Circulation: SIP2 Protocol

This questionnaire asks you to provide detailed information about how your library uses the 3M Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP). This protocol is often implemented by circulation systems for interoperation with self-checkout machines from 3M®, Envisionware®, Checkpoint®, and other vendors.Return the completed questionnaire via e-mail to yourOCLC Implementation Manager:

Manager Name:

Manager E-mail:

Manager Phone (voice):


a. Full Library Name:

b. Your OCLC Symbol:

c. Contact Information for your library




Phone number:

d. Full consortium name (if the Circulation Gateway is intended for consortium or group use):


This questionnaire discusses your library’s current circulation system.

The individual who completes this questionnaire should be thoroughly familiar with the detailed operation of your library’s circulation system.

Contact Information for this questionnaire




Phone number:


a. Messages in use

Please check each SIP2 message supported by your circulation system.

SIP2 Message / Supported?
Patron Status Response
Checkout Response
Checkin Response
ACS Status
RequestSC Resend
Login Response
Patron Information Response
End Session Response
Fee Paid Response
Item Information Response
Item Status Update Response
Patron Enable Response
Hold Response
Renew Response
Renew All Response

b. Implementer-defined fields

SIP2 supports the use of implementer-defined fields. Please list any such fields that you know your circulation system supports. If your system does not support such fields, please indicateNone.

c. Server ID

What are the host name and port number of the SIP2 server to which we should connect? If you have a test system, and a production system, please provide this information for both systems.

Name of server or IP address:

Port (typically 22 if SSH, or 22 if telnet):

d. Transport mechanism

SIP2 messages can be transported over a variety of mechanisms such as Telnet, raw socket, etc. Please list all transport mechanisms that can be used with your circulation system. For telnet or SSH, indicate any commands, scripts or other steps that are required after logging-on and before sending an ESIP command.

Notes on Information Transport

SIP2 messages are typically transported via Telnet or raw socket. OCLC needs to establish an SSH tunnel through which to make the final Telnet or raw socket connection. This is needed in order to provide the security for information transport. (Some of the messages will contain patron credentials.) There are two types of connection that can be employed:

  • Either OCLC establishes an SSH tunnel directly to the SIP2 server to provide an encrypted tunnel. Once the SSH tunnel is established, the final Telnet or raw socket connection is set up to the same host through the SSH tunnel in order to send the SIP2 messages.
  • Or OCLC establishes an SSH tunnel to an SSH gateway computer (a different computer from the server running SIP2) at your library’s site to provide an encrypted tunnel. This is done if the SIP2 server is not capable of running the SSH daemon itself. (Presumably, both the SSH gateway and the SIP2 server are inside the library’s firewall.) Once the SSH tunnel is established, OCLC will establish the final Telnet or raw socket connection to the server running SIP2 in order to send the SIP2 messages.

Local variances. Please inform OCLC of any variances between your library’s implementation of the SIP2 protocol as you use it and the version described in 3M’s documentation.


d. Localvariance(s)

Are you aware of any limitations of variances between the implementation of the protocol as you use it, and the version described in 3M’s documentation? Please describe:

e. Possible obstacles

Are you aware of any technical, legal, or other obstacles that might preclude OCLC’s use of this protocol? Please describe:

f. Design participation

Are you willing to participate in design discussions with a team at OCLC, possibly including staff from other libraries that are seeking to use these services?



Are you willing to test a prototype of the Circulation Gateway that uses these services?




Circulation: SIP2 Protocol


a. Place hold

These two features must be enabled to allow the Circulation Gateway to place holds in your catalog.

Feature #1: Holds can be placed on available items through the SIP interface.



If No, when can you enable this feature:

Feature #2: Patrons can place multiple holds on the same title through the SIP interface.



If No, when can you enable this feature:


If you have a test and a production system, please provide this information for both systems.

a. Test credentials

Please provide patron barcodes that we can use to test hold placement:

For a valid account / For a restricted account*
Patron barcode

*A restricted account is an account that has lost its operating privileges because it has expired, has too many fines, etc.

b. Test records

You will need to create several item records for OCLC touse when testing. Please create each of these as specified, and provide the requested information below.

1. Single copy of a title that is available for loan and can have a hold placed on it.

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

2. Single copy of a title that is available for loan but cannot have a hold placed on it.

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

3. Single copy of a title that is not available for loan (i.e., checked out).

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

4. Multiple copies of a title that is available for loan and can have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing.

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:


5. Multiple copies of a title that is available for loan but cannot have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

6. Multiple copies of a title that is not available for loan (i.e., checked out).

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

7. Serial or multi-volume title that is available for loan and can have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing.

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

8. Serial or multi-volume title that is available for loan but cannot have a hold placed on it for consortial borrowing.

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode:

9. Serial or multi-volume title that is not available for loan (i.e., checked out)

OCLC number:


Local bibliographic record number:

Item barcode: