping elbows to body, extend arms out keeping palms flat.

1ch: Put arms into prayer position and bow.

?ch: Undulate off stage.


Choreographed by Mezdulene

Music is Pangia Volume 2, cut #8 9/8 drum solo ending with Dere

Numbers on left represent the number of Kashlamals, not actual counts

4: Wait

4: Step RLRL pushing back R hip on last step, holding skirts out front hands together Enter with 3 and turn fwd on 4

4: Small cross point step starting w/R foot crossing and hold both hands with skirts to pointing hip

4: Open skirts and spin R,L,R,L w/dip and swoop w/skirt. When turning R or CW swoop w/L side, turning L or CCW swoop w/L

6: Sahira big walk to R angle, L angle and fwd, back closing skirt while walking and opening skirt when lifting knee.

4: Hostess cupcake to R (hips circle circle, sit back) then to L, then 1/4 turn to R, then 1/4 turn til back to audience holding skirts out

4+: Cha Cha back to R, L,R, L spinning and ending with skirt held to stomach or chest w/both hands

1: Hold and smile, anticipation is good.

1: Head slides

1: Shoulders RLR shimmy as you open skirts out

1: Hips RLR and shimmy with skirts held open

2: Hip shimmy down, shoulder shimmy up lowering and raising skirt

2: Step RL and stop circling skirts fwd up and back

2: Rocking shimmy (Mambo shimmy?)moving left and stepping fwd, back w/R foot, skirts closing as you shimmy fwd and open as you shimmy back

2: Najwa folk hop step crossing R ft fwd, back on L and hop in place w/skirt crossed in front w/L hand on R hip when R foot is fwd and open while hopping and R hand on L hip when L foot moves fwd

2: Rocking shimmy moving R and stepping fwd, back w/L foot, skirts closing as you shimmy fwd and open as you shimmy back

2: Najwa folk hop step crossing L ft fwd, back on R and hop in place w/skirt crossed in front w/R hand on L hip when L foot is fwd and open while hopping and L hand on R hip when R foot moves fwd

4: Egyptian spin RLLR with skirt swish

2: Persian walk starting on R w/hip drops, holding skirt w/R hand to L hip and L arm holding skirt out repeating w/L foot

2: Persian walk starting on R w/shoulder rocks, holding skirt w/R hand to L hip and L arm holding skirt out repeating w/L foot

4: Hip circles pivoting around in circle til facing fwd R hand holding skirt across in front and L hand holding skirt across behind

4: Sassy walk w/hip twists around in a circle holding skirts out

1: R arm brings skirt around behind head and over L shoulder as you turn CCW and look back to audience w/L arm back

1: Turn CW and face audience unwinding skirt to open

2: Repeat last two in opposite direction

End: Snake arm R,L,R then R hand to chest, L hand to chest and end giving out and opening skirts