Kenneth Winston

Selected Publications 1998-2009


Co-editor, The Professions In China (with William Alford and William

Kirby) (Routledge, in process)

Co-editor, Legality and Community: On the Intellectual Legacy of Philip

Selznick (with Robert Kagan and Martin Krygier) (Rowman &

Littlefield, 2002)

Editor, The Principles of Social Order: Selected Essays of Lon L. Fuller

(revised edition, Hart Publishing, 2001)

Essays and discussions

“Moral Competence in Public Life,” Occasional Paper #4, ANZSOG

series (March 2009)

“Chinese Legalism,” Encyclopedia of Political Theory, ed. Mark Bevir

(Sage 2009)

“What Makes Ethics Practical,” HKS Faculty Research Working Paper

Series RWPO08-013 (March 2008)

“Lon L. Fuller,” Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global

Perspectives, ed. David S. Clark (Sage 2007)

“The Internal Morality of Chinese Legalism,” Singapore Journal of Legal

Studies (December 2005)

“Advisors to Rulers: Or, What the Kennedy School of Government Can

Learn from Chinese Scholar-Officials, and Vice Versa,” KSG

Faculty Research Working Paper Series (February 2005)

“On the Ethics of Exporting Ethics: the Right to Silence in Japan and

the U.S.,” Criminal Justice Ethics 22:1 (2003)

“Moral Competence in the Practice of Democratic Governance,” in For

the People: Can the Public Service Be Fixed?, edited by John D.

Donahue and Joseph S. Nye Jr. (Brookings, 2003)

“Lessons from the Right to Silence,” Legality and Community: On the

Intellectual Legacy of Philip Selznick , edited by Kagan,

Krygier, & Winston (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002)

Entries on Ronald Dworkin, Lon L. Fuller, and H. L. A. Hart

Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2nd edition (Routledge, 2001)

“Teaching Ethics by the Case Method,” Journal of Policy Analysis and

Management 19:1 (Winter 2000)

“Three Models for the Study of Law,” Rediscovering Fuller, edited by

Wibren van der Burg and Willem Witteveen (Amsterdam Univ.

Press, 1999)

“Constructing Law’s Mandate,” Recrafting the Rule of Law, edited by

David Dyzenhaus (Hart Publishing, 1999)

"Moral Opportunism: A Case Study," Integrity and Conscience

[NOMOS XL], edited by Ian Shapiro and Robert M. Adams

(NYU Press, 1998)