Author Guidelines for the EST 2018 Student Competition
Author1 Author2
(The name of the corresponding author(s) should be marked with an asterisk*)
(If the coauthors are at the same institutions or department, the repeated institutional affiliation could be omitted.)
Corresponding author‘s e-mail address
This article provides a formatting template for EST 2018 proceeding papers. Papers up to 8 pages must be submitted using this format. This document is a template for Microsoft Word, you can use it to prepare your manuscript. The abstract should be a single paragraph of no more than 500 words in both Chinese and English version.
Keywords: conference proceedings, manuscript template, author guidelines
1. Formatting of Manuscript Component
The paper should include body of paper, authors, abstract, keywords, and main content.
Manuscript is an 8-page limit paper and must include title, authors’ names, affiliations, corresponding author’s e-mail address, abstract, keywords, main content, figures, tables, and references.
1.2 Titles
Please provide the title in both Chinese and English. Keep titles brief and descriptive. Titles should be capitalized except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
1.3Author Names
Names, affiliations, and corresponding author’s e-mail address should be listed. Affiliations can be omitted if authors are from the same affiliation.
The total length of the abstract is limited to 500 words in a single paragraph. The text should be justified to occupy the full line width.
1.5 Keywords
We would like to encourage you to list your keywords with a maximum of 5 words, be aligned to the left and in boldface.
1.6 Main Text
Use a two-column format with each column is 8 cm wide and spacing of 1 cm between
columns. The text should be justified to occupy the full line width. For ease of formatting,
please use the styles listed in Table 1.
Major headings and sub-headings should start at the left margin in the column. For ease of
formatting, please use the styles listed in Table 1. 1.6.2 Paragraph
Section headings should be listed as Arabic numbers and sub-sections numbered in decimals (e.g., major heading 1, sub-section 1.2, and sub-sub-section 1.2.1). Headings should be limited a no more than 3 multilevel list. For ease of formatting, please use the styles listed in Table 1.
1.6.3 Numbering and bulleted lists
Avoid listing the 4th-level heading, numbering or bulleted lists are preferred. For ease of formatting, please use the styles listed in Table 1.
2. Figures and Tables
Figures and tables must be clearly legible and simple.
2.1 Figures
All figures must be centered on the column. Figures must include a caption with the figure number and a brief description. The caption text must be below the figure. Captions with single line should be centered; otherwise, captions with multiple lines should be aligned to the left. Please set the captions in 9 point Times New Roman characters, with single-line spacing. The line spacing between caption and figure should be 6 point and the line spacing between caption and the following text should also be 6 point.
2.2 Tables
All tables should be centered on the column. Tables must include a caption of the table number and a brief description. The caption text must be above the table and centered. Please set the text in in 9 point Times New Roman characters, with single-line spacing. The line spacing between previous text and caption should be 6 point and the line spacing between caption and table should also be 6 point.
3.Submitting the manuscript
Kindly submit the PDF file of your paper electronically to the EST 2018 submission system. There is no need to include page numbers.
4. Reference
References should include the following components: author names, publication year, paper titles, publication information, and full page ranges. Instructions and examples for books, journal, and proceedings are provided below.
● Please note that all references listed must be directly cited in the body of the text. All lines after the first line of each entry in the reference list should be indented one-half inch from the left margin. Authors are asked to assign a separate number to each citation.
● Chinese references should be listed by the publication year, while for English, entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work. Chinese references are listed first, followed by English references, references in other languages are listed subsequently.
● When referencing from books, each entry should include authors name, publication year in parentheses, books title running in title case, location, publisher, edition, and the page numbers. Please refer to example 1
● When referencing from journal, each entry should include authors name, publication year in parentheses, article title, journal title running in title case, volume number, and the page numbers. Please refer to example 2.
● When referencing from proceedings, each entry should include authors name, publication year in parentheses, proceedings title running in title case, and the page numbers. Please refer to example 3.
● Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, as shown in example 4.
References (Examples):
1. Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A. W., Rosenbluth, M. N., Teller, A. H. and Teller, E. (1953). Equations of state calculations by fast computing machine. J. Chem. Phys., 21, pp. 1087-1091.
2. Diller, T., Helmrich, G., Dunning, S., Cox, S., Buchanan, A., & Shappell, S. (2014). The human factors analysis classification system (HFACS) applied to health care.American Journal of Medical Quality,29(3), 181-190.
3. Tai, K. C., Lin, K. H., Hsieh, J. G., Chang, C. F., & Lee, Y. J. (2017, July). Effects of Taichi on static balance and leg muscle activities in community middle-aged and elderly. Poster session presented at Proceedings of the congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia.
Acknowledgments are optional and should specify research funding and resources including organization and reference numbers. For example,
“We thank the Ministry of Science and Technology for financial and technical support. The research project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 106-2319-B-001-003).”
Summary of the format for EST 2018 student competition
Style / typeface / Appearance / Type size / Paragraph spacing / Line spacing / Alignment / NoteTitle / Tms Rmn / bold / 14pt / none / Single spacing / centered
Author’s names / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / before: 12pt
after: 12pt / Single spacing / centered / Names and affiliations should be in the different lines
Abstract Heading / Tms Rmn / standard / 12pt / none / minimum line spacing:
12pt / centered
Abstract text / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / before: 6pt
after: 6pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Left and right-justified / Indent paragraph by 0.85cm, limited in 500 words with single paragraph
Keywords / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / before: 6pt
after: 6pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Aligned to the left / At a maximum of 5 words
Main Text / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Left and right-justified / Use a two-column format, where each column is 8 cm wide and spacing of 1 cm between columns.
Section Titles / Tms Rmn / bold / 10pt / after: 3pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Aligned to the left / Avoid the 4th-level heading
Main Text / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / after: 3pt, if the subsequent paragraph is still in the same section
after: 12pt, if the subsequent paragraph ends the section / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Left and right-justified / Indent paragraph by 0.85cm. Use numbering or bulleted notes to replace the 4th-level heading.
Numbering / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / after: 3pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Aligned to the left / Numbering as (1)、(2)、(3), in halfwidth number and parentheses
Bulleted lists / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / after: 3pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / indentation:
0.4cm / Use ● as bulleted lists.
Figure caption / Tms Rmn / standard / 9pt / before: 6pt
after: 6pt / Single spacing / centered / Figure caption should be below the figure.
Table caption / Tms Rmn / standard / 9pt / before: 6pt
after: 6pt / Single spacing / centered / Table caption should be above the table.
Table text / Tms Rmn / standard / 8pt / none / Single spacing / centered
References / Tms Rmn / standard / 10pt / after: 3pt / minimum line spacing:
12pt / Aligned to the left / numbering the references and align the text
1. Use paper size A4. Set top, bottom, left, and right margins to 2.5 cm. Characters are arranged from left to right in a vertical layout. The recommended page size of full papers is 8 pages.
2. We recommend you to write the paper in Microsoft Word and submit the final PDF files of your paper electronically to the EST 2018 submission system. When using other software, special attention should be paid to check your paper format confirms to this template.