Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements – February 2017

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February 5 - Three Announcements

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in English, March 3-5: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from an abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help the soul of the suffering find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information, visit racheldallas.org or contact or 214-544-CARE (2273). All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Catholic Advocacy Day Legislative Training / Entrenamiento Legislativo de Día de Abogacía Católica

Announcement in English

Catholic Advocacy Day Legislative Training, February 11: 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, 950 Trails Parkway, Garland 75043. Texas Bishops and Catholics from throughout the state will join together for Catholic Faith in Action Advocacy Day on April 1, 2017 at the Capitol in Austin to advocate for policies promoting life, justice, charity, and religious freedom. To learn about the Bishops’ legislative agenda and the skills to be an effective advocate, join us for this training. The training is for all participants regardless of experience level. For more information, visit cathdal.org/advocacyday.

Announcement in Spanish

Entrenamiento Legislativo de Día de Abogacía Católica, 11 de febrero: 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. en la Iglesia Católica San Miguel el Arcángel, 950 Trails Parkway, Garland 75043. Los Obispos de Texas se unirán a Católicos de todo el Estado de Texas para el evento Día de Abogacía de Fe Católica de Texas en Acción el 4 de abril, 2017 en el Capitolio en Austin para promover la vida, justicia, caridad, y libertad religiosa. Para aprender más sobre el agenda legislativo de los Obispos y las habilidades necesarias para ser un partidario eficaz, acompáñanos para este entrenamiento. El entrenamiento es para todos los participantes, sin importar el nivel de experiencia. Para más información, visite cathdal.org/advocacyday. El entrenamiento es en ingles solamente.

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner / La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Annual

Announcement in English:

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner, April 1: Bishop Edward J. Burns invites you to the annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner on April 1st at the Omni Hotel Dallas. This spectacular event benefiting the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will feature best-selling author, radio host and national speaker Eric Metaxas. The evening will include a raffle, wine and jewelry pull, and private reception at 5 p.m., followed by a seated banquet, live auction and program at 6:30 p.m. This event raises critical funds to save babies, support families, provide education and facilitate post-abortion healing. Reservations are $125 for an individual seat, $1,250 for a table of ten. Premium tables with priority seating start at $2,500. Raffle tickets for a chance to win $15,000 in MasterCard® gift cards are available now for $30 each, 4 for $80 and 8 for $125. Dinner reservations are requested by March 21, 2017, after which the price increases to $125. Seating is limited. Reservations may be made at prolifedallas.org/dinner or call 972-267-LIFE (5433). Spanish translation headsets available.

Announcement in Spanish:

La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Anual, 1 de abril: Obispo Edwards J. Burns le invita a la Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo anual el 1 de abril en el Hotel Omni Dallas. Este evento espectacular beneficia al Comité Católico Pro-Vida con Eric Metaxas, el autor popular, locator de radio, y orador nacional. La tarde incluye una rifa, sorteo de vino y joyería, y una recepción privada a las 5:00 p.m., seguido por una cena sentada, una subasta en vivo y programa a las 6:30 p.m. Este evento recauda fondos críticos para salvar bebes, apoyar familias, proveer educación y facilitar sanación post-aborto. Reservaciones están a $125 por un asiento individual, $1,250 por una mesa de diez.. Mesas de primera calidad con asientos de prioridad están disponibles desde $2,500 y más. Boletos de la rifa para tener la oportunidad de ganar $15,000 en tarjetas de regalo de MasterCard® ya están disponibles por $30 cada una, 4 por $80 o 8 por $125. Reservaciones de la cena se piden antes del 21 de marzo, 2017, después de esta fecha el precio aumentara a $150. El cupo es limitado. Reservaciones se pueden hacer en prolifedallas.org/dinner o llamé al 972-237-5433. Auriculares en español estarán disponibles.

February 12 – Two Announcements

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in English, March 3-5: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from an abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help the soul of the suffering find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information, visit racheldallas.org or contact or 214-544-CARE (2273). All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner / La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Annual

Announcement in English:

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner, April 1: Bishop Edward J. Burns invites you to the annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner on April 1st at the Omni Hotel Dallas. This spectacular event benefiting the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will feature best-selling author, radio host and national speaker Eric Metaxas. The evening will include a raffle, wine and jewelry pull, and private reception at 5 p.m., followed by a seated banquet, live auction and program at 6:30 p.m. This event raises critical funds to save babies, support families, provide education and facilitate post-abortion healing. Reservations are $125 for an individual seat, $1,250 for a table of ten. Premium tables with priority seating start at $2,500. Raffle tickets for a chance to win $15,000 in MasterCard® gift cards are available now for $30 each, 4 for $80 and 8 for $125. Dinner reservations are requested by March 21, 2017, after which the price increases to $125. Seating is limited. Reservations may be made at prolifedallas.org/dinner or call 972-267-LIFE (5433). Spanish translation headsets available.

Announcement in Spanish:

La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Anual, 1 de abril: Obispo Edwards J. Burns le invita a la Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo anual el 1 de abril en el Hotel Omni Dallas. Este evento espectacular beneficia al Comité Católico Pro-Vida con Eric Metaxas, el autor popular, locator de radio, y orador nacional. La tarde incluye una rifa, sorteo de vino y joyería, y una recepción privada a las 5:00 p.m., seguido por una cena sentada, una subasta en vivo y programa a las 6:30 p.m. Este evento recauda fondos críticos para salvar bebes, apoyar familias, proveer educación y facilitar sanación post-aborto. Reservaciones están a $125 por un asiento individual, $1,250 por una mesa de diez.. Mesas de primera calidad con asientos de prioridad están disponibles desde $2,500 y más. Boletos de la rifa para tener la oportunidad de ganar $15,000 en tarjetas de regalo de MasterCard® ya están disponibles por $30 cada una, 4 por $80 o 8 por $125. Reservaciones de la cena se piden antes del 21 de marzo, 2017, después de esta fecha el precio aumentara a $150. El cupo es limitado. Reservaciones se pueden hacer en prolifedallas.org/dinner o llamé al 972-237-5433. Auriculares en español estarán disponibles.

February 19 – Two Announcements

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in English, March 3-5: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from an abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help the soul of the suffering find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information, visit racheldallas.org or contact or 214-544-CARE (2273). All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner / La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Annual

Announcement in English:

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner, April 1: Bishop Edward J. Burns invites you to the annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner on April 1st at the Omni Hotel Dallas. This spectacular event benefiting the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will feature best-selling author, radio host and national speaker Eric Metaxas. The evening will include a raffle, wine and jewelry pull, and private reception at 5 p.m., followed by a seated banquet, live auction and program at 6:30 p.m. This event raises critical funds to save babies, support families, provide education and facilitate post-abortion healing. Reservations are $125 for an individual seat, $1,250 for a table of ten. Premium tables with priority seating start at $2,500. Raffle tickets for a chance to win $15,000 in MasterCard® gift cards are available now for $30 each, 4 for $80 and 8 for $125. Dinner reservations are requested by March 21, 2017, after which the price increases to $125. Seating is limited. Reservations may be made at prolifedallas.org/dinner or call 972-267-LIFE (5433). Spanish translation headsets available.

Announcement in Spanish:

La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Anual, 1 de abril: Obispo Edwards J. Burns le invita a la Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo anual el 1 de abril en el Hotel Omni Dallas. Este evento espectacular beneficia al Comité Católico Pro-Vida con Eric Metaxas, el autor popular, locator de radio, y orador nacional. La tarde incluye una rifa, sorteo de vino y joyería, y una recepción privada a las 5:00 p.m., seguido por una cena sentada, una subasta en vivo y programa a las 6:30 p.m. Este evento recauda fondos críticos para salvar bebes, apoyar familias, proveer educación y facilitar sanación post-aborto. Reservaciones están a $125 por un asiento individual, $1,250 por una mesa de diez.. Mesas de primera calidad con asientos de prioridad están disponibles desde $2,500 y más. Boletos de la rifa para tener la oportunidad de ganar $15,000 en tarjetas de regalo de MasterCard® ya están disponibles por $30 cada una, 4 por $80 o 8 por $125. Reservaciones de la cena se piden antes del 21 de marzo, 2017, después de esta fecha el precio aumentara a $150. El cupo es limitado. Reservaciones se pueden hacer en prolifedallas.org/dinner o llamé al 972-237-5433. Auriculares en español estarán disponibles.

February 26 – Three Announcements

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in English, March 3-5: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from an abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help the soul of the suffering find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information, visit racheldallas.org or contact or 214-544-CARE (2273). All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ en español / Rachel's Vineyard™ Retreat in Spanish

Announcement in Spanish

Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ en español, 24-26 de marzo: Viñedo de Raquel™ es una oportunidad extraordinaria para cualquier persona que lucha con dolor emocional y espiritual del aborto. El fin de semana es un proceso único y efectivo diseñado específicamente para ayudarle a sentir la misericordia y compasión de Dios. Para más información y para registrarse, llame a la línea de ayuda, 972-679-4760, email , o visite racheldallas.org. Para información sobre un dia de sanación para hombres, visite projectjosephdallas.org. Todas consultas se quedan estrictamente confidenciales.

Announcement in English

Rachel's Vineyard™ Retreat in Spanish, March 24-26: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from an abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help the soul of the suffering find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information, visit racheldallas.org or contact or 214-544-CARE (2273). For information about a day of healing for men, visit projectjosephdallas.org. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.


24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner / La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Annual

Announcement in English:

24th Annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner, April 1: Bishop Edward J. Burns invites you to the annual Bishop’s Pro-Life Dinner on April 1st at the Omni Hotel Dallas. This spectacular event benefiting the Catholic Pro-Life Committee will feature best-selling author, radio host and national speaker Eric Metaxas. The evening will include a raffle, wine and jewelry pull, and private reception at 5 p.m., followed by a seated banquet, live auction and program at 6:30 p.m. This event raises critical funds to save babies, support families, provide education and facilitate post-abortion healing. Reservations are $125 for an individual seat, $1,250 for a table of ten. Premium tables with priority seating start at $2,500. Raffle tickets for a chance to win $15,000 in MasterCard® gift cards are available now for $30 each, 4 for $80 and 8 for $125. Dinner reservations are requested by March 21, 2017, after which the price increases to $125. Seating is limited. Reservations may be made at prolifedallas.org/dinner or call 972-267-LIFE (5433). Spanish translation headsets available.

Announcement in Spanish:

La Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo 24a Anual, 1 de abril: Obispo Edwards J. Burns le invita a la Cena Pro-Vida del Obispo anual el 1 de abril en el Hotel Omni Dallas. Este evento espectacular beneficia al Comité Católico Pro-Vida con Eric Metaxas, el autor popular, locator de radio, y orador nacional. La tarde incluye una rifa, sorteo de vino y joyería, y una recepción privada a las 5:00 p.m., seguido por una cena sentada, una subasta en vivo y programa a las 6:30 p.m. Este evento recauda fondos críticos para salvar bebes, apoyar familias, proveer educación y facilitar sanación post-aborto. Reservaciones están a $125 por un asiento individual, $1,250 por una mesa de diez.. Mesas de primera calidad con asientos de prioridad están disponibles desde $2,500 y más. Boletos de la rifa para tener la oportunidad de ganar $15,000 en tarjetas de regalo de MasterCard® ya están disponibles por $30 cada una, 4 por $80 o 8 por $125. Reservaciones de la cena se piden antes del 21 de marzo, 2017, después de esta fecha el precio aumentara a $150. El cupo es limitado. Reservaciones se pueden hacer en prolifedallas.org/dinner o llamé al 972-237-5433. Auriculares en español estarán disponibles.