27 August 2008

3:00 pm

President’s Conference Room

PRESENT: L. Spink, I. Clarke, J. Lee (co-chair), B. McNeel, A. Patterson, L. Rosas, I. Clarke, B. Easley, B. Richards, A. Tomlinson

ABSENT: R. VanDinther, L. McKenzie, C. Mussa-Muldoon, J. Smith, E. Reigados

Meeting called to order at 3:05 pm; J. Lee presiding.

1. Acceptance of Agenda

Accepted as presented.

2. Public Comment time


3. Prepare Proposed Budget Cuts Material Required for CPC meeting on 9/8

L. Spink stated that the goal is to cut 10% from each area. Layoffs are not open for discussion. If we cannot cut enough from the cluster area budgets, Senior Staff will make the necessary decisions.

B. McNeel distributed and discussed the budget/expenditures summary for the Economic and Workforce Development area. Discussion centered on:


§  Revenues from grants, etc. brought into LAHC totals approximately 900,000

§  B. McNeel’s salary is completely paid out of grants, not out of Program 100

§  Review of EDoes everything possible that can be done within grant parameters to purchase supplies and equipment

§  Program 100 salaries and benefits cost: 520,904

§  Title V contributions, including software licenses, travel, salaries: 285,5897

§  Additional grant contributions, including nursing grants: 574,000

§  Additional 10% of program 100 salaries can be covered by grants

B. Richards distributed and discussed the Unit Plan/budget/expenditures summary for the Research and Planning area. Discussion centered on:

Goals and needs for accreditation and program review

·  Budget for area, without cuts, 17,454

·  Planned cuts to budget: 7,754 by reducing printing and increasing online useage on campus

·  Possible additional cuts of 1500 to 2000, if district picks up software licenses

·  Large savings in printing of Fact Book; fewer copies printed at lower cost

L. Spink distributed and discussed the budget/expenditures/budget cuts summary for the President’s Office. Budget for 2008-2009 without cuts: 194,039; Proposed cuts: 17,220; Budget with cuts: 176,819. Cuts proposed are: 500 to Community relations expenditures, 720. to travel expenses, 11,000 to advertising/marketing expenses

Discussion centered on:

Review of program review and goals for the area

Graphic artist and Foundation director salaries actually under Economic Development area of cluster

B. Richards raised the question of the total budget for the cluster, requiring larger cuts; Advertising/Marketing expenses have increased over the last three years to try to increase enrollment. It was decided to hold back 55,000 from the 2008-2009 marketing/advertising budget, based on data in the Marketing Program Review study resulting in questionable effectiveness of marketing/advertising in terms of recruitment and retention. Minimal advertising for the fall semester is being done (8,900 for cable advertising), and are considering running a 10-second radio spot to coincide with late start/Pace classes, if there is limited growth enrollment for fall semester is not sufficient. If growth goals are not met, Should the numbers not increase enough, we will utilize some of the $55,000 for a spring enrollment push. Should the enrolment numbers be sufficient to meet growth and base funding requirements, advertising for a spring enrollment push may not be needed. The consideration of balancing number of students with parking difficulties caused by construction and cutting of low-enrollment classes was discussed.

Foundation Director position: B. Easley has expressed her decision to retire in the near future. Her position is currently as a contracted consulting directorant. Possibility of the foundation covering the salary of her replacement was discussed; the main difficulty in doing that is that in the past, when the Foundation had no presidential oversight there were numerous problems.t, funds were mismanaged and grant funds were used improperly, the foundation was without competent leadership and floundered. Under B. Easley, the foundation is now functioning properly and contributing substantially to the students and the college; over 400,000 was raised 2 ½ years ago with a Major Gifts campaign. The possibility of modifying the bylaws to increase presidential oversight, should the foundation absorb the director’s salary, was discussed. However, if the foundation did take over the director’s salary, they would be raising that amount of money to pay a salary, not to be passed on to the students or the college.

Discussion at CPC meeting on 8/14 regarding possible cuts in the Presidents Cluster budget -- the figure of 40,000 was mentioned.

Cuts are difficult -- we have no part-time faculty or sub-relief hours to cut; we can’t do anything about the cost of accreditation, etc. L. Spink reported that DBC constantly tells her to cut B. McNeel as a VP; her response is that if we do that we lose money – we wouldn’t have the equipment in the cafeteria, the tv studio, four computer labs, etc. L. Spink reported that she has directed Academic Affairs to initiate viability reports of consistently low-enrollment program. But small class size is a selling point for the college. District resistance to our Athletic programs was discussed; we have a football team that started in 1949 and the program generates FTES. The age of the campus and related costs were discussed relative to the ages and related costs of the other campuses, as was the size of our service area relative to other campuses service areas. L. Spink reminded the cluster group that the Chancellor will be on campus on the 18th of September, and that concerns like these could be voiced at that time

Other options were discussed:

·  Cutting back to 6,000 students

·  Cutting additional sections

·  Cutting PACE (which would save 150,000, but would lose a landmark program which clearly meets the needs of many students))

The President’s Cluster Budget was accepted, with the recommended changes as above. to the Marketing/Advertising line item.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm.