General Meeting
Venue: Room 9, Ground Floor, City College, PE1 1TU
Held: 1:30pm on Monday 9TH October 2017
Welcome: Henry welcomed all to the meeting and introduced Yasmin Bradley, a new member [Printing]
Present: David Garbutt, student [History] Geoff Richardson [First Aid] Betty Hobbs [Money in Landscape &Minutes] Katie Cooper, [Community Learning Co-ordinator] Janet Bristow [Vice Principal] Dan Pick [Adult Learning & Development Manger] Henry Curry [Writing, Music, & Chairman]
2. Apologies: Lesley & Alan Hull, Anne Garside, Isabel Knipe, Most members of Staff could not attend as agenda had apparently not reached them (possibly blocked by internal comms system?). Catherine Barr’s apology was sent but not received. Liz Astley and Joy Parker have submitted their resignations. Michael Gardner, [Marketing] has left the College.
3.Minutes of last AGM meeting: Held on Monday 17th October 2016 were accepted as a true record.
4.Matters Arising: Henry informed the meeting that both the Santander and N&P accounts are now closed and the monies transferred to our new account at Lloyds Bank. A copy of our funds was circulated to the members.
5.Election of Officers: The Secretary, Betty Hobbs, and the Treasurer, Jean Brennan [in her absence] were both re-elected.
There was no other business.Henry closed the meeting at
1. Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 15th May 2017
were passed and signed.
2.Report on Previous Actions :
a] Introducing IPads to the coffee bar area. ONGOING
b] Personnel department to raise a follow up enquiry ‘why did you leave?’ for long standing students. ONGOING
c] re-arranging the agenda . COMPLETE.
d] Adele to produce a simple form for CV Funding Requests
e] Janet to contact Brian Keegan re making U3A members aware of College Voice. ONGOING
f] Henry and Geoff to meet for an informal discussion on ways to promote College Voice. COMPLETE.
3.Reports from Class Representatives:
- David, History, no problems, class well attended.
- Geoff, is now starting a first Aid course and will report back at a later date.
- Betty, new course about the history and development of money. Two new members but two who have not returned this year, one due to illness. There have been several favourable comments regarding the re-furbishing of the student toilets.
- Lesley requested me to point out that neither her tutor nor Alan’s course, Development of the Bible, mentioned College Voice in their class. This was proposed at the last meeting to encourage students to participate in College Voice meetings.
- Henry expressed his admiration for Tim Wilson in both his Classical Music and Writing classes. Both well attended.
- Yasmin explained to the meeting the need for a printing machine for a class of 8 students and why she is asking for funding from College Voice. Their work has been highly praised nationally but without a new machine would be unable to develop further. The Tutor, Becky Toughill, is leaving at half-term. Geoff suggested that the college should be buying equipment rather than College Voice. Betty queried that it was a large sum to benefit eight students. It has been provisionally agreed to fund half the cost [£600.]
4.Chairman’s Report : Henry reported on the College Voice Constitution as outlined January 2017 and outlined the Mission Statement now being developed. Several ideas and proposals from the informal meeting, 20.06.17 regarding the promotion of College Voice.
- Katie to contact tutors prior to the start of term and make them aware of the College Voice meetings and next date. ONGOING
- Janet to look into the option of paying tutors for attending meetings ONGOING.
- Changing the name of College Voice.
- The need to update College Voice Web site page.
(This is now COMPLETE)
- An e-blast round to all learners two weeks prior to the meeting
- Henry to create name badges. COMPLETE
- Henry and Katie to look to at organising an open evening and inviting all PCDL learners. ONGOING
5. Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of Jean, Henry presented the current accounts for College Voice. Breakdown of Accounts attached.
Expenditure £121.11Income £273.33
Total Funds £3,493.46
NOTED that the Book Table is the only source of revenue.
6. Requests for Funding: suggestions for spending received:
Yasmin sent in a formal request for College Voice to fund a printing machine. She gave a detailed report for the advantages to both the college and the 8 students attending the class. After discussion the members felt that providing the full amount of approx.£ 1200 was not viable as such a large sum to benefit just 8 students was unfair to the rest of the college. The meeting may be prepared to give half the amount.
ACTION Henry to check all members agree this funding.
Betty has requested some seating for the re-furbished ladies toilet. She will submit a formal request. .
7. Promotion of College Voice: An ongoing issue. Despite several suggestions from earlier meetings the situation remains. Equally it was noted by Betty that there was little publicity in the town about City College. Janet agreed and noted that Jackie was much missed in the Marketing Dept. The staff are in discussion as to the way forward. It was suggested that the name of College Voice be changed and agreed by the majority. Suggestions for a new title?
ACTION Henry to poll members for a new title for the Voice
Our Web site needs updating as it is still showing 2016 material (NOTE: Now updated). Henry distributed the name badges. Geoff suggested monthly meetings but it was not taken up as there is a problem having enough members to attend once a term. Henry has agreed to inform him of ongoing issues.
8.Janet Bristow : [Vice Principal] In the absence of several members of staff Janet outlined some of the current issues.
- Pat Carrington, MBE, for services to Education. Henry wrote offering his congratulations on behalf of College Voice. She will be Deputy Director of Cambridgeshire ?
- Nichola is taking part in a pilot for national pay progression, Health & Social Care.
- The college film to include NCFE showing the range of work needed more student participation and less staff.
- Funding re “Controlling Migration & Pressure on the Community” has been allocated a quarter million pounds. Free English classes plus information on services is now being organised. 70 people replied to a request for volunteers to train and deliver the Community based courses.
- Comment forwarded from Adele on the excellence of the course on Mental Health presented by Tim Wilson concerning improving mild panic attacks.
9. Dan Pick: Is working to improve the presentation of Adult Learning courses regarding the titles and course outlines in the Course Guide. He suggested that if College Voice donate a small bursary each year to an individual student in need of help it should be handled discretely by the tutor to propose a candidate.
10: Any Other Business: A general discussion followed about raising the profile of College voice.
11:Date of Next Meeting Monday 29th January 2018.
NOTE: Agenda will be circulated, with details of room number, approx. two weeks prior to the meeting.
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