Project Final Report grading

Based on the steps of conducting a simulation study you are to build, verify and validate a simulation model of a real system. Reports are to be handed in on Finals day at start of class. No reports will be accepted after that date.

Report - maximum 5 pages. Put analysis (clearly labeled) in appendix.

Write-up and Presentation
/ Problem statement and why is simulation is used to analyze this problem? What other modeling methods could you have used? / Clearly presented and written - follow instructions / 25
Flow Diagram
System boundaries, limits
/ List of assumptions / 30
Strategy on the use of Simio: How you modeled the customers, cashiers, etc.
New structures – use of modeling structures not covered in class
Initial state of system
Verification Procedure - briefly describe
/ What is your output measure(s) of performance? / 30
Rationale for the number of simulation runs - you decide
Validation: Input distributions: What are distribution of arrival rates and service times, etc.
Validation: Compare your output to the data collected from the real system. Conduct a test of hypothesis.
/ List any conclusions, significant observations, and any additional modeling that might need to be done.
/ Animation that visually represents your system. Should be more than just the default flow chart animation provided by Arena. / 15
Total = 100

The project we are required to do is about pick a location of any restaurant that has waiting in the line for costumers. I decided to choose McDonalds restaurant to do the model of McDonalds drive-thru (queue). The system have total of 4 servers ( 2 servers from placing order , payment and pick up order ) the attached model is a sample of the system

Please see the above requirements highlighted and I will upload the file of my face one report that indicate the not highlighted requirements from the schedule, feel free to add or change if needed, and the data that I gathered. Also, we need you to send us the ( Simio software ) that you are going to use making the model.