UpperTyroneTownship Sewage Authority Regular Meeting

March 27, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Mr. Whoric, present, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mrs. Beranek, present, Mr. Borek, present, Mrs. Kubic, present.

Persons Attending: Solicitor Korns, Engineer Bill Utzman, Kerry Rath, Rich Beranek, Terry Coughanour, Diane Lewandowski, David Tullio, Ron Lewandowski, Roselyn Schmidt, John Schmidt, Bob Lewandowski, Regina Nazimek, Gregg Lambie, Edwin Zaffina and Recording Secretary Lori Henry.

Reorganization began meeting due to resignation of Board Member Jesse Keller.

Mr. Whoric motioned to appoint Jackie Beranek as Chairman of the Board for the UTT Sewage Authority. This is to fill vacancy of position due to recent resignation. Mrs. Kubic seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Whoric, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mrs. Beranek, abstain. Motion accepted.

Mr. Whoric motioned to appoint Lori Henry as Secretary of the Board for the UTT Sewage Authority. This is due to being consistent with PennVEST loan documents and draw downs. Mrs. Kubic seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs.Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mrs. Kubic, yes. Motion accepted.

Reorganization concluded.

Mr. Borek motioned to approve the February 27, 2017 Regular meeting minutes with changes as noted. It was stated that the public comment received at last meeting was from Mr. & Mrs. Konieczny. Should state public comment was received from Mr. Konieczny and Mrs. Konieczny (brother & sister). Mr. Whoric seconded the motion with changes noted. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent. Motion accepted.

Treasurers Report as of 03/27/2017:

(See Attached Balance Sheet)

Mr. Borek motioned to approve the treasurer’s report. Mr. Whoric seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes. Motion accepted.

Public Comment:

The following were public comments received during public comment period:

  • Mr. Rath stated that the contractors had brokenan old Norvelt Railroad sign when digging in the easement for installation of lines.
  • Bob Lewandowski wished to file a complaint regarding flooding in his basement due to new construction.
  • Regina Nazimek owner of trailer court in Kingview requested a letter from board stating what her actual fees are going to be for the trailer court.
  • John Schmidt questioned why he would have to pay the difference for a larger grinder pump for his residence due to the depth than most grinders being installed.
  • Ron Lewandowski asked what side of the road will the contractors be working on in McClure.He also commented stating the crew is doing good work.

It was stated by Solicitor that all complainants need to file complaint forms located here in office. They will be given to the proper persons.

Mrs. Nazimek would receive a letter from attorney stated the fees for which the property would be responsible for.

It was also discussed that the decision was made not to extend the line to 174 Kendi Road due to costs. Extension would cost approximately $60,000.00 to $70,000.00 with no development or promise for residence to tap in due to guidelines of the 150ft exception of tapping in.

Motion to Pay Bills:

Mr. Whoric motioned to pay the bills for the month of March 2017. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent. Motion accepted.

Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None


Mr. Utzman discussed the payment requests from contactors and requested motions for approval.

Mr. Whoric motioned to approve payment request #11 from R&B Contracting & Excavating for Contract 2015-01: Gravity Sewer and Force Main in the amount of $411,113.68. This is for services performed for period ending March 13, 2017. Mrs. Kubic seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes. Motion accepted.

Mr. Whoric motion to approve payment request #8 from Kukurin Contracting for contract 2015-02: Pump Stations in the amount of $128,522.88. This is for services period ending March 13, 2017. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent. Motion accepted.

Mrs. Kubic motioned to approve payment request #8 in the amount of $122,900.07 from R&B Contracting & Excavating for Contract 2015-03 Low Pressure Sewer for work performed for period ending March 13, 2017. Mr. Whoric seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent. Motion accepted.

Mr. Korns asked for a quick Executive Session.

Executive Session began at 5:21 p.m.

Executive Session ended at 5:25 p.m.

Solicitor Korns stated that the Executive Session was held in accordance with the Sunshine law.

Solicitor Korns explained to Mr. Schmidt that he would not be responsible for extra charges for larger grinder pump. You are not allowed to charge additional fees when using PennVEST funds to pay for project costs. This fee would have to be absorbed by the Authority.

New Business:

Mr. Whoric motioned topurchase billing software through Continental Utility Solutions, Inc. in order for accounting to be accurate with billing and auditing purposes. The amount of purchase is $9,000.00. $5,000.00 can be requested through PennVEST Financing & Accounting line item and $4,000.00 to be paid out of tap-in fee account. Mrs. Kubic seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes.. Motion accepted.

Mr. Whoric motioned to reimburse First Energy for tree removal at the Power Pole for McClure Pump Station. Cost not to exceed $3,000.00. Costs to be paid through Sewage Authority Tap-in Fee Account. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Borek, yes. Motion accepted.

Mr. Whoric motioned to become a member of the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association. Membership dues for 2017 $200.00. Mr. Borek seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes. Motion accepted


Mrs. Kubic motioned to adjourn the Upper Tyrone Township Sewage Authority Regular meeting. Mr. Whoric seconded the motion. Vote – Mr. Whoric, yes, Mr. Borek, yes, Mrs. Beranek, yes, Mrs. Kubic, yes, Mr. Kendi, absent. Motion accepted.

Meeting adjourned at 5:46 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Henry

Recording Secretary