Canadian Association for Leisure Studies

Association canadienne d’études en loisir

General Meeting

May 23, 2003

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta

S. Markham-Starr convened the meeting at 4:10 p.m.

1. Approval of the Agenda

E. Jackson moved and J. Singleton seconded, to approve the agenda.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting May 13, 1999

B. Smale moved and L. Ostiguy seconded that the minutes be approved. Motion passed.

3. Minutes arising from the minutes of May 13, 1999

There was no business arising from the minutes other than that noted in agenda items that will follow.

4. President’s report [S. Markham-Starr]

S. Markham Starr noted that the President’s report really reflected the report of the CALS Board. She discussed highlights from her report, which was distributed. She also acknowledged the Board members.

S. Markham-Starr noted all individuals responsible for CCLR10 and thanked them for their excellent job.

President Markham-Starr discussed communication issues within CALS, and noted on her PowerPoint slides the web address as well as the address for the listserv: and .

S. Markham-Starr moved and E. Jackson seconded that the President’s report be accepted. Motion was passed.

5. Financial report [provided by R. Soubrier]

S. Markham-Starr presented the report provided by R. Soubrier.

P. Hutchison moved and B. Smale seconded that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Motion passed.

6. Nominating committee report/election of Board members for 2002-2005 [S. Shaw]

S. Shaw presented the slate of nominees for the new CALS Board, which was also distributed in paper form. Included on this list were the officers. She presented each nominee’s name, asked if there were other nominees. In the event there were no other nominees, the person nominated was acclaimed. All persons nominated were acclaimed to be on the Board through 2005. S. Shaw made a special note of thanking E. Jackson for remaining on the Board as past President. She also thanked the Board members who are going off the Board at this time.

7. CCLR10 Report [E. Jackson]

E. Jackson began his report by thanking S. Shaw for taking over his task of chairing the nominating committee during his illness. He also noted that all of the past Presidents of CALS were present at this meeting, except for one.

There were 143 full delegates and 4 “day only” delegates registered at CCLR10. E. Jackson gave a brief update on the financial report, thanked the conference committee, and made some general remarks about CCLR10.

8. Host location for CCLR11 in 2005 [B. Smale]

B. Smale announced that he and E. Jackson reviewed the one well-constructed bid for CCLR12 from T. Delamere, Department of Recreation and Tourism Management, Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, British Columbia. Therefore, the next congress will be at Malaspina University-College. T. Delamere gave a brief report about plans for CCLR11.

9. Affiliation with external organizations

  1. Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada (HSSFC) [S. Markham-Starr]

S. Markham-Starr described some of the problematic points surrounding the relationship with HSSFC, although she expressed an overall positive attitude toward this relationship. Initiated by E. Jackson, discussion ensued about whether we wanted to still be affiliated with the Federation, and what the benefits were to this affiliation. J. Singleton suggested that we track the benefits of being affiliated. P. Hutchison communicated some of the benefits presented at the CALS Board meeting. In particular, HSSFC advocates for social science and humanities research at government levels. R. Stebbins echoed and elaborated this point. Ways of learning more about what HSSFC does was discussed. E. Jackson will put a link to their website on the CALS website. T. Burton presented a history of why CALS meets separately and not annually with HSSFC, in response to a question asked by a CALS member. E. Jackson added to T. Burton’s comments. S. Shaw agreed with the disadvantages discussed, but also noted that there would be benefits to this joint conference structure.

S. Markham-Starr stated that the Board would continue to monitor this relationship.

  1. World Leisure (WLRA) [S. Markham-Starr]

President Markham-Starr asked for the following motion from the floor.

J. Singelton moved and R. Stebbins seconded that the Board consider a closer relationship with WLRA, once more information is provided. Motion passed.

10. Relationship between CALS and ORCOL [S. Markham-Starr & P. Hutchison]

S. Markham-Starr read an email correspondence regarding the relationship between CALS and ORCOL. A discussion of CALS membership fees, and how someone could join if one did not attend CCLS, ensued.

Motion: ORCOL should continue to have financial, editorial, and legal responsibility for the production of the journal, Leisure/Loisir would continue to be the official journal of CALS, the official trial period be considered to be complete and CALS and ORCOL will continue this partnership, and the partnership would be reviewed every three years.

R. Mannell moved and A. Wieghill seconded the motion. Motion passed.

11. Announcement of election results

Not needed.

12. Other Business

S. Markham-Starr took the opportunity to thank E. Jackson and provide him with a small token for being President of CALS, although the appreciation was over due.

J. Singleton moved for adjournment; meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.

Minutes taken by Linda Caldwell.