
ELA 8 The Pearl

Directions: Alone, with a partner, or in a group of three, search through chapters one, two, and three and find evidence of the statement to the left.

Find me evidence in Chapter one that: / Evidence / Explanation of answer / Page
Kino and Juana are indigent. / “…looked quickly at Juana’s old blue skirt, saw the tears in her shawl…read the thousand washings of Kino’s clothes, and set them down as poverty people…” / Kino and Juana’s clothes are very old. They are torn, and faded from years of use. If Kino and Juana were not poor, they would certainly have clothes of better quality. / 700
Juana is good mother.
The Doctor is incompetent. / 700
Kino has trouble controlling his emotions. / 698
Find me evidence in Chapter two that: / Evidence / Explanation of answer / Page
Kino’s canoe is a valuable asset.
When Kino finds the pearl, it is a symbol of good.
Find me evidence in Chapter three that: / Evidence / Explanation of answer / Page
The news of the pearl being found brings out the worst in the townspeople.
Steinbeck uses descriptions in nature as foreshadowing. / 711
The pearl has brought evil into their lives.
Juana is good mother. / “But Juana had the baby in her arms now. She put her lips down over the puncturwound and sucked hard and spat and sucked again” (698).
“She looked up at him, her eyes as cold as the eyes of a lioness, This was Juana’s first child-this was nearly everything there was in Juana’s world…” (699).
“She gathered some brown seaweed, and made a damp poultice of it and applied it to the babies shoulder” (703). / Juana is a good mother because she puts the welfare of her baby before anything else. She sucks the poison out of his body, without regard for her own safety. She asks her husband to get the doctor without regard for how the neighbors or anyone else will feel, and she uses her own knowledge of Indian medicine to try and relieve her son’s pain. Because she always puts the welfare of her child before anything else… Juana is a good mother.
The Doctor is incompetent.
Not having the
Necessary skills to do
Devoid of those
Qualities requisite
for effective
conduct or action.
/ “They knew his ignorance, his clumsy operations…they saw his corpses go into the church” (700).
“The Dr. has gone out” (701).
“Then from his bag he took a little bag of white powder. He asked for water, mixed it with three drops of ammonia, and opened the babies mouth” (712). / If the doctor was competent, then his operations would not be clumsy, and so many of his patients would not die. In addition to this, a doctor is effective because he takes an oath to help those in need. By denying Coyotito care because he couldn’t pay, and purposely making him sick so that he can get paid for a “cure,” the doctor is proving that he is using his professional knowledge and position in an extremely unethical manner. This makes the doctor incompetent. / 700
Kino has trouble controlling his emotions. / 698
Find me evidence in Chapter two that: / Evidence / Explanation of answer / Page
Kino’s canoe is a valuable asset.
When Kino finds the pearl, it is a symbol of good.
Find me evidence in Chapter three that: / Evidence / Explanation of answer / Page
The news of the pearl being found brings out the worst in the townspeople.
Steinbeck uses descriptions in nature as foreshadowing. / 711
The pearl has brought evil into their lives.