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COMMITTEE: Delta Omega Chapter, Monthly Board Meeting DATE: 9-26-16 TIME: _5:00______TO: _6:15______

Membership: Dina Dornack, Lisa Hart, Linda Shanks, Carolyn Sutter, Laurie Celek, Ashley Capestrain, Barb Brunt, Lyn Benedict, Eileen Fleming, Diane Lorenzen, Lori Kidd, Cheryl Buchanan

Excused: Aris Beoglos

Minutes: Corrected Aug 22, 2016 minutes; approved unanimously. Minutes of June 27th, 2016 not available at this time






I.  Call to Order
II.  Treasurer’s Report
– Laurie Celek
III.  Committee Reports
A.  Research grants & Recognition – B. Brunt and M. Huff
B.  Membership – L. Kidd
C.  Program – L. Hart
D.  Governance – Carolyn Sutter
E.  Finance – L. Celek
F.  Leadership Successor-E. Fleming
G.  Newsletter – A. Capestrain & C. Sutter
IV.  Old Business
A.  Bylaws Update – C. Sutter
B.  STTI Connection Conference 9/17/16 report – L. Shanks
C.  2016 Open M Lunch 9/21/16
D.  2015-2017 Strategic Plan
E.  Chapter Key Updates
V.  New Business
A.  Online Induction
B.  Open M Lunch
C.  Bylaws
D.  Rising Stars of Research
E.  Leadership Opportunities / I.  Meeting called to order by Linda Shanks, President
II.  Written report provided. An additional CD (#5032) for $13,000 needs to be added.
Issues brought up for further discussion.
A.  Currently we are spending more than we are bringing. Need to discuss at another board meeting the need for a balanced budget.
B.  All outstanding checks have cleared
C.  Savings account and CD’s have provided very little return; accounts considered dormat by Bank
D.  Barb Brunt will review (audit) members for 2016
A.  No applications have been submitted; need to encourage applicants for next submission deadline. Call for applications to be in newsletter and email.
B.  No Report
C.  Program for 11/16/16 will be Nancy Mc Manus discussing the current nursing law. This will be at Summa.
Other Ideas discussed fort possible programs:
1)  Compassion Fatigue
2)  Opioid issues
3)  Collaborate with other local chapters for Spring 2017 program
D.  No Report
E.  Chapter giving club of $441.00
F.  No Report
G.  Please send any information for newsletter publication to Ashley Capestrain as soon as possible
A.  There are 3 things that are mandatory by STTI and need corrected
B.  L. Shanks and interns did presentation. Topics discussed were recruitment and retention
C.  Poor volunteer turnout; over 60 people fed. Continue to do a Hot lunch on 2/24/17. Seek more volunteers
D.  No Report
E.  No Report
A.  C. Sutter & L. Kidd will do online Webinar
B.  Will participate 2/27/17
C.  Awaiting response from STTI
D.  3 Students will be supported for posters as chapter representations. Need abstract by 10/5/16
E.  STTI wants more people involved regionally and internationally
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm. Next meeting 10/24/16.
Cheryl Buchanan / II.  This report will be attached electronically to minutes.
C.  L. Celek moved to establish Finance Task Force to discuss financial aspects and bring recommendations to board by 4/2017. The treasurer will serve as chair with 1 student, 1 faculty, 1 community member & 2 board members. Seconded by E. Fleming. Passed unanimously
E.  C. Sutter moved to continue with being a chapter give club and send $441.00 to STTI. Seconded by B. Brunt. Passed Unanimously.
A.  Draft sent to Jessica at chapter operations for approval
B.  Presentation will be posted on website