Rifle Shooting with 33rdWarrington West Scouts

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Over the coming months, we are looking at working towards the Master at Arms badge and Physical Recreation badge with the Scout Section. In particular, we will be looking at the discipline of Target Rifle Shooting with .177 Break Barrel Air Rifles:

Master at Arms Activity Badge

To gain this badge, Scouts must complete the requirements below:

  1. Attend regular training sessions in a chosen activity (fencing, shooting or archery) and demonstrate an improvement in skill. Training should be for at least five sessions.
  2. Know the safety rules associated with the activity and demonstrate their use.
  3. Take part in the chosen activity at an officially supervised contest and discuss performance with the instructor.

Physical Recreation Activity Badge: Master at arms

Requirements for the master at arms alternative of the Physical Recreation Activity Badge are as follows:

  1. Participate in an activity such as fencing, shooting or archery. This should involve regular participation over a period of time and show improvement.
  2. Demonstrate skills in your chosen activity to a group of young people to encourage them to try the activity.
  3. Discuss any safety rules or laws of your chosen activity and how to abide by the rules or laws of the activity.
  4. Take part in at least two competitions or demonstrations and discuss your performance and how to improve with the examiner or instructor.

While we understand the resistance that many may feel towards allowing children to operate firearms, we would like to point out some of the benefits of working through these badges will bring to the young members. Guns are potentially dangerous and any young person participating will need to learn and apply the safety rules. This means they will gain an understanding of the need for an appropriate safety culture in the handling of dangerous equipment in general. Strong self discipline is required for undertaking shooting and a great deal of co-ordination is required in the aiming and firing process, which also requires a great deal of concentration, patience and self control. Dedication is required to improve the shooting posture and so improve shooting technique and gain better scores. All of these virtues are of great benefit in the development of a young person. Shooting allows those who are less physically able to participate and gain the self esteem from competing on equal terms with physically able young people. Many other sporting disciplines, such as archery, throwing the javelin, parachuting, gliding and orienteering, exploit present or former military skills and their adoption as sports in which friendly competition takes place at international level is a positive contribution to world peace.

We hope to hold various training sessions, throughout the coming months, were the Scouts will have the opportunity to develop their skills, culminating in a target shooting competition. Because of the nature of Rifle shooting, parental permission is required. So we do not have to seek this permission for each time we do work towards these badges, please can the permission form be completed and returned? THIS IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT. Your child will not be allowed to take part in these activities, unless this form is received. Please pay particular attention to Section 21 of the Firearms Act

Extracts from the Firearms Act 1968

Section 21

(1) A person who has been sentenced (to custody for life or) to preventive detention, or to imprisonment or to corrective training for a term of three years or more (or to youth custody (or detention in a young offender institution) for such a term), or who has been sentenced to be detained for such a term in a young offenders institution in Scotland, shall not at any time have a firearm or ammunition in his possession.

(2) A person who has been sentenced ….. to imprisonment for a term of three months or more but less than three years ( or to youth custody ( or detention in a young offender institution) for such a term), or who has been sentenced to be detained for such a term in a detention centre or in a young offenders institution In Scotland, shall not at any time before the expiration of the period of five years from the date of his release have a firearm or ammunition in his possession.

This means:

Section 21 prohibits the possession of a firearm and ammunition (under any circumstances), by any person who has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment (or its equivalent for young persons) of 3 months or more. The prohibition applies in all circumstances, including handling and firing at an approved shooting club or at a clay pigeon shoot where a certificate is not ordinarily required. It also applies to the possession or use of other categories of firearms and ammunition such as AIRGUNS or shot cartridges for which a certificate is not needed.

A sentence of 3 months to 3 years attracts a 5 year prohibition, shorter ones no prohibition but a longer one means a life ban.




Name of Section: 33rd Warrington West Scout Group – Scout Section

Proposed Activity: Air rifle and air pistol shooting

Location: St Andrews Church Hall, Orford Warrington, and other locations as arranged

Dates: From October 21st 2011 to December 31st 2012 as arranged

Start time: 7.30pm and other times as arranged

Finish time: 9.30pm and other times as arranged

Additional information: Specific permission to shoot forms will be required for events not organized by 33rdWarrington West Scouts

Leader: Andrew Mountain 07815 779234

National Rifle and Small Bore Youth Proficiency Scheme Tutor



I, being the parent/guardian of the person named below, declare that he/she is not subject to restriction by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 (which applies only to persons who have served a term of imprisonment or youth custody) and give permission


to take part in air rifle and air pistol shooting at 33rd Warrington West Scouts

S/He has the following disability or condition that may be affected by this activity: (if none state "None")______

S/He is receiving the following medical treatment at the moment (if none state "None")


Contact details in the event of an emergency: Tel:______

For any additional information please do not hesitate to contact the Leader of the activity.

Name :______

Signature ______Date______

Group Scout Leader: Aaron W. Ashbrook Dip. Maths (Open) Tel. 01925 814763 (Home); 07977 449067 (Mobile) Email:

Group Chairman: Bryan Carman Tel. 01925 810701 Email: