CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Building Alternatives to Extremism

Background and ARI partnerships approach

ActionAid is an international non-governmental development organization with a visionto contribute to the eradication of poverty and injustice amongst people living in poverty around the world. We believe, as stated in our theory of change, that this can be achieved through purposeful individual and collective action, led by the active agency of people living in poverty and supported by solidarity, credible rights-based alternatives and campaigns that address the structural causes and consequences of poverty. ActionAid is committed to using human rights based approach (HRBA) to development, challenging powerstructures in communities where we work. We are committed to asserting the indivisibility and inter-connectedness of rights, recognizing that for people to enjoy their rights, we need to change not only policies and practices but also attitudes and behaviors.

One of the core principles of ActionAid’s approach to programming is working in partnership. With humility we recognize that we are part of a wider movement against poverty and that structural change can only happen when people stand and work together. We contribute to this process by building primary partnerships with people’s organisations and social movements, non-governmental and community-based organisations supportive of their struggles. We also work in alliances to achieve change through campaigning and advocacy, with diverse actors including but not limited to NGOs, networks, think-tanks, unions, campaigns and progressive companies. In the few contexts where we cannot find well-rooted primary partners to link with, we may start work in an operational mode. We will do so with the intention of building strong community-based organizations that can become our primary partners and contribute to a strengthened civil society movement. Partnership is an overarching and fundamental value that cuts across geographies, functions and levels (from local to international) through which ActionAid’s work is implemented. We build partnerships with organizations respecting their autonomy, mutually strengthening our capacities and sharing learning to build a formidable movement for change. ActionAid International is truly ‘a unique partnership of people who are fighting for a better world – a world without poverty’.

The aim of this partnership framework is to strengthen our program quality, by guiding the practice of engagement with primary partners across the ActionAid Federation. It aims to foster strategic and effective partnerships with organizations that most effectively address the root causes of poverty and injustice, and empower people as agents of their own development, including through campaigning.

ActionAid understands partnership as ‘a strategic relationship between primary partners, underpinned by our human rights based approach, for the purpose of sustainable and positive change for people living in poverty. Partnerships are based on the principles of shared values, complimentary, accountability, clarity of roles, equity and learning.

The Program and proposal

ARI has embarked together with Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs on a program aiming at building alternatives to extremism. A program that will launch in Jordan with a vision to roll out regionally in due time.

The program focuses primarily on youth in vulnerable Jordanian communities, providing them safe spaces to engagement in their respective communities, and empowerment to address power and governance structures in their localities, and an aspect of economic empowerment through social enterprises. The program will also aim at addressing sources of extremism in vulnerable communities through raising the awareness of Imams and preachers towards a tolerant and Human Rights Based address.

The partnership is aiming at bringing in the expertise of experienced organizations who can contribute to the first component of the program; which focuses on training of Imams and Preachers and review of curricula of King Abdullah Centre for Preparing Imams and Preachers. The objective is to harness a harangue that promotes social cohesion, peaceful coexistence and human rights values. The partner will also be expected to develop training curricula for Imams and preachers to be adopted by Ministry of Awqaf for their internal training and capacity building activities in the future.

The selected organization must present a sound methodology for the review and the training and present evidence of proven experience in the domain. The partner will also be requested to facilitate a study tour for a number of Imams and Preachers to a European country that can showcase positive peaceful coexistence between Muslim community and the local community, the purpose of the mission is to demonstrate the possibilities, to observe how mosques are utilized as community centers in local communities and support copying best practices into the Jordanian context, the partner will contribute to identifying the visited country and identify the modules visited.

Hence, ARI is calling for partnerships with key organizations to vary and build the alternatives to extremism in the Arab Region.

Eligibility Criteria

The selected partner should be:

-A Jordanian local nonprofit nonpartisan organization, with proven experience in applying the Human Rights Based Approach to Development

-A strong and proven experience in harnessing a culture of democracy and human rights through faith based organizations in Jordan.

-Experience in carrying out civic education training frameworks and promotion of peaceful coexistence.

-A sound an relevant proposal that directly addresses the issue of religious extremism among Imams and preachers

-Proven capacity to develop training manuals and curricula reviews in similar contexts

Indicative Timeline:

Call out for Proposal:14th March 2016

Submission of a project Proposals and an estimated budget: 31st March 2016

Concept and Budget negotiation: April 1st–April 31st2016

Signing of partnership agreement: 20th April 2016

Basic Content of Project Proposal and Budget:

1-Basic Information

2-Project Justification

3-Geographical Coverage.

4-Context Analysis.

5-Target Groups.

(Primary and Secondary)

6-Overall Objective.

7-Specific Objectives.

8-Activities and Expected Results

(Identify activities, outputs, timeframe and expected results within each of your immediate objectives).

9-Expected Long-Term Impact

(The long term effect of your project)

10-Potential Risks and Mitigations.

(Reflection on potential risks as regards external factors, including the likelihood that this risk will happen.)


(Measures to avoid overlap and create synergy and coordination with similar projects in the area of implementation).


(Measures to ensure that the project will be socially, politically and economically sustainable – i.g. that local initiatives continue and the positive changes endure after the project has been completed).

13-Communication Strategy :

(Description of the project’s communication strategy, if any, aiming to ensure visibility of the project work and impact).

14-Budget :

- Administrative expenses (Salaries, operational cost) ideally should not be more than 20 % of the total project cost.

- Activities’ cost indicative at this stage (on a separate Excel Sheet).

-Please submit you Proposal in the following email address, no later than
31th of March 2016 to Amani Hammad, ARI’s Regional Head of Program, at .