about issueof SK technical assessmentof construction product
pursuantof provision par. 23 of ActNo. 133/2013 Coll. on construction products and amendments to certain laws
as amended by Act No. 91/2016 Coll. (hereinafter ‚Act‘)
(fill in by the Approved Body)
Applicant / manufacturer requires about: (it marks by mark)
elaborationof SK technicalassessmentpursuantpar. 3 of Act
consequentlyaboutassessmentof parameters(fill datain point 4 of this application)
pursuantof provisions:
ActNo. 133/2013 Coll.on construction productsand amendments to certain lawsas amended
Act No. 91/2016 Coll.(hereinafter „Act“)
Regulation MDVRR SR No. 162/2013 Coll., which are determinedlist of categoriesof construction products and the systems of assessment of parameters as amended regulation No. 177/2016 Coll.(hereinafteronly „regulation“)
Company name (according register at company register, trade certificate)
Address (street, community, P.O.Box – including address for service)
IBAN: VAT reg. No.: SWIFT:
Representative for subject act: (name, position, phone, fax, e-mail)
Authorised person: (name, position, phone, fax, e-mail)
Bank connection:seat bank:IBAN:
seat account:BIC/SWIFT:
2.Producer: (fill, if applicant is not hereby manufacturer)
Company name (according register at company register, trade certificate)
Address (street,community, P.O.Box – including address for service)
IBAN: VAT reg. No.: SWIFT:
Representative for subject act: (name, position, phone, fax, e-mail)
Authorised person: (name, position, phone, fax, e-mail)
Place (s) of manufacture(name of manufacturing plant, street, city, state):
Generic name, trade name:
Type (s)(detailed identification of all the types and variants of the product according to a valid standard, a corporate documentation or a catalogue, that are produced by the same technology):
The product of this type and kind is manufactured in ...... designs (variants)
Type brands of all kinds of the product included in the type tested:
Technical specification (where are referred declared properties of the product):
Name of technical manual or technical standard, which is notby determined standard, but its containis to be used than basis for technical assessment (in which are determined stated properties of product):
The marking of group product by addition No. 1 regulation MDVRR SR No. 162/2013Coll. As amended regulation No. 177/2016 Coll.:
Purpose and method of using product inbuilding, method of his permanent and fixed installation to building, relevant limit of his using:
Additional information about the product(if applicable)
Class of reaction to fire:
(according toEN 13501-1)
Class of fire characteristics of roofs / of sliding roofs by subjected external fire, while is it relevant to:
(according EN 13501-5)
In production are used substances for reduction of flammability:yesno
4.Assessment of parametersof construction product
(Fill only inthe case, if you have interestto perform assessment of parameters inAO SK06just after issued SK TP)
Inthe basis of issued SK technicalassessmentNo...... we applyabout:
(the required operationyou mark)
certification of constancy of parameters of product – system (I+ a I)
certificationof conformityproduction control system – system (II+)
specification of product type – system (III)
technical assistance at assessment of product parameters – system (IV)
- Was already on construction product issued assessment of parameters or issued technical assessment
under regulation or act (or documented conformity under Act No. 90/1998 Coll. as amended later regulations)?
yes(specify No. certificate or other document):
yes, I apply about extention stated (specify No. certificate or other document):
- Enclose auxiliary documents to Application
Information on the product
- detailed technical description and drawings, data sheets, structural analysis;
- data on intended use;
-list of other technical specifications and instructions valid for product and production;
- brief description of production process;
-copies of reports of performed tests in other testing laboratories, issued of certificates, reports fromaudit of quality or reports
about performed inspection above control system of production.Annex No......
Copy of actual Abstract of the Companies Register or Trade CertificateAnnex No......
In the case, that Application present representative of manufacturer(according point 2 of Application) original or authenticated copy of agreement if you like authorization of manufacturer for applicant with intorducing of range representation Annex No......
7.Declaration of the applicant / manufacturer
The product is developmentally completed and data contained in this application, the documentation and other data are complete and represent the state of the product at the date of this application.
Applicant / manufacturer present, that he have not applied same application for product reffered in the Art. 3 other Approved / Notified Body, if you like The application was not accepted.
(Untrueness of this declaration is disciplinable according the Act.)
8.Other requirements for the applicant / manufacturer
To deliver documents needed to assess the performance of the product in Slovak language (unless otherwise agreed).
To allow for the taking a sample, if you like provide a sample of the product for performance testing of the product in due time.
To allow the performance of initial inspection of the factory and factory production control and continous control above factory production control and control tests in due time.
To ensure cooperation during the assessment of parameters to the extent required by the approved /notified body.
9.Commercial and legal relationships
Will be addressed in a separate contract concluded pursuant to § 591 at seq. Commercial Code, in relation to this application.
If the procedure of issuing SK technical assessment would stop prematurely, the applicant agrees to pay the approved body incurred costs of works even done before the conclusion of the contract.
In on
Representative of the applicant:On behalf of the approved / notified body registered:
name: on
signature: ...... signature: ......
Stamp of the applicant
The notes to filling of application
The application are filling separately for every brand of product produced by one manufacturer inmember state or in abroad.
Accompanying papers according point 6, which concerning at the same time several products required for assessment of parameters of product, do to add to one application and in other to introduce heritage.
Application you send in two works, accompanying papers 1x by registered post to address presented in top application.
We urge, that by register of application not confirm its allness. Process of assessment parameters of product, can be begun till after completing by specified data and by delivery all required accompanying documents in terms off § 21 Section 2) and Section. 3) of Act.
Informations for applicant / manufacturer.
By assessment of parameters maybe to verify only properties of construction product stated in technical specifications by defined by direction or act. Because obligation to assess parameters of these requirements is it relevant to all manufacturers and all products the same products, is for successful of product in the market possible to show by per independent body also other properties of product, these, which are different from competing products and that are important for selection of product his incoming users.
For applicant is financially and timely advantageous together with assessment of parameters to realize too certification of others properties of product and to obtain so certification of Accredited certification body for certification of products VÚSAPL, a.s., reg. No. P-011, eventually to verify properties of product by tests in competent accredited laboratory VÚSAPL, a.s., reg. No. S-043.
In the case of your interest you introduce, which other properties of product you inquire to verify by certification if you like by tests.
Certification if you like tests perform VÚSAPL, a.s. on the basis of particular contract. Particular informations you offer at address listed in the head-line of this application.
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