Employee Name / Employee ID
Employee State Title: / Employee Position #:
Evaluation Supervisor / Supervisor Position #:
Department / Rating Period
Type (Annual/Final/ Other) / Evaluation Reviewer: / Jeff Banks, Kathy Riggle


Position Specific Duties (from Job Description) (70%) /
Duty Area / % of Duty / DUTY SUMMARY / Rating
(E, AA, S, U) /
1 / Duty:
Method of Measurement:
2 / Duty:
Method of Measurement:
3 / Duty:
Method of Measurement:
4 / Duty:
Method of Measurement:
5 / Duty:
Method of Measurement:
Self-Management (20%)
Factor (Collaboration and Teambuilding (Teamwork, Cooperation, Communication, Interaction with Others, Organizational Understanding); Leadership; Dependability (Attendance/ Leave Usage, Reliability); Professional Qualities (Exhibits Integrity, Professionalism/ Ethics, Adherence to Policies); Judgment (Decision Making/ Problem Solving, Creative Thinking) / Rating
(E, AA, S, U)
Standard: Displays a professional and ethical approach to work. Reports to work in a timely manner. Notifies supervisor of absence or tardiness within the first hour of scheduled time. Effectively manages leave. Adheres to and uses sound judgment in interpretation of all university and library policies. Makes timely and accurate decisions and emphasizes logic in decision making. Fosters teamwork and collaboration. Effectively communicates ideas and thoughts.
Method of Measurement: Supervisor observation.
Support of University Goals / Initiatives (10%)
FACTOR (Customer Service, Diversity, Strategic Orientation, Cost Containment) / Rating
(E, AA, S, U)
Standard: Supports customer service, inclusive environment, and cost containment efforts. Provides prompt, courteous, helpful, and confidential customer service to internal and external customers (university employees, library users, visitors, etc.) with no more than one valid complaint per month or five valid complaints per year.
Method of Measurement: Supervisory observation.
Overall Performance Evaluation Rating / Calculated by PeopleAdmin

Has this employee received a written reprimand in the past rating cycle? Yes No

(Selecting “yes” will result in no merit increase.)

Employees who receive a written performance-based or disciplinary reprimand during the twelve month rating period are not eligible for a merit increase. Act 289 of 2007; Arkansas Code Ann. §21-5-1101, Staff Handbook, Section 6.6

Overall Rating Scale

Rating / Rating Code / Rating Score
Exceeds Standards / E / 2.5-3.0
Above Average / AA / 1.50-2.49
Satisfactory / S / 0.50-1.49
Unsatisfactory / U / 0.00-0.49

My supervisor and I have reviewed my performance evaluation. I understand that my acknowledgement on this review does not necessarily indicate agreement with the rating, but that I have met with my supervisor.


Employee’s Signature Date


Supervisor’s Signature Date


Approving Authority’s Signature Date