Spanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
InternationalNaval Pentathlon Championship
Naval Pentathlon
Spain 2016
23th -26th May 2016
Marín / Pontevedra (Spain)
Friendship Through Sport
/ International Military Sports CouncilSpanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
To: See Distribution List.
Subject: International Naval Pentathlon Championship.
Date: 23th – 26th May 2016.
The Spanish Delegation to CISM is honored to invite a mission representing the Armed Forces of your country to participate in the International Naval Pentathlon Championship, to be hold in the Spanish Naval Academy(Marin-Pontevedra) , from 23th -26thMay 2016.
The Preliminary Agreement needs to be signed and returned to the organizing committee not later than 1th of Apriland the Final Entry not later than 30th of April 2016.
Madrid, 19th FEB 2016
The original has been signed
Colonel (ESP M) José L. Torres / Lt. Colonel (ESP AF) Carlos Garcia-Verdugo
Spanish Navy Sport Committee Secretary General / Chief Spanish CISM Delegation
- Distribution List.
- Program.
- General Information.
- Annex A – Preliminary Agreement (electronic registration).
- Annex B1–Final Entry (electronic registration).
- Annex B2 – Commitment by the Head of Mission (electronic registration).
/ International Military Sports Council
Spanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
CISM Spanish Delegation
Paseo de la Castellana, 109 (7ª Planta)
28071 – Madrid (Spain)
Fax: +34 91 395 51 65
- Distribution List.
- The President of CISM.
- The CISM Official Representative.
- The CISM Vice-President for Europe.
- The CISM Secretary General.
- The Chiefs of Liaison Offices.
- The President and Members of the CISM Naval Pentathlon Committee.
- Representatives of the CISM Partners and Sponsors.
- Representatives of Organization committee RMNPC 2015.
To the Heads of Delegations of:
/ International Military Sports Council
Spanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
- General Program of the Championship
Day / Date / Activities
Sun 22nd May /
- Arrival of the participants
- Check in procedure /Administrative Briefing
- (Optional) SC Inspection of tracks
Mon 23rd May /
- Delegations meeting.
- Opening ceremony (Flags, National Anthems, Official Welcome (1000 AM)
- Technical Briefing
- Training
- Obstacle Race
Tue 24th May /
- Training
- Life Saving swimming race
- Utility swimming race
Wed 25th May /
- Training
- Seaman ship race (time TBD pending tide height)
Thu 26th May /
- Training
- Amphibious cross country race
- O/C Podium awards & championship closure.
Fri 27th May /
- Departure of delegations
- Composition of the Mission
Only military personnel on active duty may participate in the competition. All participants must be valid military identity card holders.
Chief of Mission / Team Captain / 1Coach / 1
Male Competitors / 5
Female Competitors / 2
Total / 9
There is no possibility to lodge additional people!!
/ International Military Sports CouncilSpanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
According to the CISM Regulations volume 2, Policy Manual, article 3.20.C, the President and Members of the Sport Committee Naval Pentathlon will be considered as additional mission members.
- Access to the location of the Competition
Travelling expenses to and from the point of arrival in Spain will be the responsibility of the participant missions. If required the organizer will provide transportation from Santiago/Vigo/Coruñaairports or Train stations and back.
Points of arrival
- By Air:
-Santiago/Vigo/Coruña:Int. Airport.
- By Train:
-Vigo/Pontevedra: Train station.
Latest time of arrival 2000 hrs. Sunday 22ndMay 2016.
- Real Life Support conditions.
While at Navy Academy in Marin participants will be guests of the Spanish Navy. Normal board and lodging costs will lie with the organizer from arrival on 22ndof May till departure on27th of May, 2016. Extra expenses like telephone calls, additional meals or drinks, etc., must be paid by the consumer.
Medical emergencies (first aid) will be the responsibility of the Spanish Navy. Other medical expenses beyond first aid, are under the responsibility of the concerned delegation through standard military and civilian (European Union) regulations. The Spanish Navy will provide medical support for all scheduled competitions. The Spanish Navy will not be responsible for any advanced medical expenses, including hospital stays, surgical procedures, and/or other medical care beyond first aid. All participants must travel with their own necessary medical coverage. Participants are also responsible for any specific medication or medical supplies required for the event.
- Gift exchanges
There is no official gift exchange planned during the competition.
/ International Military Sports CouncilSpanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
- Uniforms, flag, anthem.
Military Uniforms are required for the official ceremonies. The organizer requests all delegations to bring your national flag and your national anthem (on CD).
- Customs and Visa Procedures
General European Union regulations apply for entering Spain from other EU countries. For additional information on Passports/Visa/Health Regulations, please contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate serving in your country or the nearby. Applications for transportation of weapons and ammunition are the responsibility of the participating delegations.
According to the Weapons Control Act, it is also necessary to register all weapons and ammunition in Annex B1 which will be brought to Spain.
- Weather conditions
Average weather forecast in Marin area in May:
-Temperature Air, daytime: + 20º Celsius.
-Temperature Water: + 15º Celsius.
-Rain: Rain showers also common in May.
- Registration Forms Deadlines
Deadline to return for the agreements is:
Preliminary Agreement (Annex A):1th of Apr 2016
Final Entry (Annex B1, B2):30th of Apr 2016
On the final entry form, the participating mission is to indicate valid manned operated phone and fax numbers as well as a POC email address in case the organizing committee needs to contact them.
- Correspondence
CISM Spanish Delegation
Paseo de la Castellana, 109 (7ª Planta)
28071 – Madrid (Spain)
Fax: +34 91 395 51 65
/ International Military Sports CouncilSpanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th-26th May 2016 /
PRELIMINARY AGREEMENTTo be returned before 1th of Apr 2016
To: / Cc:CISM Spanish Delegation
Paseo de la Castellana, 109 (7ª Planta)
28071 – Madrid (Spain)
Telf.: +34 91 395 53 20 / 91 395 53 21
Fax: +34 91 395 51 65
Email: / Dirección de Enseñanza Naval
Sección Educación Física
C/ Montalbán, 2
28071 – Madrid
Telf.: +34 91 379 59 55 / 91 312 42 29
Fax: +34 91 379 52 19
Officials / Athletes / TotalMen / OF/POF/ENL / OF/POF/ENL / OF/POF/ENL
Means of Transport:
DATE: ______
RANK/NAME: ______
Your contact details / Rank / NamePhone
/ International Military Sports Council
Spanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
ANNEX B1 – 1 (2)
FINAL ENTRYTo be returned before 30th of APR 2016
To: / Cc:CISM Spanish Delegation
Paseo de la Castellana, 109 (7ª Planta)
28071 – Madrid (Spain)
Telf.: +34 91 395 53 20 / 91 395 53 21
Fax: +34 91 395 51 65
Email: / Dirección de Enseñanza Naval
Sección Educación Física
C/ Montalbán, 2
28071 – Madrid
Telf.: +34 91 379 59 55 / 91 312 42 29
Fax: +34 91 379 52 19
Day of arrival: / Time of arrival: / Place of arrival: / Means of transport:
Day of departure: / Time of departure: / Place of departure: / Means of transport:
Appointment / Rank / First Name / Surname / Additional info: food,…
Chief of Mission / Team Captain
/ International Military Sports Council
Spanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
ANNEX B1 – (2)
Gender / Rank/Pay Grade / First Name / Last Name / Weapon, Model and Nº / Additional info: food, …Male
Male r
Amount of ammunition (22. Long): ______
DATE: ______
RANK / NAME: ______
Your contact details / Rank / NamePhone
/ International Military Sports Council
Spanish Delegation
International Naval Pentathlon Championship
Marín - Pontevedra (Spain)
23th - 26th May 2016 /
FINAL ENTRY – COMMITMENT BY THE HEAD OF MISSIONTo be returned before: 30th of APR 2016
NATIONThe undersigned, Head of Mission declare that he has read and understood the art. 3.28. of the CISM Policy Manual namely the following prescriptions:
- Head of Mission
- Head of Mission/Team Captain shall be familiar with CISM regulations.
- Missions must not only participate or be present at sports events, they are also required to participate in information conferences on CISM, study days, commemorative and cultural events and ceremonies organized by the host nation.
- Conduct of a mission
- The Head of Mission is responsible for the behavior of his team in sports and general military discipline. He shall ensure that members of his mission respect the rules and directives prescribed by CISM and organizers of the championship. The respect of schedules is particularly important as they form the basis for the effective conduct of competitions and ceremonies. Instances of discipline or poor sportsmanship will be handled by Championship officials and may result in the disqualification of individual athletes or teams.
- The Head of Mission shall also enforce the rules concerning behavior and dress code during the ceremonies. He plays an important role in promoting the CISM spirit among his mission, a spirit represented by friendly attitude towards other missions, courtesy towards organizers and fair-play in competition. Any mission, which does not wear military uniform during the opening/closing ceremony of a Championship, will not be authorized to take part in the Championship. The Official CISM Representative will communicate this decision.
- In conformity with the Statutes and traditions of CISM, any political or religious action during a CISM event, in particular the dissemination of propaganda documents, pictures, brochures, reviews, etc., is strictly forbidden. Any contravention shall result in the exclusion of the mission from further competition.
DATE: ______
RANK / Name: ______