Stretham Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 6th June 2017 at 7pm
In the Pavilion, Short road, Stretham

Present: Councillors Parish (Chairperson), Murfitt, Bright, Nuttall, Speed, Taylor, Thake, Pearce, Saunt, Previtt Prevet and the Clerk

1. Apologies and approval of absences

Councillor Roberts (Vice Chairperson)

2. To receive declarations of interest and requests for dispensations


3. To resolve that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 2nd May 2017 are a correct record
The Council resolved that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 2nd May 2017 are an accurate record. This was proposed by Councillor Speed and seconded by Councillor Saunt.

4. To receive an update about the progress of actions from the last meeting of Stretham Parish Council on 2nd May 2017

The Feast was a big success and the Clerk is in the process of sending out thank you letters. The Clerk is working with Simon from Laragh Homes to find out who owns the land at Wicken Road to get the rubbish cleared. I have chased Pam again with regards to the encroachment on Short Road. Trulink have cut down part of a lilac bush that was leaning on some grave stones and had also fallen into the field at the back. Work continues on the nursery project.

5. Public Participation

No public were present.

6. Marking contributions made by members of the community

The Clerk to get in touch with East Cambs District Council to find out what the

process is to nominate someone for an award for services to the community and to report

back at the next meeting.

7. To approve the SSRC accounts for

The SSRC accounts were approved. This was proposed by Councillor Thake and seconded

by Councillor Nuttall.

It was noted from the audit report that the SSRC is still heavily reliant on the Parish Council

contributions to run, and that the maintenance of separate accounts is a continuing burden in effort and cost to the Council, with no benefit to either the Council or the SSRC..

It was agreed that a meeting of the SSRC should be called where the members of the SSRC (who are the Parish Councillors) be asked to consider dissolution of the SSRC. The Council has previously sought other trustees to take over the running of the SSRC, No other interestedbut no parties have ever come forward in respect to taking

over as potential trustees of the SSRC. Councillor Nuttall agreed to put together an agreement to be considered by both the Council and the SSRC at the meetingto dissolve the SSRC,, all

Councillors agreed to this approach. The clerk will put a notice on the Parish Notice Board advising the community of the proposed meeting and all clubs who are regular users of the Pavilion will be contacted to allow everyone the chance to air their views.

It was therefore suggested that the SSRC is dissolved and revert to the

Parish Council. No other interested parties have ever come forward in respect to taking

over the SSRC. Councillor Nuttall to put together an agreement to dissolve the SSRC, all

Councillors agreed. A notice will go up on the Parish Council notice board to inform people

of the intended action and meeting.

8. To agree funding help with regards to the proposed Stretham to Cambridge cycle path
The Council asked the Clerk to go back to East Cambs District Council to ask if any other sources of funding have been sought for this project and to see if any other Parishes have been approached.

9. Football goal storage proposal

The Council feel at this time they cannot contribute towards the goal storage.

10. To discuss advertising potential of the village newsletter

It was felt by the council that they did not want to turn the Newsletter into pages of adverts and keep it to village news. However, the council felt it was worth writing to some local businesses to see if we could get some paid advertising.

11. To approve the netting for the top of the All-Weather Pitch

The clerk reported that she could not find anyone else who was willing to fit the net to the top of the All – Weather Pitch, therefore the council would go ahead with the quote from Odd jobs 247. The council asked that the top of the middle of the net be raised to stop the net sagging. A sign is also to be erected to say the council will not take liability for anyone who climbs on to the top of the net. This action was proposed by Councillor Thake and seconded by Councillor Pearce.

12. To consider planning applications

16/01811/FUL – Transport yard on Wicken Road - The Council had no attention points to

note regarding this planning. And again, stated they would like to see development of this

site but do question if it is safe to build on an old landfill site. This was proposed by

Councillor Pearce and seconded by Councillor PrevittPrevet.

13. To receive planning application decisions


14. To receive an update on progress of SWCLT

The AGM will be taking place on the 12th June at the Parish Rooms

15. To receive an update on the Nursery project

Following on from the legal advice that has been sought, the solicitor has advised

that it would be legally complex for the development and lease of the Pavilion to be able to progress while the lease of the Pavilion to the SSRC is in placebest if the SSRC is dissolved.. The Council felt that, with the potential cost and difficulty of progressing the Nursery project while the lease is in place and the ongoing cost and burden of maintaining the separate SSRC accounts, the SSRC should be asked to consider dissolvingthat with the Solicitors

Advice and the advice taken from the audit of the accounts that the SSRC would be

better off being dissolved, as discussed in item 7 above.. A meeting is to be set up to carry out this action, the clerk will put

a notice out on the Parish Notice Board advising the community of the proposed action and

all clubs to be contacted to allow everyone the chance to air their views.

16. Finance
To authorise payments from SPC and SSRC accounts and to note receipt of income

The following accounts were presented for payment:

Parish Council account

Cheques and Bank transfers for approval and payment:

Name / Description / Cheque Number / Amount
Celebrity Photo Booth / Feast / 002436 / £345.00
Wall of Death / Feast / 002437 / £500.00
Cambridge cheeses Company / Sold at the Farmers market / 002438 / £283.00
Ely and Littleport riot / Feast Performance / 002439 / £90.00
George Carey / Straw / 002440 / £180.00
James Thew / Newsletter delivery – including the Feast brochure and welcome to Stretham. / 002441 / £140.00
Maureen Hutter / Keyholder / Bookings / 002442 / £60.00
Les Gotobed / Bus shelters / 002443 / £80.00
HMRC / Tax / 002444 / £20.00
C & C Media / Farmers Market Banners / 002445 / £142.80
Blue Shed Studios / PA System for Feast / 002446 / £200.00
True Link / Grass Cutting / 002447 / £1,068.37
Ely Silver Starlets / Feast performance / 002448 / £100.00
Hewett Electrical / Invoices 4257 and 4256 / 002449 / £2,028.00
CPALC / Cilca training / 002450 / £420.00
Richard Nuttall / Jacket Potato oven / 002421 / £259.00
Dominic Bright / Bookers invoice for Feast / 002452 / £129.57
Pete Penny / Wages / 002453 / £271.00
Laura Shearing / Production of newsletter / 002454 / £707.00
Kim Bolderson / Wages and expenses / 002455 / £1,021.96
Cam Fire / Service of fire extinguisher / 002456 / £93.00
Tim Jakes / Removal of fallen tree / 002457 / £22.50
Wicken Coronation band / Feast performance / 002458 / £50.00

Balance of Current account at 3rd June 2017 £39,819.03

Cheques for payment total £8,134.59

Balance once cheques have cleared £31,684.44

Income since last meeting: Grand Prize Draw £329.80p, Food Stall £1210.35, 10% from Stalls £351.00, Cheese stall £260.00, Famers Market £114.00, Collection buckets £505.53, Red Lion 10 % £150.00, Stone Mason – Lewis £45.00


Cheques for approval and payment:

Name / Description / Cheque Number / Amount
Mr. P. Penny / Wages and Expenses / 000401 / £115.00

Balance of Current account at 3rd June 2017 £1126.53

Cheques for payment total £115.00

Balance once cheques have cleared - £1,011.53

Income since last meeting: £0.00

Clerk Breakdown

Description / Amount
Wages for June 2017 / £832.00
Minus Statutory Deductions / -£20.00
Expenses Total
Extension cable £19.99
Cutlery for Feast £17.91
Jacket potatoe boxes £26.70
Napkins £85.05
Toilet Roll £16.88
Dust bin bags £12.70
Ink £20.74
Memory Stick £9.99 / £209.96
TOTAL / £1,021.96

It was proposed by Councillor Pearce and seconded by Councillor Nuttall that the above

accounts be paid. All in agreement.

17. To receive Correspondence

A letter was received from MAGPAS asking for a donation, the council all agreed to make a £250 donation.

The Bowls clubbed emailed to ask the Council if they would mind them putting up a shed to

act as a changing room for the lady players. The Council asked if they could see a plan of

where the shed is to be erected and what type of shed they would like to put up.

All other correspondence was circulated.

18. To receive reports from Working Parties and Sub-Committees

All working parties and sub-committees reported into the meeting.
Recreation Working Party – Nothing to report

Amenities – Nothing to report

Footpaths Working Party – The grass is left to get too long, the Clerk to find out how

many cuts we have a year.

Finance – A meeting to be arranged once the Feast is over

Highways – It was reported by Councillor Murfit that a blue Corsa has been seen driving very dangerously next to the school, when Councillor Murfitt stopped him to ask him to slow down he was verbally abused and the car speed away. The Clerk to find out who this car belongs to and to report to the police. The speed watch group will be going out in July and August. A note is to be put in to the Newsletter asking for more volunteers.

Eleanor’s Field Working Party – Nothing to report

Feast Sub-Committee – Nothing to report

19. To receive Councillors questions and review rolling timetable

Councillor Pearce noted that the website has not been updated with copies of recent minutes, The Clerk said she would

make sure this is done.

It was reported that there are holes with metal lining on the recreation ground. These are

the goal post holes, the Clerk to make contact with the teams to get these covered.

The brambles to the side of the recreation ground need cutting back, the Clerk to contact


There have been reports that Reads Street is very rough and is starting to get dangerous.

The Clerk to contact Pam from highways.

The Clerk to produce a draft copy of an annual rolling timetable so Councillors are aware of

what is coming up each month and it can be added to the agenda.

Meeting closed at 08:04pm