Present: Brian Martin in the Chair, Bob & Marian Kuyper, Cynthia Adams, Cris Bowling-Cook,Dave Bowling, , Pam Painter, Liam Judd, Chris & Kim Ford, Melanie Turner, Linda Mulley, Steve Richardson, Daphne Harvey, Canon Paul Robinson, Rev Brenda Gutberlet, Rose Phillips, Terry Morris, Cllr Barry Palmer, Cllr James Baker, Iris Crane, Mr & Mrs Beard, Sharon Smith, Rose Maslen, Louise Maslen, Joanne Nyland, Lee Link, Eileen Smith, Sam Smith, Johnson Evans, Roy Garwood

Apologies for absence: Frank Harrington, Gordon Stevens, Alan Riddles, Mike Le Surf, Julie Morrissey, Mike Tarbard,Karen Dobson, John Purkiss, Stephen Swinney, Ken Hayward, Lorraine Stockdale, Carol Fielding.

Brian Martin expressed the thanks of the WELCOM Forum to John Purkiss for his hard work as our Independent Councillor over many years in the community.

We welcomed James Baker as our new UKIP councillor to the meeting.

As there were so many new people attending the Forum meeting everyone introduced themselves and their role in the community.


Canon Paul Robinson reported that the work at St. Catherine’s was well under way, would be nice if it was proceeding quicker. Replying to a question asked by Linda Mulley he replied that the new kitchen block and toilets would be faced in untreated Oak Timber which would mellow to the colour of the existing stonework.

Marian reported that Dr Ram had replied that his surgery would be unable to offer a phlebotomy service in East Tilbury due to lack of resources and space. However Dr Gorai was very positive and has the room available in his surgery. Karen Dobson sent in her report to say that she had met with the CRG, Pathology First and Healthwatch regarding this matter and they would be pleased to come and attend a Forum meeting to discuss the problem. It was asked if a rota of volunteers could drive patients to Orsett for blood tests if it is not possible to have the service in the community.

The school would prefer the memorial to Sam Meads to be in the Memorial Park and not the school.

The solar panel farm proposed for East Tilbury has not come before the planning committee.

The pot holes in the Muckingford Road are apparently not deep enough to warrant repair.

The local bus timetable is going to be reviewed in six months’ time.

Youths have been going onto the new housing development ‘The Boulevards’ and driving their dumper trucks. Night time security at the site is being looked into.


Marian read out some future events taking place regarding this event and outlined that this was 10 walks of 10 miles throughout Thurrock. Our walk was taking place on 14th July before that there would be several coffee mornings and workshops to discuss and make the banners that would be carried.


Sunday 12th July is the annual Fun Day hopefully the promised £3,000 donation from Walsh will be forthcoming. Brian has had further meetings with the PFA who are very enthusiastic and for the first time the local Guide & Scout organisation have indicated an interest in participating. The same stage as last year has been booked. Jo reported that there are a variety of Dance Troops and singing groups already booked and she is running out of slots. Stalls cost £10 and the running time is 12 – 4 o’clock.

Daphne confirmed that the Sports Hall would be open for the dancers to use as changing rooms but not for use as public toilets.


Brian is working on a new arrangement with the school now it has changed from infant and juniors to a primary school. The sports hall is very well used by a variety of groups from Church to keep fit and dancing classes. Friday evening is the only free time at the moment. Daphne reported that there had been a new children’s gymnastic booking that week. Costs are £10 an hour for half of the hall and £20 for the whole hall.


There are Community Hubs in South Ockendon, Chadwell St. Mary and Aveley are in the process of constructing a purpose built Hub from 106 money (106 money = £5,000 per house to local area for highways, health and education). The concept of a Hub is to have community services under one roof, e.g. clinic, children’s centre, debt advice, library etc. staffed by volunteers. We have to put forward a business plan as to how we would make such a Hub financially self-sustainable and also commitment from residents to be volunteers. Brian proposed that when we had the Forum AGM the Hub proposals could be discussed and also the Phlebotomy service. The date of Friday 3rd July was put forward at East Tilbury Village Hall. The Hub would be run by volunteers but run by a steering group called a community interest company


Brian outlined the problems in the area with some small new developments being built, in fact there were a lot of neglected areas in East Tilbury which would look better for development BUT they are not large enough to provide the £15,000,000 needed to build a road bridge over the railway. If the local residents wanted this new road/bridge then they would have to be prepared to welcome a much bigger development in the area. Brian had, with John Purkiss, met with Icini Projects and Cogent Land LLP. Cogent had entered an agreement some years ago with local farmers to purchase their land for future development if and when needed. If a development of this size went ahead then this would trigger enough 106 money to build a road bridge. The developers wanted to put out a questionnaire to residents asking what they would like in the area but Brian stressed that residents must be made aware of how they answer these questions would influence the future of the area i.e. if you want a road bridge then you must have larger housing development probably on green belt. He did not want the developers to draw up a questionnaire without some input from the Forum. Barry Palmer reported that rail track had made it abundantly clear to him that they had no funding available for any projects in the next 5 years and they could if they wanted close the level crossing at East Tilbury as they are threatening to do at Grays. Much discussion took place with Barry Palmer outlining to new people in the area that the 299 houses being built were not approved by the council or indeed the Thameside Development Corporation, aQuango that we had imposed on us some years ago. It was in fact agreed by some department in Bristol and then rubber stamped by Eric Pickles MP. Most present were totally against any kind of building on green belt only brownfield sites. James Baker said that he had been told there were five options open for the locality regarding a new rail crossing and that the public would be asked for their views. It was also noted that the land east of Tilbury Power Station had also been purchased. This could surely mean that we are going to have the new river crossing here as well. It was unanimously agreed that we need to partake in any public consultation done with the developers.


Terry reported that Renae Laybourn had very suddenly left the nature park and in fact he was the only member of staff at the present time. He was helped by a very dedicated band of volunteers and Essex Wildlife were advertising for an Educational Officer and other members of staff. The picnic area outside the visitors centre was being extended by using old car tyres to make a raised area. The park had hosted the Scouts jamboree when 610 scouts had attended. They are working with Bug Life, a conservation organisation, and also with local primary schools on ‘The Hare’s Breath’ project with prizegiving on Wednesday June 3rd. Anyone who had visited the site recently would have seen the very large wooden Hares around the site. The Fishing Club were close to signing the agreement. The hold up has been the clawback clause ie if the fishing club were asked to leave due to breaking the rules then they would not get the investment they had made to the site refunded. Brenda asked if it would be possible to have a shelter to park cars under as her dogs being old could only manage a short walk whereas she likes to walk for longer. Someone also asked if it would be possible to have a platform outside the visitors centre where you could sit with you dog to have refreshments. The new raised area would cater for this. The centre was congratulated on the recent Marine Exhibition. Terry was also asked if he knew when Cory would finish restoring and hand over the rest of the site to Essex Wildlife this was currently 2018 but as we know these dates have a habit of changing. On the subject of infilling Walsh should finish in 2021.


Chris reported that as from 27th May the Gateway People’s Centre in Stanford le Hope has opened as the Wednesday distribution centre for Foodbank. Storage is being moved to a permanent location at the Thurrock Christian Fellowship church in Corringham.

Rev Brenda asked if the councillors present could chase up the Church request for a zebra crossing outside the Church.

Sam asked why the whole area of grass was not being cut in the parks and other parts of the estate only the edges. Also could the council do anything about rented properties in the area that are scruffy and have rubbish in the front gardens.

Rose said nothing had been done about the high banks at Blue Anchor Lane she has in fact strimmed them herself on several occasions.

Sharon asked who was going to maintain the new fence put around the Boulevards in some places there is a gap of three feet between the fence at the bottom of the existing gardens and the new estate so obviously brambles can grow there and rubbish be dumped.

Mr and Mrs Beard who live down Walton Hall Farm asked if anything could be done regarding the illegal motor bikes and quad bikes that roar down Butts Lane every Saturday and Sunday to go in the pit. They use this entrance now as there is a security guard at the other end. They had contacted the police and the council but no help has been given. Councillors to look into and secretary to write to landowners.

James bought up the subject, once again of the ditch in Trent that is filled with rubbish. This is owned by Lansbury’s

Jo Nyland outlined the problem she has with her neighbour. The house is a rented property from Ashlands Estates and is a Multiple Occupancy House. She has had to contend with drug dealing, loud music, drunkenness and abuse for a long time and John Purkiss has always been fighting her battles with her and helping as much as possible. Would our new councillor help out? Jo was asked why the police had not been involved but she said they wouldn’t help at all when she asked. Our MP Stephen Metcalfe has written to the Chief of Essex Police on her behalf insisting that the police take action.

Cynthia reported that the tree at 90 Coronation Avenue needed to be cut back and the tenant invoiced as previously as it is impossible to walk passed it.

Dave said that Coalhouse Fort is being used at night time for drug taking, could the police check on this please.

Terry said that the police had been holding their street meetings at the nature centre but no one turned up. Most people thought this was not a good place to hold such meetings as it is difficult to get to unless you had transport.

It was also asked if Amber Buses could change their route and go down Walton Hall Lane and stop at the farm and the entrance to the Nature Park. Secretary to write to Amber buses. Marian has also been approached, after the meeting, by a disabled Linford Resident who was waiting for the 4.45 bus at East Tilbury last Friday with one other person and the bus just went straight past them without stopping.

There were lots of complaints regarding the pharmacy at East Tilbury. Prescriptions taking days to be filled even when they are repeat ones and patients having to go back repeatedly to get them. Secretary to write.

Canon Paul bought up the subject of the piece of land called the Church Green but is in fact a Village Green. There are three Village Greens in Thurrock, Corringham and South Ockendon are maintained by the council but not the one at East Tilbury. It is at the moment a derelict piece of land and is overgrown and unsightly.The green is for the whole of the parish not just East Tilbury Village, it is for the benefit of the public for recreational use and the upkeep of it should be down to Thurrock Council. It is common land and in 1983 ownership of it went to Thurrock Borough Council and there is at the moment a lottery funding available for parks entitled “Lottery Park for the People Fund” which could be applied for and used to tidy the area and clear a pathway through for all residents to use. It was noted that villagers are worried about the land being used as a car park Councillors to look into.

Marian said that the planters had been re-replanted this week, the one outside the shops at East Tilbury is constantly getting vandalised and if this continues perhaps it could be moved to the Linford shops.

No meeting in June.

Next meeting will be the Forum AGM and Community Hub discussion on Friday 3rd July 7.30 East Tilbury Village Hall