Argumentative Essay: Loyalists vs. Patriots

Assigned date: ______Due date: ______Score: ______

Directions: You are to write an argumentative essay on whether you would be a Loyalist or a Patriot during the American Revolution.

Chapter 8, Part 2 Test, one major grade in history (55%)

Essay must be 5 paragraphs in length

Each paragraph must include 5-7 complete sentences

Capitalization, punctuation, grammar, indentation, transition of thoughts, etc. will count

Use this introductory, your textbook, any internet research based text, History Channel, library books, reference books are acceptable materials for your use (plagiarism is not an option)

Essay must be hand written unless otherwise specified by teacher (with permission)

Do view and follow your essay rubric for best possible score

Background Information:

During the time of the American Revolution, many residents of the colonies were unsure whether the idea of separating from England was a wise one. Many were strictly opposed to it. These individuals were called loyalists. Loyalists had good reason to oppose a push for independence. Loyalists believed in the sanctity of their shared cultural heritage with the British, had a strong sense of duty and loyalty toward the British crown, benefitted from the Trans-Atlantic trade with England, and were worried that an independent nation would be reduced to anarchy. Many had a financial interest as part of the British Empire and change represented uncertainty with respect to the continued prosperity.

In contrast, the Patriots had valid reasons for wanting to part with England. They believed their individual liberties had been violated by the British Crown and that their rights were being taken away after the implementation of various taxes and acts. One of the acts, known as the Quartering Act, forced colonists to provide provisions and shelter to British soldiers. Another law, known as the Boston Harbor Bill, closed the port of Boston following the infamous Tea Party. Furthermore, colonists lacked representation in Parliament. Patriots believed the English Crown was attempting to exert more and more control over their lives and businesses. English acts were passed that regulated colonial trade and gave monopolies to British companies.

Loyalist Ideas:

  • We want a strong, unified British Empire. Everyone benefits from that.
  • The national debt is due to the French and Indian War which was fought partly to protect Englishcolonists in North America. Now there is more English land in America to protect. We shouldhelp pay.
  • We are British subjects, and we should obey British law. The King and Parliament have theright to tax the colonies and to make laws for the colonies. We cannot pick and choose whichlaws to obey. We must accept all the laws made by our government. That’s the only way agovernment can work.
  • The American colonies would be weak and defenseless without Britain. We need Britain’sprotection on the seas to be able to trade. If we were without British protection, another countrymight conquer us.
  • We all profit from trade with England. Parliament does not really need to tax us in order to makemoney from the Colonies. Colonies and the mother country will prosper through peaceful trade. However, if Parliament wants to tax us, it has the right to do so.
  • Many people are trying to make a living that depends on British trade. Economic boycotts arenot fair to hardworking merchants and shopkeepers. People are being bullied into obeying theboycott. What kind of freedom is that?
  • We are too far away from England, and that is why it would not be practical for us to berepresented in Parliament. We are still British subjects.
  • The streets of Boston are out of control with riots and mob violence. Of course British troopshave come to protect people’s safety and keep peace.
  • All this unrest and talk of independence is being stirred up by a few smugglers and merchantswho hope to get rich by avoiding paying customs duties and by putting their competitors out ofbusiness. The common people are being manipulated.

Patriot Ideas:

  • All people have certain rights that the government cannot take away, including a right to hold onto their own property. Taxation takes away some of our property. Our property (includingmoney and goods) can only be taken from us if we or our representatives agree to it. Thecolonists do not have representation in Parliament, so Parliament cannot make laws to tax us. Wehave not agreed to be taxed. No taxation without representation. If there is to be any taxation,let our own colonial Assembly make that decision. Any money collected should be used here,not sent to England.
  • There is no way we could ever be represented in Parliament. We are too far away, and ourrepresentatives would be so outnumbered that their votes would barely matter.
  • We think we have done a good job of governing ourselves for many years, and we want tocontinue.
  • England’s national debt is not our responsibility. We loaned money to Parliament for the war effort, and we have not been repaid. Many colonists fought in the French and Indian War. Wehave done our part. England’s land holdings in America have expanded, and England isbenefiting from fur and fish trading now that the French are gone.
  • British troops have been sent to Boston to threaten us. The troops are causing violence, notcontrolling it. The unfair taxes and tax collectors are causing riots. We are being provoked.
  • Parliament is trying to suppress us. We have every right to protest and resist unfair laws. TheStamp Act, for example, interfered with every aspect of our lives.
  • Innocent people died in the Boston Massacre. That event would not have happened if the troopshad not been here.
  • England is trying to use us and make money from us. Parliament is trying to control whichcompanies and countries do business with us. Customs officials and some merchants are getting rich.
  • John Hancock’s ship ,The Liberty, has been seized. American sea merchants have beenunlawfully pressed (captured) by Britishcaptains.

Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______


Write Loyalist or Patriot in the rectangle:

Provide at least 3 reasons for your stand on being a Loyalist or Patriot during the American Revolutionary War:

Additional reasons or comments on your stand of being a loyalist or patriot, please write in below:





Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______

Rough Draft

(mistakes are encouraged here, start writing, remember to indent at start of each new paragraph)













Rough Draft

(mistakes are encouraged here, start writing, remember to indent at start of each new paragraph)













Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______

(first) (last)

Final Draft












Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______

(first) (last)

Final Draft










