Meeting date: July 18, 2013

Call to order:The meeting was called to order at 7:33pm, the pledges were read.

Clubs in attendance::All-Star Equestrians, BC Wranglers, Caballeros, Equestrian Challenge, Elite Equestrians, Equus Excellence, Horse Sense, Jr. Leaders, Knight Riders, Lucky Levi’s, Macedonia Pioneers, Royal Riders, Rough Riders, Saddle Seekers, Showman’s Corner, Show Stoppers, Trailblazers II.

Clubs not in attendance:Skyriders, Mane Attraction

The minutes from last month were read and approved with the checking account balance change of 44,001.27. Motioned – Dave Freeland Second –Carla Kline. Motion passed.

Congratulations to Gwen and Jon White who became voting members of SC4HSHAin May of 2013 and this month Leanne Jones.

Officers' reports:
-Treasurer’s Report: Please see attached. Beginning balance:$44001.27

Peronio’s - $1,982.75

Rails and one PAS Sign – Associated Screen Print - $92.20

To Sara Justice – reimbursement for awards, Hodges - $118.76.

Ending Balance - $41,202.27 before above stated bills.

Laura Meade motioned to approve the bills, Michelle Walters seconded – motion passed.

Dave Freeland motioned that we allow Denny a check for $500.00 for fair in case of maintenance emergencies. Denny will be responsible for receipts for money. Mike Farren seconded. Denny abstained. Motion passed.

-President’s Report –

Extension: Thank you fair committee!! And keep in mind that Debbie Hookway and Angie Hawsman don’t have to be there – be nice to them!

Grievance Committee: Carla Kline –

1st Grievance – Emily G. – BC Wranglers - signed up for novice English, wants to also reverse to walk-trot. The vote is that she is allowed to switch horses and remain novice and still earn highpoint. We must know the horse by Sunday at 3:00pm.

Sarah N. –Equus Excellence - The leasor pulled the horse from the child. She would switch to another horse in the barn and would remain novice English. The vote was that she was allowed to switch horses. but lose highpoint. The required paperwork must be turned into the fair chairperson by Sunday at 3:00p,m.

Sarah B. – Saddleseekers - Thrown at the horse show on Saturday, taken by EMS. Was doing well before hand, but now is in pain. Requesting to go back to walk trot, was signed up for novice this year. This is her third year going to fair. Motion passed.

Lynn T – Royal Riders –Requesting to take a different horse in place of her current horse, vet’s note. Lynn is novice English, and she would remain novice English. A concern came up as to whether the horse she would be taking, the one she is interested in taking will be shown at Portage Co. The vote was in favor of her taking another horse to fair and remaining novice English and keeping highpoint.

Jordan S – BC Wranglers – Her horse was put down on Tuesday. The project was allowed to be switched and she will have highpoint also.

Sara Justice motioned that Article 14, Section 3 – the last sentence have added death notification, vet notice or written haul slip be added to the bylaws. Carla Kline seconded. Motion passed.

Officer reports:

Fair (Angie Hawsman and Debbie Hookway) – Thank you to everyone! We will still need help. On Friday morning, Trail Blazers will help set up jumping. There are a few things that need to be picked up before fair. Wednesday morning from 8-10:00, will be pancakes and breakfast from the farm bureau. Patterns are pretty much done.

Ad Book(Carla Kline) – The book turned out beautifully, but next year please don’t use 25th hour printing.

Horse Bowl (Sara Justice) – See you in Oct.

Website (Sara Justice) – As updated as possible.

Ribbons & Trophies (Diane Justice) – All done!

Rules (Sara Justice) –See you in the fall!

Sunshine Club (Mrs. Lowe) – none

Rotating Trophies (Mrs. Lowe) – They must be here by today!

Fair Board (Mrs. Lowe and Chris Wokojance) – 4H fun night is Friday night at the fair.

Project Awards (Chris Wokojance) – Sunday at 1:00 in the pavilion – the kids will be notified.

Scholarship (Judi Adams) –Scholarship interviews are scheduled for Sunday, there are 7 applicants.

Judges (Judi Adams) –Patterns are in. Discussion relating to farrier. He requested a pay increase and was told that we would not be able to offer that. Please make sure all club members know there will be no farrier at fair this year.

PAS (Chris Wokojance) –The following 4-Her’s qualified1. Megan A(PAS)2. Abigail B (Dressage, PAS)3. Rachel B (PAS)4. Michelle B (PAS)5. Katie C (PAS)6. Kody C (PAS) 7.Hannah C (PAS)8. Kitra C (PAS) 9.Breanna C(PAS)10.Sydney C (Dressage) 11.Callie Gerzanics (Dressage) 12.Hanna Hedderick (PAS)13. Morgan Hillard (Dressage, PAS)14. Mollie Jones: (PAS)15. Kylie Lamb (Dressage)16. Micheala McVicker (PAS)17. Katelyn Mc Whirter (PAS)18. Sarah Prentice (PAS)19. Mariah Rice (PAS)20. Nicholas Romanini )PAS) 21.Stephanie Sondles (PAS)22. Cassandra Steele (Dressage)23 Amanda Walters ( PAS)24. Kendall Weinsheimer (Dressage) 25. Hannah Wines (Dressage) 26. Brooke Layton (PAS)

If riders are going to state fair, please have them come to the extension office, or they can get them from Jackie on Monday at the fairgrounds.

Finance Committee (Michelle Walters) –. Sheetz gift cards, rail logos are in. If the kids want Sheetz cards they will have to see Michelle. The tshirts are on their way, and we will be taking a group photo, probably on Wednesday evening around 6.

Open Show (Joani Hedderick and Lynn Schott) – There were some glitches with the spreadsheet but it was a great show. The judges were really good.

Competitive Trail (Dee Casteel) – We are set for August 17th at Brecksville. They can turn in their PNR’s at the August 10th show or email them to Dee.

Maintenance (Denny Bittaker) –The dirt is where it needs to be! There are three stalls that need fixed. Everyone needs to help out and feel free to fix your own stalls.

Volunteer Hours (Mike Farren) –Will be posted and updated!

Jr. Leaders and Horse Camp (Rachel Smith) – Thank you!The Jr. Leaders party is planned (tentatively) for August 6th at Michelle and Amanda Walters house. The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 20th.

Old Business:none

New business:Carla Kline moved that we look into purchasing or leasing a new copier machine, for under $400. Laura Meade seconded. Motion passed. Dr. Brad Hillard moved that we replace the computer. Sara Justice seconded. Discussion – it is not in the budget. Gwen Morgan offered to donate a computer. Dr. Brad Hillard rescinded his motion.


Bring a rake for Ring A!

We are looking into the groundhog situation.

Campers go in on Sunday – anytime after 1.

Kitra C. made the state youth advisory council!

Tri-folds get turned into the fair office.

**The next meeting is August 15, 2013

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:41

Respectfully Submitted,

Rachel Schutte

Date Approved: