BDA Certification – Farming & Gardening Organic Application Form

/ Biodynamic Association Certification /



Welcome to the Biodynamic Association. We certify to two standards, biodynamic (‘Demeter’) and organic. Both meet the minimum UK standards for organic farming as specified in EU regulation 834/2007 and associated EU regulations. In addition ‘Demeter’ meets the international Demeter standard. Food grown and certified under the Demeter standards can be called biodynamic, Demeter, and organic in the UK and worldwide.

How to apply: This application form is for producers entering land into conversion to organic production. The BDA Organic Production Standards are available on our website A paper copy is available if requested. You are asked to read the Standards carefully and observe all the requirements specified there from the time that you enter your land into conversion. When the BDA Certification Office receives your application (comprising completed application form, application fee, and farm map with field numbers and areas) we will review the application and agree your conversion plan. Normally the conversion period for your land will begin on the date that your application form was received by the Office.

Inspection and certification: Within two months of receiving your application, the Certification Office will arrange for an inspector to visit your farm/garden. During this visit the inspector will assess your farming or gardening system to ensure that the requirements of the BDA Organic Standards are being complied with. If you have any questions regarding the Standards, please ask the inspector at the time of your inspection or contact the Office at any time. It is essential that you understand the requirements for Organic certification as specified in theBDA Organic Standards, and we encourage you to ask any questions that you may have regarding these requirements.

Before the visit, the allocated inspector will send you the farming or gardening/horticultureQuestionnaire. You should fill this in before the inspection visit. During the visit, the inspector will complete an assessment report and carry out a farm/garden walk to look at your land, crops and livestock with you. The assessment report lists any instances of non-compliance to the Standards. A Certification Officer will review the inspector’s assessment report, and a decision will be made regarding the granting of certification. The BDA Certification Administrator will then send you the appropriate certificate(s) for your products: ‘in-conversion to organic’ or ‘Organic’, (which usually requires a 2 year conversion period). If certification is denied, your products cannot be sold as Organic.

Your details: Your name and contact details as a registered organic producer are required by EU Regulation to be placed in the public domain and will be submitted to DEFRA for that purpose. All other information submitted by you to our inspector or to the BDA Certification Office is strictly confidential. This information will only be released to DEFRA, Trading Standards, or to another approved organic certification body, and only for the purposes of verifying the organic integrity of food products produced or traded by your business.

Please fill in all relevant sections of this form clearly. If you need additional space, please use a separate sheet. Please return the completed form to:

BDA Certification, Painswick Inn Project, Stroud, Glos. GL5 1QG
Your details

Farm/ Garden name (name of holding)

Contact person(s)

(this person must assume full

responsibility for ensuring adherence

to the BDA Organic Standards)

Address for correspondence

Post codeTelephone

Mobile phoneE-mail address

Agricultural Holding NumberSDALFA

If you are a tenant, have you notified your landlord of your intention to convert to organic?


Main enterprises (e.g. cereals, sheep, beef, diary)

Are you VAT registered?Yes No  VAT no......

Directions to farm (or draw/ attach map so that our inspector can find you)
Reasons for changing to organic methods?
About your enterprise

In the first column, please tick all enterprises currently practiced on your farm.

In the second column, please tick all enterprises you are planning to convert to organic production, or new organic enterprises you plan to introduce in the future.

CropscurrentproposedLivestockcurrent proposed

non-organicorganicnon-organic organic

Grass and forageDairy cattle

CerealsBeef cattle

Protein cropsPigs


Vegetable/ root cropsPoultry (meat)

HerbsPoultry (eggs)

Greenhouse cropsOther ______

Top fruitOn-farm Processing/Packing

Soft fruitBox scheme

HoneyEgg packing

OtherFarm/retail shop

Other ______

How long have you been farming/growing commercially at this holding? ______

On another holding ______?

Please provide a rough description (or attach a sketch plan) of your farmyard, indicating approximate dimension of each building, its use, number of animals housed, capacity of silos/storage areas.

Your land: conversion areas, rented land and common grazing

The total land area being entered into conversion in this application(hectares)______

Other land already in conversion or fully organic certified(hectares)______

Other agricultural or horticultural land not being entered into(hectares)______

conversion, not in conversion, or not fully organic certified

Woods not used for grazing or food production, buildings,(hectares)______

and any other land not included above

Total area of holding (should be total of above)(hectares)______

(We may ask you for additional details if you manage or own agricultural or horticultural land not registered with the BDA)

Do you rent land for grazing, cropping, etc? Yes No 

If yes, is this land included in the land registered by you with the BDA?

If no, please provide the name of the person, the certification body, and registration number for this land

Is common grazing being used? Yes No 

If yes, please give details (e.g no days grazing on this land)

Farm/Holding Map

Please attach a map showing the organic status of your land, including field numbers and areas. Please use an IACS or OS map, and indicate on the map whether each field/area of land is

- Included in this application

- Already certified organic or in conversion to organic

- Not organic

I have attached a field map Yes 

Contracted works (such as grain storage, potato grading, slaughtering)

Does another operator carry out any of your storage, handling or grading?Yes No 

If YES, please state what operation is carried out:

Contact name(s)


Tel numberMobile numberE-mail

Previous organic certification

Have you ever been denied organic certification or had your organic certification terminated?

Yes No 

If yes, please provide details of any actions taken since to address the issues that led to the denial or termination.

Are you transferring from another Organic Certification Body?

Yes No 

If yes, please specify which Organic Certification Body.

BDA Certification Office, Painswick Inn Project, Gloucester Street, Stroud, Glos GL5 1QG Tel / Fax: 01453 766296
Email: Web: VAT No: 791 2859 91 Charity Commission No. 1158301
March 2017 / Page 1 of 21 / Ref No: AddLand

BDA Certification – Farming & Gardening Organic Application Form

Your Organic Conversion Plan

Going organic means changing your field and livestock systems. Your Organic Conversion Plan must show that you have a full knowledge of the Organic Standards, an understanding of what conversion to organic status requires, and a detailed plan for how this will be implemented in practice on your farm. You may need to modify this plan in the future, but it is useful to set it down now.

Your farm

Please introduce your farm in its setting – its landscape and surroundings. Mention the slopes, soils, and climate, and say if there are woods, hills, rivers... If possible, please include a picture of your farm or garden and the people who live and work there.

Your proposed farm system

Please say in very broad terms how the farm is presently run, and how you plan to run it in the future (main livestock breeds, grazing types and crop types)

Present system

Proposed system

Soil management

What type of soil do you have? Soil analysis? Soil problems?

How is the soil managed at present?

Soil management changes planned – how will you develop soil fertility and structure? Mention any cultivation, ploughing.

Manures and fertilisers

Please give details of your fertility and manure management, including sources of manure, manure handling and storage, methods used for spreading, and likely quantities to be applied per hectare. What about slurry and dirty water? Will there be any other soil fertility inputs, and how often are these planned? (Lime? Rock Phosphate? Potash? Horticultural waste?)

Current practice:

Changes planned:

Whole Farm Nutrient Budget: Will the above inputs balance the losses from production and natural processes on your farm? How will you minimise fertility losses; how will you minimise leaching? (for example, covering manure heaps, timing of cultivations).

Weed, pest and disease control

Please state any current problems and how you intend to control weeds, pests and disease on your holding. For example, topping, sterile seedbeds, hand pulling, weed peppers, etc. Vermin control?

Current practice:

Changes planned:

Nature and Landscape conservation

Please suggest how your organic farming methods will contribute to local nature diversity or landscape beauty. (Do not include practices being carried out as part of an agri-environment scheme – just the impacts of your farm becoming organic)

Local Environmental Risks

Please outline any local or regional pollution risks which may affect your holding, for example busy roads, spray drift, local industry, ground water pollution, or any serious air, soil, water, electromagnetic or radioactive pollution in the locality.

Materials entering or exiting the farm

Please say what traded materials or commercial commodities (Straw? Livestock feeds? Sand and gravel? Top soil? Piped water?) are expected to enter and leave the farm each year.

Current practice:

Changes planned:

Local community

Please outline the number of people you employ, and any changes in employment or other local effects that are expected to result from organic conversion of your holding. Please mention if neighbours, neighbouring farmers or others are involved with your holding; for example via community supported agriculture schemes, farm-based community events, or local co-operatives.

Food Quality

How can you be sure the organic food you produce will be of good quality? Comment on any changes to your crop growing and storage systems, breeds and livestock systems, veterinary practices and drug withdrawal periods etc that will affect the qualities and taste of your food products as a result of going organic. If necessary, comment on any challenges you face.

Methods of Marketing

Please outline how you will market the organic produce from your holding. Are you a member of any local co-operatives or networks, how will you sell your products to customers? For livestock, will you be selling as stores or finished?

BDA Certification Office, Painswick Inn Project, Gloucester Street, Stroud, Glos GL5 1QG Tel / Fax: 01453 766296
Email: Web: VAT No: 791 2859 91 Charity Commission No. 1158301
March 2017 / Page 1 of 21 / Ref No: AddLand

BDA Certification – Farming & Gardening Organic Application Form

Proposed rotation system

Please detail every field that you are entering into conversion (please include any fields that are part of a phased conversion taking place over the next 5 years).

Field name (optional) / IACS or OS field number / Area (ha) / Crop or use the year before last (20__) / Crop or use last year
(20__ ) / Crop this year
(20__ ) / Crop next year
(20__ ) / Last artificial fertilizer, herbicide, pesticide (day/month/year)

For grass, please state whether rough grazing, permanent pasture (more than 5 years), or temporary grass (less than 5 years).

Field name (optional) / IACS or OS field number / Area (ha) / Crop or use last year
(20__ ) / Crop this year
(20__ ) / Crop next year
(20_ ) / Crop planned for the year after
(20__ ) / Last artificial fertilizer, herbicide, pesticide (day/month/year)

For grass, please state whether rough grazing, permanent pasture (more than 5 years), or temporary grass (less than 5 years).

Continue on a photocopied separate sheet if necessary – tick here if you have done so 

BDA Certification Office, Painswick Inn Project, Gloucester Street, Stroud, Glos GL5 1QG Tel / Fax: 01453 766296
Email: Web: VAT No: 791 2859 91 Charity Commission No. 1158301
March 2017 / Page 1 of 21 / Ref No: AddLand

BDA Certification – Farming & Gardening Organic Application Form

How your land was managed in the past

Because some inputs can remain active in the soil or vegetation for years, organic certification normally requires 2 years between start of conversion and attainment of full organic status. Derogations of up to 4 months may be possible if it can be demonstrated from an independent source (and/or records kept) that no prohibited inputs have been used for 3 years preceding this application and if this is confirmed at the first inspection.

Occasionally the BDA may require a longer conversion period (e.g. 3 years), for example for perennial crops or following the use of pesticides that have long residual times.

In the relevant sections below please list the product names of all inputs used on your converting land in the previous four years, and whether or not they are listed as Permitted in the Standards. Please include the generic name of products as well as the brand name, if known.

Farmyard manure (FYM), including slurry, sewage sludge, and details of source






Other Inputs

Livestock; Health and Management Plan

You must submit a livestock management plan as part of your farm conversion plan. This needs to consider animal health and welfare, and must show how you plan to address specific issues on your farm.

Livestock breeds (proposedorganic)

Breed / Number / Breed / Number
Dairy Cattle / Sheep
Bulls / Rams
Cows / Ewes
I/C heifers / Other sheep 1 year +
Heifers 1 – 2 yrs / Lambs under 1 year
Calves 0 – 1 yrs / Poultry
Beef Cattle / Layers
Bulls / Pullets
Cows / Table Poultry
I/C heifers / Other
1 year + / Other Livestock
0 – 1 yrs
20 kg +
Piglets <20kg / No. of bee hives

What livestock changes are planned as a result of going organic?

If guest animals are kept, please give information as to species, number, length of stay, and veterinary treatments while on holding and 2 months preceding.

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare involves considering the five ‘freedoms’ (freedom from hunger/thirst, discomfort, pain/injury/disease, and fear/distress, and freedom to express normal behaviour. Please consider how domesticated your animal breeds are (for example, deer and fish are less domesticated than dairy cattle). All farms need to consider animal welfare, but what changes will you make as a result of going organic? (Herd health programme? Closed flock? Reduced stocking density? De-horning and tail docking?)

Changes planned to improve animal welfare as a result of going organic:

Potential concerns over animal welfare as a result of going organic, and how to react to them: (for example, if using fewer vaccinations then need more regular health checks)

Regional Characteristics

Please outline any regional problems that have been identified on your farm, and specific plans for their resolution. Mention any blood, soil or forage analyses which have been used to identify mineral or trace element deficiencies. Mention any regional weather and ecological characteristics such as drought, wetland, tics, fluke, flies, predators.

Current problems and how they are addressed:

Changes planned as a result of being organic:

Animal housing

Please outline how the animals are housed.

Current practice:

Changes planned to improve animal housing:

Grazing practice

Please outline how you the animals will be grazed. How will you work towards a clean grazing policy?

Current practice:

Changes planned to improve animal grazing:

Stocking Density

Please calculate the stocking density (livestock units per hectare) on your farm. Please mention any intensive systems (e.g. bull beef, poultry).

Current stocking density:

Changes planned:

Intensive systems?


Please outline the forage, concentrates and any other feedstuffs you plan to feed to your animals.

Current feeding practice:



Changes to feeding planned:



Disease Control and Veterinary Treatment

What types of disease are present within your flock? (worms and parasites, foot conditions, skin conditions, systemic conditions, contagious conditions, diseases carried by insects...)

How will you prevent or minimise disease?

How will you treat disease? Comment on what veterinary treatments are required, and why.

How will you monitor disease?

What changes to animal health will you make due to going organic?

BDA Certification Office, Painswick Inn Project, Gloucester Street, Stroud, Glos GL5 1QG Tel / Fax: 01453 766296
Email: Web: VAT No: 791 2859 91 Charity Commission No. 1158301
March 2017 / Page 1 of 21 / Ref No: AddLand

BDA Certification – Farming & Gardening Organic Application Form



1.I seek BDA Organic certification

2.I am aware of and am committed to organic methods of farming and gardening

3.I will, on an on-going basis, comply with BDA Certification Organic Production Standards as revised from time to time. (All revisions to the standards will be notified to you).