Special Monthly Compensation (SMC (1)) for

Regular Aid and Attendance and Permanently Bedridden for

Veterans Entitled to Service Connected Disability Compensation

The requirements for regular aid and attendance (A&A) serve as a building block to higher levels of SMC. This is a unique benefit, dependent upon a specific set of circumstance—it can stand on its own as an ancillary benefit to veterans evaluated 100% disabled and can be used in combination with other levels of SMC to establish the highest levels of SMC.

·  A veteran who is in need of regular A&A from another to perform the personal functions of daily living can receive increased compensation. The following factors will be considered in determining whether the veteran is entitled to SMC based on need for A&A:

o  Inability of claimant to dress or undress without assistance

o  To keep ordinarily clean and presentable without assistance

o  Inability of claimant to feed himself or herself without assistance

o  Inability to attend to the wants of nature

o  Incapacity which requires care or assistance on a regular basis to protect the claimant from the hazards or dangers incident to his or her daily environment

o  The veteran is bedridden by a condition through its essential character actually requires that the claimant remain in bed

·  A veteran does not have to demonstrate need for A&A to accomplish all the tasks described above.

·  The A&A can be provided by the spouse, family member, or neighbor of the veteran—it does not have to be provided by a professional or an outsider. Whether the veteran pays for regular assistance does not matter. A veteran who requires the personal healthcare services of a licensed professional is eligible to receive an even higher level of compensation.

·  VA Manual M21-1MR, Part IV, subpart ii, 2.H.33 provides that whenever a single disability is assigned a rating of 100%, the VA should consider entitlement to housebound benefits and A&A, as inferred issues.

·  VA Manual M21-1Mr, Part IV, subpart ii, 2.H.34, provides that if a disability is rated less than 100% but a recent examination shows that the disability is severe as to demonstrate a need for regular A&A, the claim should be submitted to the VA Central Office for an advisory opinion on whether to grant A&A.

Special Monthly Compensation (SMC (s)) for

Total Rating Plus 60% or Housebound Status for

Veterans Entitled to Service Connected Disability Compensation

This is a unique benefit dependent upon a specific set of circumstance and is payable in two ways:

1.  If the veteran has a service-connected disability rated as 100% disabling and additional service connected disability(ies) that are independently rated at 60% or more; or

2.  If the veteran has a single service-connected disability rated 100% disabling and the veteran is permanently housebound because of a service connected disability or disabilities. The requirement of “permanently housebound” will be considered to have been met when the veteran is substantially confined to such veteran’s house (ward or clinical areas, if institutionalized) or immediate premises due to a service-connected disability or disabilities and it is reasonably certain that the disability or disabilities will remain throughout the veteran’s lifetime.