Note to referee:
This candidate is applying for the NUS Scholarships. These comprise the NUS Global Merit Scholarship, NUS Undergraduate (Merit) Scholarship, NUS Undergraduate Scholarship, Kent Ridge Undergraduate (Merit) Scholarship and Kent Ridge Undergraduate Scholarship.
The NUSScholarships areawarded to students who demonstrate outstandingintellect, strong leadership potential,sound character anda passion for innovation and creativity. Recipients of these scholarships will receive varying terms and benefits including coverage of tuition fees, and living and accommodation allowances. No bond is attached to these scholarships. As such, the recipientscan contribute to any field of their choice after completing their undergraduate studies at NUS.
The candidate has named you to be his/her referee. We would appreciate receiving your confidential report on the candidate regarding his/her scholarship application. You may use a separate sheet for item 3, if necessary. Please return this report to the applicant (in a sealed envelope) or submit this report to our Office by emailing it directly to in PDF/JPEG format by 24 December 2012.
Thank you for your assistance.
Full Name of Applicant:
NRIC/UIN/Passport No.:
Course applied for (first choice)
Single Degree Course:
Double Degree Course:
1. / How long have you known the applicant? ______
2. / Among the students at a similar level that you have known in recent years, how would you rate the applicant?
(Please put a tick () in the appropriate box.)
top 5%top 30%
top 10%lowest 50%
top20%unable to judge
3. / Please tell us your views on this student’s intellectual, academic and all-round abilities. We will also like to know about his/herunique personal circumstances (if any), challenges he/she had overcome and/or outstanding accomplishments that make this student exceptional. You may use the space below, or enclose a separate sheet for the write-up.
Signature / : / Date:
Name of Referee / :
Designation / :
Postal Address / :
Email Address / :
Please return this report to the applicant (in a sealed envelope) or submit this report to our Office by emailing it directly to in PDF/JPEG format

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