Material Science and Engineering
4700 KAUST
Thuwal, 23955-6900
Saudi Arabia / Cell.: +966 544700061

Head of the Spintronics Group at KAUST


Assistant Professor King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,
Saudi Arabia Topic: Spin transport and magnetization dynamics
Lectures on Optics, Crystallography, Magnetism & Spintronics, Transport Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Electronic Properties of Materials
Research Associate U. of Missouri-Columbia and U. of Arizona-Tucson, USA Supervisor: Prof. Zhang ()
Topic: Spin transfer with spin-orbit coupling; electron-magnon interaction in magnetic tunnel junctions
Research fellow CEA/SPINTEC (Grenoble, France).
Topic: Experiments on spin transfer in magnetic tunnel junctions and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy; Theory on spin transfer in metallic multilayers, spin spiral and magnetic tunnel junctions
Lectures on Mathematics and Mechanics to undergraduate students.
Research assistant ONERA (Palaiseau, France) in non-linear optics
Topic: Development and modelization of Optical Parametrical Oscillators / 2009-…
Professional Achievement
  • Total number of publications: 26, h-index:9; Two book chapters published
  • Supervising 7 PhD students, 6 Post-doctoral fellows, 1 MS student
  • Chair of the Admission Committee of Materials Science and Eng. Program
  • Member of the American Physical Society and of the IEEE Magnetic Society Society.
  • Reviewer forPhysical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Applied Physics D.
  • Session chair at Joint MMM/Intermag conference, Washington 16-22 Jan. 2010.
  • Scientific Expert for ANR (French National Funding Agency)

Education and Training

PhD in Physics at CEA/SPINTEC laboratory (Grenoble, France)
Supervisor: B. Dieny ().
Theme:”Spin Transfer Torque in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
Master “Lasers and Matters” of the Ecole Polytechnique and Orsay University in partnership with ONERA (Palaiseau, France). Summa Cum Laude, ranked 3rd
Supervisor: M. Lefebvre ().
Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) 1st Engineering School in France
Entering ranked 2nd PT. Engineering diploma / 2004-2007


Languages Proficiency
Computer Skills
Technical methods / French : Native tongue, English: Fluent, Spanish: Good,
Arabic: Beginner
C, MatLab, Mathematica, LaTeX
Exp.: Standard techniques; Kerr effect, VSM, SQUID, X-ray analysis
Theory: Keldysh technique; Boltzmann formalism; Transfer Matrix


Associative / Various community service experiences in social associations
Reading / Historical and scientific literature
Cultural / Visiting museums, theatre, cinema, trips in Europe, Africa and United States
Hobbies / Trekking,judo, tennis, acrobatic rock’n’roll, guitar

- References made available upon request -