October 7, 2014Tuesday Pre AP-English 9Mrs. Peoples

SWBAT examine cultural and historical references of To Kill a Mockingbirdby researching and writing notes.

Homework:Study your Greek word parts, and make your study cards. Work on your journal.

Vocabulary:micro-, macro-, tele-/tel-, telo-, teleo-/tel/telio-/telo

Submit your Cry essay, first draft, in the tray.


A. Jumpstart: “The Most Dangerous Game”

Discuss the plot chart.

Writing goal-the directions

B. Nouns / Improve Test

Discuss nouns-common noun, abstract noun, proper noun, collective noun.

On a PostIt, identify each from the list: common noun, proper noun, abstract noun, collective noun. You need two for each idea.

Serena, justice, bridge, troop, Washington Monument, happiness, lemon, politics

Writing Goal: Plot Chart

B. Pronouns

Copy the definition: Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun or other pronouns.

Most-but not all-pronouns clearly refer to another word in the sentence or in a preceding sentence. The word the pronoun replaces is called its antecedent.

Read the example, and discuss the pronouns the antecedents.

Example: Mr. Brown walked in the room when he saw his sister. They left it and went to the cafeteria. It was down the hall and next door to the business office.

Writing Goal: Definition, example, and pronouns and antecedents

C. Greek Word Parts

Copy the chart.

Prefix / Definition / Example
1. micro- / small / microcosm: a world in miniature
2. macro- / large; long / macroscopic: observable by the naked eye
3. tele-, tel-, telo- / far; distant / telepathy: communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means
4. teleo-, tel-, telio-, telo- / completion / telophase: the final phase of cell division
View: hEHufLrKM&safe=active

C. To Kill a Mockingbird –historical background

Lab 611: Continue research.

Wrap Up: Are there any questions?

Writing Goal: notes and examples

B. Authors and Readers / Class Discussion

  • What aspects of Laurie Halse Anderson’s writing persuade the reader to feel sympathy or another form of empathy towards Malinda?
  • Look on the back of Speak.What does Anderson do to persuade the reader that her novel is credible?
  • What styles of writing do you believe best convince an audience to agree with an argument?

C. Prezi

  • Modes of Persuasion
  • Aristotle
  • Spiral-Write three notes about Aristotle.

D. Video Clip

  • Write notes on the handout.
  • Recap
  • Handout-Annotations
  • Speak / Application

E. Censorship-Discussion

F. Informational Text-“Anderson’s Speak Under Attack Again”

  • Annotations
  • Group application of Modes of Persuasion
  • Class discussion of groups’ work

Wrap Up: Do you have any questions?