Oct. 6, 2003 (6:00 p.m.)

TO: Members of the Media

FROM: Karen Salaz, Office of the State Court Administrator

RE: Media update

In our continuing effort to address the needs of the media, the following compiles a variety of information for your reference. It has been updated to reflect where we are today. There could be some minor changes, but we wanted to provide you with the information we currently have available.

On Oct. 8, I will be in Eagle primarily in the media services tent in the morning and courtrooms covering wiring set-up in the afternoon. If there are documents or information, you need to submit at these times, please contact me in these two locations.

Oct. 3, 5 p.m. Deadline for submitting a seat request form

Oct. 6, 5 p.m. Deadline for debriefing volunteers’ names submitted to George Garties. This will not be necessary as the auxiliary courtroom has been approved.

Oct. 6, 11:00 a.m. County will be conducting a media briefing in media services tent.

Oct. 6, 4 p.m. Deadline for news organizations representing a variety of news outlets in the courtroom designating your one “primary” name for the main courtroom seat. This applies to the radio pool, magazine pool, NBC Network, ABC Network, CBS Network, Fox Network and CNN. (I have received CBS).

Oct. 6, 5 p.m. Deadline for final designations as to “primary” and “secondary” names on seating requests.

Oct. 7, 11:00 a.m. County will be conducting a media briefing in media services tent.

Oct. 8, 9 a.m. Drawing for specific seat assignments in Judge Gannett’s courtroom (25 seats). Drawing for two (as it now stands) “secondary” reporters to fill remaining auxiliary courtroom seats (55 seats total).

Oct. 8, 11:00 a.m. County will be conducting a media briefing in media services tent. Representative from the court will be at this briefing.

Oct. 8, 5 p.m. Deadline for emergency changes in “primary” and “secondary” names on request forms. Request must be submitted in writing.

Oct. 9, 9-9:30 a.m. Media briefing in media services tent. Pick up all media seating passes in media services tent (Courtroom 1 and 3). All passes must be picked up by the person designated to enter the courtrooms. No passes will be given to “representatives” of other persons.

Oct. 9, 10 a.m. Passes will be distributed to members of the public on a first come basis outside the media services tent (25 in main courtroom, 55 in auxiliary).

Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m. Determination will be available as to whether there will be any additional seats available in the main courtroom. If there are 1-3 seats, they will be assigned to ESPN, Celebrity Justice and the Italian media in that order. Any additional seats will be filled through a random drawing including the names of all “primary” requests representing news organizations not already represented in the courtroom. In the event that the preliminary hearing is waived, the case is bound over to district court and an advisement follows, those in theses six seats will be required to stand for that short proceeding depending upon the granting of EMC for the advisement so the camera can be placed in the courtroom.

Oct. 9, 10:45 a.m. Courthouse building will be secured and a security sweep conducted. No one will be allowed into the building until 11:00 a.m.

Oct. 9, 11 a.m. Screening process to begin. We anticipate this to take an hour and a half to get everyone through and seated by 12:45. If you are not seated at 12:45 you will not be allowed into the courtroom.

Review of procedures:

Application of the Decorum Order and all following procedures will be in effect in both the main and auxiliary courtrooms.

1.  Where can the media park personal passenger vehicles? A 160-space paved parking lot has been built northeast of the courthouse. Personal passenger vehicles should be parked in this lot. No overnight parking, transmission vehicles or satellite vehicles will be allowed in this area.

2.  Credentials? By submitting a seating request form, you are covered for credentials. Photo identifications will be checked with the forms when you come to pick up your entrance pass. We further ask that you wear your photo identification tags at all times when in the Justice Center area. Your cooperation in this request is greatly appreciated.

3.  How do I get my pass for the courtroom? The same procedure will apply for the main courtroom and the auxiliary courtroom. I will have a table in the media services tent where you can sign for your pass. You will need to provide a press photo id, or press id accompanied by a photo id. The passes will have seat assignments on them, which will be designated by a random drawing on Oct. 8 for the main courtroom. You will need to have your pass and photo id to get into security screening. I will have all of the seat request forms available should any questions arise.

4.  When will the passes be made available? I will be in the media tent from 9-9:30 a.m. on Oct. 9 for you to pick them up. You will need to personally pick up your pass and present your press and photo identification – no passes will be given to anyone “representing” the person whose name is on the list.

5.  How will the public passes be distributed? These will be made available at 10 a.m. on Oct. 9 on a first come basis. A table will be set up just outside the media services tent on the west side of the Justice Center.

6.  May members of the media get in line for the seats assigned to the public? No. The public is not eligible for the media seats, the media is not eligible for the public’s seats.

7.  Will the public be in the auxiliary courtroom? Yes, half of the seats will be allocated to the media, the other half to the public. If there are unfilled seats in the public section at 12:30 p.m., we will put media in them. We will begin seating “secondary” reporters emerging in order from a random lottery we will conduct that morning.

8.  Will anyone be allowed to sit in the jury box? Main courtroom: no; auxiliary: yes.

9.  Will the Decorum Order be in effect the entire day? Absolutely

10.  Will the restrictions implemented in the main courtroom by the Decorum Order be applied in the auxiliary courtroom? Absolutely -- there will be no electronic equipment in either for example.

11.  Can reporters trade off during a break if there are any breaks? Yes, you will need to submit the name(s) on your final list. The person entering on the break will need to have the pass in hand and photo identification checked in order to then get through security. Only one pass will be issued per seat. NO ONE will be allowed through security without a pass and photo identification. The second reporter will need to be seated prior to resumption of the proceeding or he/she will be denied access until the next break. Substitutions will not be allowed at any time other than breaks.

12.  Can a reporter come out of the courthouse during a break to file his/her report? Yes, however remember security screening will delay entrance. If the reporter does not clear security and be seated prior to resumption of the proceeding, he/she will be denied access until the next break.

13.  Will there be a secure audio and/or video link to the auxiliary courtroom? The judge has approved an audio only secure link to the auxiliary courtroom.

14.  Will evidence be made available for viewing in the auxiliary courtroom? No

15.  Will the media services tent located on the west side of the courthouse be available for filing stories? Yes, your phone lines are still on location.

FYI: Logistic items for your reference

  As per the Decorum Order, all cameras, cell phones, video phones or other recording or transmitting devices are barred from the Eagle County Justice Center.

  All persons who enter the courthouse will be subject to screening by a magnetometer or wand. The Eagle County Sheriff, or his designee, shall have discretion as to whether a person may be admitted to the courtroom depending on the results of the screening.

  Beginning at 11:00 a.m., those with passes will begin the security screening process to get into the courtrooms. You will need to line up on the left side of the roping leading up to the west entrance of the Justice Center. As you enter the building, you will have your photo identification cross-checked with the check-in sheet. You will have your pass again checked at the courtroom doors. We anticipate the screening process to take a least an hour and a half so please remember that if you are not seated at 12:45 you will not be admitted to the courtroom until/if there is a break.

  Those holding passes with assigned row/seat numbers will be admitted to Courtroom 1. The public seating is on the left side of the courtroom. The seating for the media is on the right side. No members of the public or media are allowed in the front row of either side as they are reserved for the defense and prosecution.

  Those with auxiliary courtroom passes should proceed to Courtroom 3. The public seating is on the left side of the courtroom and in the jury box. The seating for the media is on the right side and in the well of the courtroom. No specific seats will be assigned beyond the division outlined above.

  Those holding a pass who are not seated by 12:45 p.m. may not be allowed into the courtroom. Their seating will be at the discretion of the Sheriff’s Officers stationed at the security screening area.

  No routine admittance or departure while court is in session will be permitted.

  All members of the public and media must remain quiet, not comment on the proceedings and not engage in any disruptive behavior while in the courtrooms. Signs or symbols on clothing or otherwise indicating support for any party is considered prohibited comment.

  No members of the public or media will be permitted in any area of the courtrooms other than the areas designated for public and media seating.

  If any seats are available in the public’s seating section at 12:30, those seats will be made available to members of the media by way of a lottery of remaining seat request designees.

  All members of the public and media must be seated, and remain seated, in the courtrooms until the parties to the proceeding have exited the courtroom at the conclusion of the proceeding. A sheriff’s officer will dismiss the gallery at the appropriate time.