Review of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009
Consultation Paper 4
Response of the Hire & Rental Industry Association and Elevating Work Platform AssociationName:Phil Newby / Oliver Shtein
Hire & Rental Industry Association / Elevating Work Platform Association (the Associations)
Background/Expertise/Interest in PPSA Review:
Concern about the adverse impact of PPSA on the hire industry due to members losing assets and incurring compliance costs, wasted time and significant uncertainty and stress.
Contact Details:
c/- Bartier Perry – Attention Oliver Shtein D. 02 8281 7868E.
2.2.2 How the terms affect the registration of a financing statement
Proposed recommendation 4.1: That the Act be amended as described in Section 2.2.2.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.2.3 Other uses of the terms "consumer property" and "commercial property"
Proposed recommendation 4.2: That the definitions of "consumer property" and "commercial property" in s 10 of the Act be deleted.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.3 The "inventory" question
Proposed recommendation 4.3: That item 1 of the table in item 4.1 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations be deleted.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes
Strongly agree.
The Associations also believe it is unacceptable to have a piece of legislation with two different definitions of the word ‘inventory’ and the word ‘control’.
2.4 The "control" question
Proposed recommendation 4.4: That item 2 of the table in item 4.1 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations be deleted.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes
Strongly agree. The Associations also believe it is unacceptable to have a piece of legislation with two different definitions of the word ‘inventory’ and the word ‘control’.
2.5 The "subordinate" question
Proposed recommendation 4.5: That item 6 of the table in s 153(1) be deleted.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.6 The collateral classes
Should a new collateral class be added to the Register, of "all present and after-acquired property relating to"?Comments:
2.6 The collateral classes
Do you agree that the collateral classes should be changed as suggested in Section 2.6.5? Do you have any alternative suggestions?Comments:
2.6 The collateral classes
Do you have any practical experience of working with the Canadian and New Zealand systems for identifying collateral in a registration?Comments:
2.7.2 The legal effect of the free text field
Should the Act be amended to clarify the legal effect of the free text field?Comments:
It is plainly unacceptable that the free text field is left without any legal basis. Someone searching the register must be given certainty to know that when the free text description is that the collateral is, say, drills, it doesn’t include hammers. At the moment there appears to be room for argument that the free text has no effect because it is not part of the legislated registration particulars.
2.7.3 Should the free text field be compulsory?
Proposed recommendation 4.8: That the Act not be amended to oblige a registrant to include details of collateral in the free text field as a condition to making it an effective registration.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.7.4 What type of information should be allowed in the free text field?
Proposed recommendation 4.9: That the Act not be amended to prohibit the practice described in Section2.7.4.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.7.5 Should the free text field be available for the "allpap" class?
Proposed recommendation 4.10: That the Register functionality not be amended to activate the free text field for a registration against the collateral class "allpap".Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.8 The "PMSI" question
Proposed recommendation 4.11: None at this stage, pending further consideration.Comments:
2.9 Description of proceeds
Proposed recommendation 4.12: None at this stage, pending further consideration.Comments:
We see little to be gained from requiring proceeds to be claimed expressly in the registration and do not understand why this box was ever considered necessary.
However this issue is resolved, it is clear that the wording ‘all present and after-acquired property’ is not a good choice being easy to confuse with the collateral class described by those exact same words.
The words should be ‘proceeds in any form’ or some similar wording.
2.10.4 How broad should the concept be?
(a) Should the categories of serial-numbered property be broadened? If so, how?(b) Should the categories of serial-numbered property be reduced? If so, how?
(c) Does any change need to be made in relation to the use of patent application numbers (if patents continue to be a category of serial-numbered property)?
We refer to our earlier submission that the category of serial number registrable vehicles should be limited to vehicles that have a VIN.
2.10.5 The registration period
Proposed recommendation 4.14: That the table in s 153(1) of the Act be amended to provide that a registration against serial-numbered property have a maximum period of seven years if the grantor is an individual, but that it be able to have the same registration period as for any other collateral, in the case of any other type of grantor.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: Motor-vehicles - breadth of the concept
(a) Should the concept of "motor vehicle" under the Act more closely with its vernacular meaning?(b) If not, should it be simplified in some other way? If so, how?
Comments: The July 2014 amendment
Proposed recommendation 4.16: That the Regulations be amended as described in Section you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Yes. The failure to clarify transitional operation of the new definition has been a source of concern and uncertainty.
2.10.7 Aircraft
Proposed recommendation 4.17: If aircraft continues to be a class of serial-numbered property for the purposes of the Act, that item 2.2(1) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations be amended so that a registration to perfect a security interest over aircraft may include the aircraft's serial number, but is not required to.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.10.8 Intellectual property licences
Proposed recommendation 4.18: If Government decides to continue to apply the concept of serial-numbered property to certain types of intellectual property, that items 2.2(1)(a)(ii)(E) and (c)(iii)(E) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations be deleted.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: Individual grantors - the rules
Proposed recommendation 4.19: Do you agree that financial institutions should use the same rules as others to identify grantors, rather than AML/CRF Act data?Comments:
Yes. The current rule appears to prefer financial institutions over other users of the register. Is a driver's licence appropriate as the principal source of details for an individual grantor?
Proposed recommendation 4.20: That items 3 to 8 of the table in item 1.2 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations not be amended.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
2.11.2 Body corporate grantors
Proposed recommendation 4.21: That item 5 of the table in item 1.3 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations be amended to provide that the identifying details for a body corporate that is not captured by any of items 1 to 4 of the table be its name or identifying number under the law under which it is incorporated.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: The use of ABNs
Should the use of ABNs for trusts be discontinued?Comments:
As the Associations have elsewhere submitted, hire businesses struggle to understand the system of ABN and the concepts of ‘entity’ which Federal legislation adopts.
The concepts are not widely understood outside the tax and accounting professions and even in those professions may be misunderstood. The ABN was originally a construct of the 2000 tax law changes. It now seems to be extending into commercial law generally via the PPSA.
The need to identify trusts and make a different kind of registration against them is a potent source of error in the experience of the Associations. Hire businesses are simply not attuned to be alert for the existence of trusts and to understand the risks. The true capacity in which an entity is acting is in many cases not clear.
As has been elsewhere submitted the effects of incorrect registration by hire businesses are likely to be most severe – loss of capital assets.
The use of trust ABN as the registration marker should be discontinued but this does not detract from the other submissions by the Associations that the whole system is too complex and risky for hire businesses having regard to the supposed policy benefits.
Should use of the ABN marker be discontinued but hire businesses be left within the PPSA system for non-in substance security, the Associations foresee transitional problems. The name of the trust
Proposed recommendation 4.23: That a registration relating to assets of a trust not be required to include the name of the trust.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: A trust that has both an ARSN and an ABN
Proposed recommendation 4.24: If the Regulations continue to require that registrations be made against a trust's ABN, that item 1.5(1)(b) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations be amended to make it clear that it applies "to any trustee of a trust that is not a body corporate".Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: The distinction between a partnership, and the partners in a partnership
Proposed recommendation 4.25: That the current distinction drawn in item 1.4 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations, between the assets of a partnership and a partner's net interest in the partnership, be maintained and clarified.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: Partnerships that do not have an ABN
Should a registration be made against a partnership's name (and not the individual partners) if the partnership does not have an ABN?Comments:
2.11.5 Multiple grantors
Should the Act be amended to clarify when it is appropriate to include more than one person or entity in a registration as the grantor?Comments:
2.11.6 Foreign names, and exact vs close match searching
Proposed recommendation 4.28: That:(a) the Register continue to use an exact-match methodology for searches; and
(b) the Regulations be amended to provide, in circumstances where a grantor's or secured party's name or other identification details would otherwise need to be entered on the Register in letters that are not accepted by the Register, that the registrant be able instead to use any reasonable transliteration of that name or other identifying details for the purposes of the registration.
Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: The definition of a "secured party"
Proposed recommendation 4.29: That paragraph (b) of the definition "secured party" in s 10 of the Act be deleted.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments: The table in s 153(1)
Proposed recommendation 4.30: That item 1(b) of the table in s 153(1) of the Act be amended as described in Section you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
We have encountered this issue in the context of registrations made by groups of related secured parties.
Advice was apparently given by registration service-providers that such groups could make a ‘group registration’ under which every one of numerous group companies appeared as a secured party and this would be valid even if there were no joint supplies or if there was no immediate prospect of supply by some of the secured party members.This advice may well have sprung from a misunderstanding of the term ‘secured party group’ which has no legislative definition at all.
So for example there might be three group companies A B and C. Only A has a relationship with customer X but a single registration was advised with all of A B and C as secured parties to cover the possibility that B or C might conceivably also supply X.
To the extent these kinds of registration might have arguably been defective (which is not clear from the Act) the defect could arguably be cured by relying on the implied authority of each group company to be registered alongside all the others. So A would be treated in effect as having nominated B and C to appear alongside A as secured parties in the registration.
No step should be taken which would upset retrospectively the validity of these group registrations to the extent that they rely on the argument that there is an implied nomination or a nomination confirmed in writing after registration.
2.12.2 Multiple secured parties
Does the current process for including multiple secured parties in a registration need to be changed?Comments:
2.12.3 GONIs
Proposed recommendation 4.32: That the expression "GONI" on the Register be replaced with a term that more clearly indicates its purpose.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
Comments (including suggestions for the replacement term):
2.13.3 The registration period - What can be done?
Should the end-time rules be amended to provide that the maximum registration period for all registrations is seven years?Comments:
3.2 What are the consequences if a financing statement does not comply with the table in s153(1)?
Proposed recommendation 4.34: That s 153(1) be amended to clarify that data entered on the Register will be a financing statement if the data populates the fields referred to in the table in that section, whether or not the data as so entered is accurate.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
3.3 When will a financing statement be ineffective?
Proposed recommendation 4.35: That s 164(1) and 165 be amended as described in Section 3.3.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
The Associations submit that consideration should be given to repeal of section 337A. This provision invalidates a registration in the ‘transitional’ category where the security interest is not in fact transitional in nature.
In truth what is transitional is not always that clear. The price to pay for getting this wrong is very high for hire businesses in particular.
It is tempting to suspect that section 337A was included to keep revenues from registrations high as it would deter transitional registrations which attract no fee.
It is not clear to the Associations what imperative exists for having transitional status correctly registered or evident at all from the registration. What is clear is that section 337A is trap for those hire businesses making perfectly understandable errors about what is and what isn’t transtiional.
3.4 What is "seriously misleading"?
(a) Do you agree with the explanation of the term "seriously misleading" that is given in Section 3.4?(b)Should the explanation be included as a definition in the Act?
4.2.2 Should s 151(1) be repealed?
(a) Should s 151(1) be repealed?(b) Should s 151(1) be amended to only allow a registrant to register a financing statement against a grantor if it has the grantor's consent to do so?
4.2.3 How certain must it be that there is or will be a security interest?
Proposed recommendation 4.38: That s151(1)be amended, if it is retained, to provide that a person may register a financing statement if the person believes on reasonable grounds that the person described in the statement as the secured party is or may be, or may become, a secured party in relation to the collateral.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes
Yes – there are many situations where it will not be clear enough under the current test for a hire business to safely register.
4.2.4 How precisely must the registration describe the collateral?
Would it be appropriate for s 151(1) to provide that a registration must describe the collateral in a manner that is no broader than is reasonably necessary to identify the collateral that the registrant reasonably believes is or may be subject to a security interest in the favour of the nominated secured party?Comments:
The Associations agree that the clutter on the register and the prevalence of broad registrations is a problem to which the use of the PPS lease concept is the main if not the most significant contributor. Again this is seen as one of many reasons to exclude hire businesses and restrict the system to true finance.
The proposal to require a description ‘no broader than is reasonably necessary’ may clause problems for general hire companies. A large general hire company may hire an extremely wide variety of goods from vehicles through power tools, forklifts, lawnmowers , lighting, shoring and propping equipment, toilets, demountable buildings etc etc etc. If the business hires say a pump to a new customer can it make its usual broad registration? The customer may hire many different kinds of equipment over the course of the relationship, or it may not. This can’t be predicted at the outset.
4.3.1 Advance registrations
Should the mechanism in ss 151(2) and (3) for removing advance registrations be retained? Should the timeframe of five business days be removed?Comments:
4.4.2 "Unperfected" security interests
Proposed recommendation 4.41: Thats167 be amended so that it applies (and applies only) to registrations against individuals (or to registrations against serial-numbered property that do not include the grantor's details because the grantor is an individual), and so that it only requires the secured party to remove a registration from the Register if it no longer has any security interest over any collateral that is perfected by the registration.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
4.4.2 Who may make an amendment demand?
Proposed recommendation 4.42: That s178(1) be amended to allow an amendment demand to be made by a person who is identified as the grantor in the registration, or was otherwise the grantor of the security interest to which the registration related.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
4.4.3 Deemed security interests
Proposed recommendation 4.43: That s178(1) be amended to accommodate the fact that a registration may perfect a security interest that does not secure an obligation because it is deemed to be a security interest by s12(3) of the Act.Do you agree with the proposed recommendation? / Yes/No
4.4.4 Changes to the collateral class
(a) Should s 178 be amended to require a secured party to make a fresh, narrower registration as required, and then release the previous, overly-broad one? Is this necessary to respond to an amendment demand?(b) Should the functionality of the Register be amended to allow a secured party to amend the collateral class in a registration from a broader class to a narrower (or to a number of narrower) classes?
Comments: Security trust instruments