Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

345 Oak St. Colusa, California


Parish Office: 745 Ware Avenue, 458-4170

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Tuesday – Friday

St. Joseph’s Mission

1st and Center St. Princeton, California

Pastor: Rev. Roy Doner

Parochial Vicar: Rev. Julian Medina

Deacon: Miquel Fernandez 458-7815

Principal: Barbara Genera 458-8208


Director Religious Ed: Dianne Luoma 458-7497

Respect Life Coordinator: Jennifer Hackney 458-8858

Catholic Ladies Relief Society #4

Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:00 p.m.

Knights of Columbus

Meetings: 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m.

Bible Study with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)

Tuesday, 7-9:00 p.m., 75 Oak Tree Lane

Father Roy’s Adult Catechism Class (weekly)

Wednesday, 10-11:30 a.m., Parish Center

RCIA with Father Roy (weekly)

Wednesday, 7-9:00 p.m., Parish Center


January 10, 2010

O bless the Lord, my soul.

Mass Intentions:

Saturday: Melissa Estrada

Req. by: Dianne Luoma & Jennifer Hackney

Sunday: +Fred Sankey

Req. by: Lila Lee Sankey

Monday: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Req. by: Father Roy Doner

Tuesday: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Req. by: Father Roy Doner

Wednesday: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Req. by: Father Roy Doner

Thursday: Vickie & Morris Moody

Req. by: Dianne Luoma & Jennifer Hackney

Friday: The Trejo Family

Req. by: Dianne Luoma & Jennifer Hackney

Friday 8:30: Our Lady of Lourdes School Children


01/09: Mary Harper

01/10: Irmalee Schumacher

01/16: Jan Gomes

01/17: Family Liturgy

01/23: Raylene Lyss

01/24: Cenza Mehr

Eucharistic Ministers:

01/09: Raylene Lyss

01/10: Julian Delgado

01/16: Gabriela Rone

01/17: Peggy Scroggins

01/23: Leslie Van de Ven

01/24: Rosemary Hicks

Altar Servers:

01/09: Vincent Crespo & Jesse Garcia

01/10: Braden Lyss, Christian Lyss, & Pablo Meraz

01/16: Bertrem Windsor, Isabelle Delgado, & Grace Myers

01/17: Estefania Reyes & Mary Pineda

01/23: Gaby Hernandez & Maria Ramirez

01/24: Taylor Rodriguez & Karina Ascencion

Mass Schedule

Saturday: Colusa: 5:00 p.m. English

Sunday: Princeton: 8:00 a.m. English

Princeton: 10:00 a.m. Spanish

Colusa: 8:00 a.m. Spanish

Colusa: 10:00 a.m. English

Tues-Fri.: Colusa: 7:30 a.m. English (Chapel)

Thursday: Colusa: 7:00 p.m. Spanish

Friday: Colusa: 8:30 a.m. English (OLL School)

Confession: Colusa: 4:30-4:50 p.m. Saturday

or by appointment

Parish Mission: Expanded thru 1/15

Father Richard Parks, a Passionist from Christ the King Retreat Center in Citrus Heights, already likes us so much that he is extending his visit here! You heard him preaching at Mass this weekend. Monday thru Friday (1/11-15), Father Parks will say Mass in St. Bernadette’s Hall at 7:30 a.m. followed by a short talk. On Friday only, Father will celebrate a second Mass at 8:30 a.m., also in St. Bernadette’s Hall, with the Our Lady of Lourdes School children. If you can’t make it at 7:30, you are welcome to attend the 8:30 Mass. Additionally, every evening (Monday thru Friday) he will give a talk at the Church at 7:00 p.m. Father Parks guarantees that you will be home by 8:00. Give yourself some spiritual renewal time by being part of the Parish Mission.

The Edge

Totus Tuus on The Edge Youth Group starts next Sunday, January 17th at 6:30 p.m. at St. Bernadette’s Hall. Faith Formation is still in need of parishioner and parent volunteers to help with this brand new program. Please contact Dianne Luoma, 458-7497, or Jennifer Hackney, 458-8858, if you are able to spend a few hours working with our junior high students.

The seats for the (January 23rd) Walk for Life in San Francisco are on a first come, first served basis. St. Isidore’s Lifeteen has 20 seats available at a cost of $25.00 each. The experience is priceless as some of our parishioners who attended last year’s walk can tell you! Totus Tuus youth members are welcome to join the Our Lady of Lourdes high school youth group on this memorable trip.

Lifeteen News

First meeting of the new year is tonight, Jan. 10th. Carpool departs from St. Bernadette’s Hall at 5:30 p.m. Call Mrs. Mena (933-2992) or Mrs. Imhoff (458-4372) if you have any questions or would like to join Lifeteen. It’s never too late to join.

Parish Collections

1/1-2-3 $2,561.00

Buildings & Maintenance $1,049.00

Reminder: 2nd collection next weekend for insurance.

Patronize our Advertisers

You’ve seen the back of the bulletin so many times, you have it memorized, right? Here’s a test question for you: who is our latest new advertiser? If you answered “Beduhn Business and Tax Service,” you win. (Look for your prize in the mail, a ticket for you to sell or buy for the Golden Pheasant celebration.) Please patronize our Advertisers as the money they pay to rent this space helps to support our parish.

Golden Pheasant

While we’re on the subject of prizes, you should have received yours by now. It is the Golden Pheasant Ticket that you received in the mail. In order to make your Valentine shopping easier, the date of February 14th was chosen for this event so that you can bring the love of your life, your spouse, sweetheart, or any significant other. It’s much less fattening than chocolate and doesn’t cause allergic reactions like flowers. If you would like to help with the food, decorations, or other leg work, please contact MaryAnn LaGrande, 458-2725. Ticket money can be placed in the collection basket with the stub or returned to the office, where extra tickets are available for those who really want to spread the love this Valentine’s Day. This is the only Parish fundraiser for the year so please support the Golden Pheasant and thank Father Roy for all his hard work.

Day of Reparation

For the Scourge of Abortion

Friday, January 22nd has been set aside as a day of reparation for the sinful national scourge of abortion. Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral at 12:10 p.m. If you cannot get to Sacramento, you can observe the unhappy anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision with fasting, abstinence and prayer in your own home.

Our Lady of Lourdes School News

OLL School extends a huge thank you to all parishioners who supported the annual Pheasant Festival through donations and/or attendance. The profit this year is an estimated $30,000.

During the Advent Season, the children were involved in a variety of charitable programs.

3rd and 4th graders spearheaded a canned food drive for the community Christmas baskets. The students donated 446 cans; 5th and 6th graders brought in the most cans. 7th and 8th graders sorted the cans on Wednesday, Dec. 9th.

2nd grade asked for new or gently used coats to be donated for the community coat drive. 27 coats were collected for this worthy cause.

Each school family also donated 1 or more items for the Impact Toy Drive.

Father Roy helped the students to follow the Church penitential tradition during Advent by hearing the confessions of all 3rd through 8th graders. Thank you, Father, for being so generous with your time.

Upcoming Events:

World’s Finest Candy sale begins January 20th.

Donor/Parish Appreciation Luncheon – 1/28.

Catholic Schools Week begins January 31st. BBQ Lunch and Open House after the 10:00 Mass. The week ends February 6th with a Spaghetti Dinner.

Knights of Columbus

Don’t forget the 3rd Annual “A Taste of Italy” on Saturday, January 16th, 2010 from 3-6 p.m. at the Arbuckle Fire Hall. For a donation of $20 for adults or $5 for children 6 to 10 (children 5 and under are free), you can enjoy a full meal. The main course is Cioppino or Tri-tip; your dinner includes all the trimmings, dessert, and a choice of beverages. Music will be provided by accordionist Jerry Choate and there will be door prizes. To get your tickets in advance or for more information, contact Frank Nobriga (476-2872), Jack Pesola (476-3397) or Jim Miranda (458-7889). All proceeds are returned to the community through the various efforts of the Knights.

Catholic Ladies Relief Society

Attention all card playing ladies and gentlemen – you still have a chance to reserve your space! Catholic Ladies Relief Society #4 will be hosting their First Annual Bridge-Whist-Pinochle Card Party and Luncheon on Saturday, January 23, 2010. The fun begins at 11:30 a.m. at St. Bernadette’s Hall.

Reservations can be made with the following: Bridge – Marie Beduhn, 458-2979

Whist - Rose Buria, 458-8583

Pinochle – Vicky Stegall, 458-8009

Interested Singers

If anyone is interested in singing at the 10:00 Mass and feels that they need to practice on a regular basis, please stay in Church today after Mass for a short practice.

Church Keys

The locks on the Church will be re-keyed this week. If you are “locked out,” please call the office to exchange your old key for one that works.

Lost and Found

The following items were left in Church over the holidays. You can claim them at the Parish Office until January 31st; after that, they will be donated to a worthy cause.

1 pair men’s sneakers, size 13

1 pair woman’s gloves

1 neck scarf

1 stuffed animal

2 children’s books

1 baby bottle

A bicycle was found on January 4th behind the Church along the fence. Call the Colusa Police Department to claim it.

The Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.