BC Certified Organic Program
Pacific Agricultural Certification Society 3402 32 Ave Vernon, BC V1T 2N1
Phone: 250-558-7927 Fax: 250-558-7947 Email:
Poultry Plan Update
Confidential when completed
This form is to be used for Organic Poultry Farm Plan Updates (renewals) for organic certification of poultry farms. Poultry farms that grow any of their own feed, or any farm crops, other than pasture, must also complete an Organic Crop Farm Plan Update. Use the accompanying guide to help complete this form. This form should be completed on computer, or with a black ink pen. Refer to your last application while completing this one. You are reporting changes from your previous plan. If you run out of room, use the space at the bottom of the form.
Section A General Information
1.Name: / 2.Farm Name: / 3.Date yyyy/mm/dd:4.Have there been any changes in personnel or contact information?
Yes No If yes, provide information below: / File #
Date received:
Date reviewed:
Reviewed by:
5.Certification # / Name of VO:
Date of inspection:
Time arrived:
Time departed:
6.Do you own and understand the current version of the BC Certified Organic Management Standards? Yes No
7.Poultry or poultry products requested for certification for the next 12 months - Be specific as possible, this information will appear on your certificate.
Species & breed / # of birds / Poultry or products of poultry for sale / VO only:
8.Are you planning to produce any non-organic poultry, livestock, or crops for sale this year? Yes No
If yes, please request a Split Operation Form from your CB.
9.Check any NEW farm production activities, including non-organic: Grain/hay/pasture
Vegetable Tree fruit Small fruit Livestock Herbs Nuts Sprouts Greenhouse Bees Mushrooms
10.Are you planning any new poultry production this year, such as new species or poultry or new poultry products, or have your marketing plans changed? Yes No If yes, specify:
11.Conditions from last year (CB should insert here): No conditions
12.Describe how you have complied with any conditions from last year's certification process: No conditions
13.Animal Purchases - Complete the following table to provide information of purchases of poultry since your last Organic Poultry Management Plan or Update (renewal):
Species, breed & age when purchased / Numbers of poultry / Source of birds
14.Poultry Inventory - Complete the following table to identify all the poultry on your farm as of this date - provide date: See Guide item #
Species & breed / #'s chicks / #'s pullets (young stock) / #'s Full grown birds
Section B Landbase Information
15.Have you added land to or removed land from your land base? Yes NoIf yes, for what purpose?
If you plan to produce organic crops, (other than poultry pasture) request an Organic Farm Crop Plan from your CB.
16.Describe your new land holdings (or the land you have removed) including legal description, site name, field numbers and previous history: No new land holdings
17.Have there been any changes that affect your farm maps or barn diagrams such as: new barns or buildings, new roads, new buffer zones, adjoining land uses, new fences, new property, new pond or dugout, new well? Please check carefully. Yes No
If yes, specify:
If you have indicated changes, you must either modify your original maps or barns diagrams, or make new ones. New maps sent by: email Post
18.Indicate CCA treated fence posts stockpile numbers: Don't have any
Have you installed any treated wood or treated posts in the past year? Yes No
19.Has there been any GMO crops, products, or sewage sludge applied to your land?
Yes No
Protection from Contamination –Boundaries & Buffer Zones Section 3.4, 3.5
20.Has there been any changes in the adjoining land use around your properties such as, new roads, new neighbours, new farming operations, new industrial or residential use?
Yes No If yes, specify:
Have you marked these changes on your map? Yes No
21.Have your buffer zones changed? Yes No N/A If yes, please describe:
Section C Organic Poultry Management Plan - COABC section 9
22.Has there been any change in your poultry management plan, such as new brooding system, new breed or species of poultry, new feeding or fattening regimen, new barn use or layout? Yes No If yes, describe the changes in your poultry management system through one full production cycle (hatching to slaughter or sale) for every species of bird you plan to sell as certified organic:23.Where do you get your birds? Hatched on-farm
Hatchery Specify:
Pullet farm Specify:
What is the age of purchased pullets?
24.How do you plan to separate and identify treated (non-organic) flocks or individual birds, from organic flocks or individual birds?
25.Has there been any changes in your poultry housing plan such as: barns, type of production, system of management (i.e. moveable housing)? Yes No If yes, provide details including dimensions of new structures (include map reference) and number of birds in each housing unit (specify housing id):
26.Describe current plan for housing units
Housing unit name or ID # / Type of structure (movable?) / Type of poultry / Dimensions
(Length/ width (meters or feet) / # of birds in unit
at any given time (ages of birds, if relevant)
27.Have there been any changes in your flock placement plan such as, timing of flock placements, number of flocks or birds or resting of housing? Yes No If yes, specify:
28.Have there been any changes in your bedding or cleaning plans, such as new bedding, deep litter, or timing of scraping, cleaning regimen, or use of cleaning and sanitising products? Yes No If yes, explain and specify products (if any):
29.Has there been a change in type of lighting in the unit or maximum length of lighting?
Yes No If yes, explain:
30.Have there been any changes to your outside access plans such as age birds are allowed outside, how many hours per day birds are kept inside, or whether there is edible pasture and cover provided in run areas? Yes No If yes, explain:
31.Has there been any change in your run or pasture plans, such as new runs, new pastures, new planting in pastures or runs, new rotation? Yes No If yes, provide details including size of new runs or pastures and type of forage in runs or pastures or new run rotation plan:
FEED 9.1 & 9.2 - COABC 9.1 & 9.2
32.Has there been any change in your feed ration, such as new feed mix, new source of organic feed, on-farm production or processing of feed? Yes No If yes, specify:
33.List any feed supplements including vitamins & minerals & amino acids you use or plan to use: No supplements
Is there a possibility that the feed supplement contains GMO products? Yes No
34.Has there been any change in your feed storage locations or conditions, such as new feed bins, new types of feed new rodent controls? Yes No If yes, specify:
WATER - COABC sections 9.1, 9.3
35.Has there been any change in your source of poultry drinking water, access to natural sources of water by birds or additives to poultry drinking water? Yes No
If yes, specify:
36.Have there been any changes in the potential for contamination of surface or ground water by your farm activities? Yes No If yes, specify:
Section D Health Management
DISEASE AND PEST CONTROL PROGRAM37.Has there been any change to your disease and pest control program, such as new pests or diseases or new prevention or treatment plans? Yes No If yes, specify:
38.Have you amended any components of your health management plan, such as use of vaccines or raising or your own replacement stock, or use of nutritional supplements?
Yes No If yes, specify:
39.Have there been any changes in your use of surgical practices? Yes No
If yes, specify:
Section E Manure and Waste Management - COABC 3.9, 3.10, 8.3, 9.9, 3.1
40.Have there been any changes in your manure management plan, such as composting methods, sale of manure, spreading of manure or compost? Yes No If yes, specify:41.Have there been any changes in your waste management plan, such as disposal or mortalities, barnyard rainwater management, development of an Environmental Farm Plan?
Yes No If yes, specify:
Section F Egg Handling, Slaughter and Transport - COABC section 9.10, 11, 16
EGG HANDLING42.Have there been any changes in your egg handling plans, such as new grading facilities, new sales, new types of eggs? Yes No If yes, specify:
43.Have there been any changes to your slaughter plans, such as new species for slaughter, new slaughter facilities, new processing plans or storage of processed product plans?
Yes No If yes, specify:
44.Have there been any changes in your transportation plans for live poultry or poultry products, such as new carrier or new ownership (of product) arrangements?
Yes No If yes, specify:
46.Will you be labelling your product? Yes No
What kind of labels? Printed boxes Printed bags Bin or bag tags
Box labels Stickers on product Stickers on containers
Are you aware that labels for transitional or certified organic product must be submitted to your CB for approval before use? Yes No
Section G Record Keeping - COABC section 9.8, 9.6, 2.6
45.Do you retain purchase receipts for all birds? Yes No46.Do you retain purchase receipts for all materials used for seeding of runs and pastures? Yes No
47.Do you maintain sales records for all products sold? Yes No
48.Do you maintain the following records:
- Medications administered (date, dosage, source)? Yes No
- What is done with birds treated with prohibited materials? Yes No
- Feed products bought and fed (date, quantity, source)? Yes No
- Vitamin, mineral and other supplements (dates, quantity, source)? Yes No
- Retain labels of all off farm feed and feed supplements used? Yes No
- Inventory of all birds Yes No
- Sales records Yes No
- Dead bird counts Yes No
- Sanitation records Yes No
- Dates of access to outdoors for each flock? Yes No
- Run rotation records? Yes No
- Records of egg production? Yes No
- Identification or lot numbers? Yes No
- Egg handling reports Yes No
- Weight records of birds at slaughter? Yes No
- Manure/compost applications Yes No
- Complaint form Yes No
49.Attachments I am including with this document::
Split Operation form
Independent Storage form
Updates farm maps or barn, run diagrams
Other management plan updates i.e. Processing, Livestock, Crop - Please list:
Section H Note & Affirmations
You will be required to submit an application that updates this plan each year. Keep a copy of this Organic Poultry Farm Plan Update as a reference for future updates. This application is part of your farm records and must be kept with farm records.50.Use this area to add information that may provide assistance to the Certification Committee who will review your Organic Poultry Management Plan Update.
51.AFFIRMATION - I affirm that all statements made in this application are true and correct. I understand that my operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time. I agree to follow COABC organic standards.
I agree to allow the VO and/or members of the Certification Committee and COABC Accreditation Board auditor access to all areas of my farm and to my records, including: inputs, production, processing, handling sales, and products purchased for resale, from both organic and non-organic production.
I understand that acceptance of this document in no way implies granting of certification by the ______. I agree to provide further information as required by the ______. I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the ______constitution, bylaws and Production Standards. I understand that any wilful misrepresentation could lead to de-certification.
I understand that this completed document is confidential information according to the policies of the BC Certified Organic Program. Membership and certification status is public information.
Signed Print name: Date
Poultry Plan Update Version 1 2004/02/24