Waste Loading Plan Preparation Guidance
Issue 1
Page 1 of 8


This document has been prepared to provide guidance on how to prepare a “bespoke” Waste Loading Plan and should be read in conjunction with the relevant LLW Repository Ltd Waste Loading Plan Information Form. This document makes reference to TCSC 1006 December 2012 Edition (www.tcsc.org.uk). It is recommended that this National guidance document is used as the technical basis for developing the methods proposed for restraining the waste.

This document provides guidance on how to collate and layout the data to ensure all aspects of a WLP are covered. Users of this document should complete Part F with all necessary details included (or attached) in support of this Waste Loading Plan.

Nothing in this Guidance Note shall be legally binding upon the Operator of the LLW Repository Ltd and the Terms and Conditions between the Operator and the Customer for the use of the LLW Repository Ltd supplied re-usable transport containers.

In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Guidance Note and any LLW Repository Ltd IP-2 ISO Container Design Approval Conditions, the Container Design Approval Conditions shall prevail in all respects.

Issue Number / 1
Issue Date / 24th July 2013
From / To
Until / Reviewed
Prepared by: / Barry Mellor
LLW Repository Ltd
Checked by: / Donna Crozier
LLW Repository Ltd
Approved by: / Marc Flynn
Head of Logistics
LLW Repository Ltd



PART A – General 3

PART B – Information required for items required to be restrained 3

PART C – Securing equipment general 3

PART D - Referenced Standards 5

PART E – LLWR WLP Authorisation Process 6

PART F – Template WLP Form 7


This document has been prepared to provide guidance on the Waste Loading Plan (WLP) process. This document makes reference to TCSC 1006 December 2012 Edition [D1.1] (www.tcsc.org.uk) and it is recommended that this National guidance document (and its’ references to BS2573 [D1.2] and BS EN 12195-2, [D1.3]) along with the European Best Practice Guidelines [D1.4] are used as the technical basis for developing the methods proposed for restraining the waste. This document additionally provides guidance on how to collate and layout the data to ensure all aspects of a WLP are covered.

LLWR offer a range of standard WLP’s for securing items within the LLWR range of containers or items direct to conveyances. Where a Standard WLP is used, the reference of the Standard WLP is required to be listed on the WLP Information Form, in this scenario a bespoke WLP will not be required.

The Waste Loading Plan process has been revised to include a step for the carrier to approve the WLP. LLWR Package Engineers authorization on the WLP form is only required when the customer is using waste services where VLLW is being consigned or where LLWR are responsible for consigning the waste or any other services when using a “TC” supplied container. Customers are advised, where possible, to propose authorised WLP’s are reformatted (by LLWR Package Services Team) into standards WLP’s for use across the wider Nuclear Waste Sector. For further information about standards WLP development please contact the LLWR Package Services Team.

PART A – General

A1 If the item is treatable waste then a Waste Loading Plan Information Form (WSC-FOR-WLP rev 3.1) shall be completed and approved prior to any loading of the waste commencing.

A2 When a loading plan is required the process defined in section D of this guidance note shall apply.

A3 This guidance note shall read in conjunction with the applicable LLWR Package and Handling instructions for the fleet of approved TC Packages (if applicable)

PART B – Information required for items required to be restrained

B1 The following information shall be available for the items to be loaded in the container:

Ø  Mass of each item

Ø  Envelope dimensions

Ø  Location of the center of gravity

Ø  Lifting points

Ø  Securing points and rating (if any)

Ø  Material item constructed/fabricated from

PART C – Securing equipment general

C1 Web lashing straps

C1.1 All straps used to secure items shall be designed to BS12195- 2:2001[D1.5] and have the following information marked on them

Ø  Lashing Capacity

Ø  Standard Tension Force

Ø  Webbing Material

Ø  Length

Ø  Manufacturer

Ø  Manufactures Traceability Code

Ø  Year of Manufacture

Ø  Standard Number

C1.2. Before using the lashing straps they shall be checked to ensure the webbing has no cuts or is frayed and that all stitching is sound. If any damage is present then the strap shall not be used.

C1.3. The lashing straps shall be protected against friction, abrasion and damage from loads with sharp edges by using protective sleeves and/or corner protectors.

Ratchet tensioner

C1.4 Ratchet tensioners shall be in a sound condition and functioning properly. If the ratchet tensioning device is faulty this shall be discarded and a replacement device used.

C1.5 It is recommended that ratchet tensioners with force indicators are used to ensure the straps are not over tensioned.

Eye bolts

C1.6 Eye bolts may be used on waste items, where the waste item has tapped holes. An assessment will be required to show that the thread of the holes used can withstand the forces imposed from strapping.

C1.7 Eye bolts shall be rated for the load they are intended to carry and be CE marked.

C1.8 It is recommended that eye bolts shall be of a type that can be orientated to avoid excessive stress on the eye bolts


Anchor Points

C1.9 It is recommended that anchor points used to secure any lashing straps to are rated to at least 1.25 times the Lashing Capacity (LC) of any straps used.


PART D - Referenced Standards

D1 The following standards have been referenced when preparing this Waste Loading Plan Guidance Document:

D1.1 Guide to the Securing/Retention of Radioactive Material Payloads and Packages During Transport, TCSC 1006, 2012

D1.2 Rules for the design of cranes, BS2573-1:1983

D1.3 Load restraining on road vehicles. Safety. Calculation of securing forces, BS EN 12195-2:2010

D1.4 European Best Practice Guidelines on Cargo Securing for Road Transport

D1.5 Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles. Safety. Web lashing made from man-made fibres. BS EN 12195-2:2001

PART E – LLWR WLP Authorisation Process

D1 The Process Flow chart below details the Waste Loading Plan process.

PART F – Template WLP Form

LLW Repository Ltd Loading Plan Reference:
All sections of this form must be considered and all relevant sections completed, where not applicable please mark as such. Where necessary please supply all supporting information referenced on this Waste Loading Plan.
N.B. Without a completed WSC-FOR-WLP form LLWR cannot process this Waste Loading Plan.
If you need any assistance or have any questions regarding the completion of this form, please contact the Transport and Logistics Team, by e-mail: or by telephone: (019467) 70301
Please return the completed form, along with any relevant drawings or photographs, using one of the following routes (e-mail is the preferred option):
·  by e-mail to:
·  by post to: Transport and Logistics Team, Pelham House, Pelham Drive, Calderbridge, Seascale, Cumbria, CA20 1DB
Following receipt of this form and all supporting documentation, LLW Repository Ltd will review the information in the loading plan and provide comments to the customer within 10 working days.

1. Payload Information

(Please provide details of the payload and its configuration e.g. Physical dimensions, Centre of Gravity (C of G), Weight, Location & Rating of lashing points (if any), and Number of packages. Where relevant please include drawings, photos, illustrations, and calculations within this form and reference in Section 5)
(free text section)

2. Restraint Proposal

To ensure that waste is appropriately restrained within a container or on the vehicle, it is necessary to demonstrate by calculation that any restraint features will support the acceleration factors for road, rail or sea transport under routine conditions of transport. For exempt waste the acceleration factors can be found in BS EN 12195-1, for items classified as radioactive material acceleration factors must be taken from TCSC 1006.
Note: Please ensure you are using the most up to date version of the relevant standards listed above.
Depending on the restraint method, please complete either Section 2a or 2b below.

2a. Restraint Proposal using lashings

Please provide details of any restraint features on the payload itself that will be used to restrain the contents including load ratings. (Where, relevant, please include drawings, photos, illustrations within this form and detail any supporting calculations in Section 5).
(free text section)

2b Restraint proposal for frames or stillage:

If required please provide details of restraint frames or stillage intended to be used to secure package(s) within the container or on the conveyance. (Where, relevant, please include calculations, drawings, photos or illustrations with this form, and detail any supporting calculations in Section 5).
(free text section)

3. Tie down Points

Please provide details of any tie-down / bulkhead / anchor points within the package or conveyance including load ratings. Where relevant please include any drawings, photos, and illustrations with this form and detail any supporting calculations in section 5.
(free text section)

4. Package Loading/Unloading Sequence

Please provide details of the payload loading and unloading sequence including details of any lifting equipment and/or accessories required. Where relevant please include any drawings, photos, and illustrations with this form and detail any supporting calculations in section 5.
(free text section)

5. Supporting Calculations

Please detail all calculations and diagrams below that support this Waste Loading Plan, and include any references to supporting drawings, illustrations and photos.
(free text section)

6. Declaration (To be completed by the originator of this WLP)

I confirm this WLP has been prepared to ensure compliance with Transport Regulations and National/International guidance for transport by: Road Rail Sea (select all that may apply during the journey)
Name: (Please Print) / Company:
Signature: / Position: