Whitford Diary 1905

January 1, 1905

Sunday. New years morning. Midlin culd (cold) & John made a dance & a lot of people cume (came) & they had a good time they cummensed (commenced) 12 pm & danced until morning.

January 2, 1905

A nither (another) fine morning & we stad (stayed) home all day. Still fine to night (tonight).

January 3, 1905

A nither fine morning & we stad home all day. Still fine to night.

January 4, 1905

A nither fine morning & we stad home & I huntd (hunted) rats. Still midlin culd.

January 5, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd rats & I kild (killed) rats again. Still culd.

January 6, 1905

Still culd yet & I huntd rats. Still midlin culd to night.

January 7, 1905

Still culd yet to day (today) & I dune (done) fire wood & we stad home. Still culd to night.

January 8, 1905

Sunday. Midlin culd to day & we stad home all day. Still culd to night.

January 9, 1905

Sunny this morning & me & the old woman started to Ponoka & we (?) to (?) & (?). Still culd to night.

January 10, 1905

Still culd this morning & we started & we (?) in the way & on to town. Still culd to night.

January 11, 1905

Still culd yet & me & the old woman we gut (got) on the train to Lacombe & I gut ready cheque & we cume back to Ponoka & we gut ready & we started & travelled all night & gut at Joe Louis his place & campt (camped).

January 12, 1905

Fine morning & we cume of & stad at the store(?) & cume by (?) & moved there & then cume home. Still culd to night.

January 13, 1905

Still culd yet this morning & we will go to (?) his place on a dance to night & they danced all night. Still culd.

January 14, 1905

Very culd this morning & we cume home & we are home. Still culd to night.

January 15, 1905

A nither culd morning & Joe House is here & we will be here all day. Still fine night.

January 16, 1905

A nither fine morning & I sent George to the Stan(?) 7 we get ready all day & Archie (?) to night. Midlin culd to night.

January 17, 1905

A nice morning & we made ready & cume of & we cume past by (?) & campt. Fine.

January 18, 1905

A nither fine morning & we cume of & moved at (?) & cume on to beaver dam & we camp. Still fine to night.

January 19, 105

A fine morning & we cume to (?) Dam Creek & campt there. Still fine.

January 20, 1905

Snud (snowed) last night & we stad there all day. Still rough weather yet. Culd.

January 21, 1905

Still culd this morning & we cume to Nilsons & had dinner & then cume to the lakes & campt. Still cud.

January 22, 1905

Sunday. Still culd this morning & we are here all day resting here. Culd.

January 23, 1905

Still culd yet & we started on & campt at the bend of the river & George started sume dens(?). Still culd.

January 24, 1905

Very culd & I did nut (not) go eny (any) where to day & George started some dens(?) again. Still very culd to night.

January 25, 1905

Still culd yet & I started on a hunt & I kild one deer. Still culd yet to night.

January 26, 1905

Still culd this morning & we started on a hunt but did nut get eny thing. Still to night.

January 27, 1905

Nut so culd this morning & we moved camp. Snuing (snowing) a little but the weather is nut bad.

January 28, 1905

Snuing a little this morning & we started on a hunt & we gut 3 & cume home. Still snuing a little to night.

January 29, 1905

Sunday. Midlin fair this morning and is culd. Rest here to day. Fine to night.

January 30, 1905

Culd this morning & we made (?) & cume of & campt here at the Lake. Still culd & the boys kild a lynx. Still culd to night.

January 31, 1905

Still very culd this morning & we cume of & gut at Nilsons & campt. Still very culd to night.

February 1, 1905

Still culd this morning & we rested home all day & Ed cume to see us. Still culd to night.

February 2, 1905

Still very culd this morning & we cume to where they are campt. Still culd to night.

February 3, 1905

Still culd yet & we are home to day. Still culd yet to night.

February 4, 1905

Midlin fine this morning & we are going on a hunt but did nut get eny thing. Still culd to night.

February 5, 1905

Sunday. Still midlin culd to day & Mr. Rich cume to see us. Still culd to night.

February 6, 1905

Still culd yet this morning & we started on a hunt to day but only gut one. Still culd to night.

February 7, 1905

Still culd this morning & me & George & Antoine and (?) started on a hunt but did nut get eny thing. Still very culd to night.

February 8, 1905

Still culd to day & we huntd again but nu (no) luck. Still culd & shot sume deer but did nut get eny thing. Still very culd.

February 9, 1905

Still culd & we huntd rabbits to day. Still culd to night.

February 10, 1905

Very culd this morning & me & George & Archie went on a hunt. This is the coldest morning yet.

February 11, 1905

Still culd yet this morning & we moved camp to Nilsons. Still culd to night.

February 12, 1905

Sunday. Still culd yet & we are home & we went over to see Mr. Rich & cume home. Still culd to night.

February 13, 1905

Snuing this morning & we made a start & cume to White Brush & campt. Blowing hard this evening.

February 14, 1905

Nut so culd this morning & we cume of & cume to Beaver Dam & campt on this sidenear Stefens (Stephens?) his ranch. Nut so culd to night.

February 15, 1905

Blowing hard this morning & we cume of campt near Big Knife Creek. Still warm.

February 16, 1905

A nither fine morning & we cume of & gut home in good time. Still fine and Archie home. Still fine to night.

February 17, 1905

Midlin fine to day & we stad home. Still fine to night.

February 18, 1905

A nither fine morning & I started to Willow Creek & sent of my mail & sent 23 dollars to Spelmanu(?) & cume home.

February 19, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started to go & see Tom & cume home. Still fine.

February 20, 1905

Midlin culd this morning & we (?) from (?). Still midlin culd to night.

February 21, 1905

Midlin fine to day & we will hunt rats to day but did nut hunt. Still fine to night.

February 22, 1905

A nither fine morning & I went over to (?) & wrote a letter for him to Camertin(?) to the (?) of (??) that sume white men (?) him.

February 23, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started to the store & mailed the letters & cume home. Still fine to night.

February 24, 1905

A nither fine morning & I made ready & me & the old woman started to (?) & campt there. Fine to night.

February 25, 1905

Still fine to day & we cume to the fishing place & fishd & we kild 4 & cume home. Still fine to night.

February 26, 1905

Sunday. A nither fine morning & we stad home all day & Flora cume to see us & James also. Still fine to night.

February 27, 1905

A nither fine morning & I went for the hay rack & gut a half load of hay. Still fine to night.

February 28, 1905

A nither fine morning & I went for hay again & John started of. Still fine to night.

March 1, 1905

A nither fine morning & Archie & Gilbert & his wife cume & the boys huntd rats & they kild 8 in all & Archie started home. Still fine to night.

March 2, 1905

A nither beautiful morning blowing hard all day. Still fine to night.

March 3, 1905

A nither fine morning & I went over to James for my things. Still fine to night.

March 4, 1905

A nither fine morning & I huntd rabbits & kild 8 to day. Still fine to night.

March 5, 1905

Sunday. Midlin culd this morning & we will rest here to day & we are here all day. Fine.

March 6, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started to Brassus to the dance & all the people cume & they danced all night. Fine to night.

March 7, 1905

A nither fine morning & we stad there & they danced all day. Fine to night.

March 8, 1905

Blowing hard & we cume home & I sen (seen) (?) & then cume home. Still fine to night.

March 9, 1905

A nither fine morning & Joe Brasu cume to see me. Still fine to night.

March 10, 1905

Midlin culd this morning & I dune hay & Andrew started home & the boys huntd but they gut nuthing (nothing). Still culd (---).

March 11, 1905

A nither fine morning & I huntd rabbits & kild 13. Still culd to night.

March 12, 1905

Sunday. Midlin culd this morning & we started for to fight fires & the prairie fires past him & the people stoped (stopped) it. Still culd to night.

March 13, 1905

Still culd this morning & I huntd rabbits & I kild 8 & cume home. Still culd to night.

March 14, 1905

Nut so culd this morning & me & the old woman started to the store & gut all the things we wanted & we campt at my sister in the laws house. Still fine to night.

March 15, 1905

Fine this morning & we cume of & gut home in good time. Still fine to night.

March 16, 1905

A very warm day & I dune ‘hay 3 loads & Joe Simpson(?) cume with (?). Fine.

March 17, 1905

Freezing this morning & I dune all the hay to day. Very cloudy all day.

March 18, 1905

A nither fine morning & I huntd to for to get sume meat for Sunday & kild rabbits so Joe stad here he (?) him for Sunday. Sine to night.

March 19, 1905

Sunday. A nither fine morning & we had lots of visitors to day. Flora also cume t see us. Still fine to night.

March 20, 1905

A nither fine morning & Joe Simpson(?) made a start and I had row with the old woman & she moved out side in a tent. I am nut to blame for this jist (just) for lies.

March 21, 1905

A nither fine morning & me & Same (Sammie) set traps & we kild a few to day. Still fine.

March 22, 1905

Snuing hard this morning & Ed Larose cume & campt here. Midlin fine to night.

March 23, 1905

A nither fine morning & I started to see our traps & Ed Larose started & I (?) took him in the way & he tuld (told) me that he would nut cume back to his wife & the old woman started on to Toms. Fine night.

March 24, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd again. Still fine to night.

March 25, 1905

A nither fine morning & we took our traps up & kild sume. Still fine to night.

March 26, 1905

Sunday. A nice morning & we stad home all day. Still fine to night.

March 27, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started to White Brush & we campt at Gilberts. Fine to night.

March 28, 1905

A nither fine morning & we cume of & we called in Jacobs wards & cume home. Still fine to night.

March 29, 1905

Midlin culd to day & I put up Rye & (?) cume for us & we gut there half past 11 pm & the old woman (??) his wife Nilson. So it helped him.

March 30, 1905

Culd this morning & his man took us home & we cume home & started with (?) to trap & we campt here.

March 30, 1905

Still culd this morning & we set our traps. Fine to day[DM1].

March 31, 1905

A nither fine morning & we set our traps & kild a few to day. Midlin culd to day. Fine.

April 1, 1905

A nither fine morning & we kild sume rats again. Still fine to night.

April 2, 1905

Sunday. Culd this morning & my sister law cume to see us to day. Still fine to night.

April 3, 1905

A nither fine morning & I started for the mill & I cume home & I sen Tom in the way. Still fine to night.

April 4, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started this after noon & I kild 9 rats. Still fine to night.

April 5, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd all day. Still fine to night.

April 6, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd rats again & kild a few. Still fine to night.

April 7, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd again & kild afew. Still fine t night.

April 8, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd again & kild a few again. Still fine to night.

April 9, 1905

A nither fine morning & we huntd again & kild a few. Still fine to night.

April 10, 1905

Sunday. A nither fine morning & me & the old woman started over to Toms & I sen Brassu there & we cume home & Gilbert & Joe House was drunk to night. Fine to night.

April 11, 1905

A nither fine morning & we set our traps & kild a few. Still fine to night.

April 12, 1905

A nither fine morning & the old woman went to Stan & it snud to night.

April 13, 1905

A nitherfine morning & we moved camp & set our traps. Culd to night.

April 14, 1905

Still culd this morning & we huntd again & kild a few. Still culd to night.

April 15, 1905

Still culd this morning & we moved camp & set our traps & kild a few & I rammed stick in my foot to day & we huntd. Still culd to night.

April 16, 1905

Still culd yet & Flora cume to see us. Still nut warm to night.

April 17, 1905

Fine morning & we moved to our house & they set the traps & they kild a few. Still fine to night.

April 18, 1905

A very nice morning & we are home to day (?) & they started for their traps & Annie & Ellen kild 1. Still fine.

April 19, 1905

Midlin fine this morning & me & the old woman started to Red Willow & cume home & went on to (?)& his had a girl it was a hard time we stad all night & Edward B(?) his stables burnt down.

April 20, 1905

Still burning this morning& we cume home & Antoine & Joe to campt here to night. Still fine to night.

April 21, 1905

Good Friday. Snud this morning & I am sore with my foot to day but it cleared fine to this evening.

April 22, 1905

Fine morning & we stad at the house all day (?) started of. Still fine to night.

April 23, 1905

Easter Sunday & we rested home all day & Ed cume to see us to night. Still fine to night.

April 24, 1905

Fine morning & we gut ready & cume of & we campt near the (???) & theyset the traps. Fine to night.

April 25, 1905

Very warm to day & we cume of & campt (??) Still fine to night.

April 26, 1905

Blowing hard this morning & we started of & we gut to sume(?) lakes & thet set their traps. Still blowing all night & culd.

April 27, 1905

Still culd this morning & they did nut get much & we decided for to cume home & we started & dune. All day very culd & windy & it calmed to night.

April 28, 1905

Midlin fine this morning & they huntd to day & they kild a lot. Still fine & William Bremmer cume home. Still fine to night.

April 29, 1905

A nither fine morning & we moved camp thisday & they will set their traps. Still fine.

April 30, 1905

Sunday. A nither fine morning & we rested here all day. Still fine to night.

May 1, 1905

Monday. Blowing(?) hard this morning & they will set their traps again. Still fine to night.

May 2, 1905

A nither fine morning & they kild a lot to day. Still fine to night.

May 3, 1905

A nither fine morning & George started to see our house & huntd at the same time & they kild a few. Still fine to night.

May 4, 1905

A nither fine morning & they huntd again & kild a lot. Still fine to night.

May 5, 1905

A nither fine morning & they huntd again & kild a lot to day. Still fine to night.

May 6, 1905

A nither fine morning & we moved camp to day & they set their traps but there is nut much here & then took up the traps fine & I sent sume to Stan. Still fine to night.

May 7, 1905

Sunday. A nither fine morning & (?) Hanis cume to see us. Still fine to night.

May 8, 1905

Fine morning only windy to day & we moved camp & camp here & they started to set the traps. Fine to night.

May 9, 1905

A nither fine morning only blowing hard all day & they kild sume.. Still fine.

May 10, 1905

A nither fine morning & a man cume to see us & they kild sume again & this man cume & I traded (??) I gave him 2 days(?) & he gave me a rifle & a day(?). Fine to night.

May 11, 1905

A nither fine. Rained a little & it cleared up. Still fine to night.

May 12, 1905

Midlin fine this morning & we moved camp & set the traps & caught a few fine.

May 13, 1905

A nither fine morning & we moved to Toms & campt here. Still fine to night.

May 14, 1905

Look like rain & cume a heavy cloud. Rain to day & we had to move camp to the side of the (??). Fine to night.

May 15, 1905

Blowing hard & we started to White Brush& I gave all my rats to Williams for 15¢ a piece & I sent 3000 dollars to me beat Ponoka & we cume home. Still fine to night.

May 16, 1905

A nither fine morning & we stad home all day. Still fine to night.

May 17, 1905

Midlin fine to day but it gut cloudy & it is raining this evening. Still bad to night. Raining now & again.

May 18, 1905

Fine morning & I sent Same for the mail & Tom cume to night. Still fine.

May 19, 1905

Blowing hard this morning and we will stay home to day & the children sent after sume thing to eat. Still fine.

May 20, 1905

Blowing hard this morning & we started with Tom for to hunt fish & we kild 8 & then cume home. Still fine.

May 21, 1905

Sunday. Still blowing hard to day & we will stay home all day. Still fine to night.

May 22, 1905

A nither fine morning & we were sent for to a wedding so they started. Still fine. The old gray mare had a (?).

May 23, 1905

Midlin fine this morning & the old woman cume home & we (??) to (???) Hills this after noon but did nut start.

May 24, 1905

A nice moning & we gut ready & started of & we (?) sen Nilson at the store & we went on & traveled on to (???) & campt. Still fine to night.

May 25, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started & we moved in the way & we went on to Rich but he was nut home & we started to the river & sen the quarter but the old woman she dunt (don’t) like it so we cume back to Rich & campt. A very heavy frost to night.

May 26, 1905

A nither fine morning &we cume of & traveled all day & campt & Same kild 2 (?) & we saw nuthing. Still fine to night.

May 27, 1905

A nither fine morning & we started and we sen a cougar traveling & we sen one antelope but did nut get him & we cume on home & cume by the (?) & on to the (?) Hills & campt. Fine to night.

May 28, 1905

A nither fine morning & we are home all day. Really fine all day. Clear. Still fine to night.

May 29, 1905

A nither fine morning & we made a early start before breakfast & cume to the creek & had breakfast & then started & (??) the (?) & then cume home & we gut home in good time. Fine.