Academic Senate 1000 E. Victoria  Carson, CA 90747 WH-A420  (310) 243-3312

Academic Senate Meeting Agenda

September 21, 2016

Extended Education Rm. 1213

2:30 –5:00 PM

2:30 PMCall to Order

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes from September 7, 2016 Senate meeting

2:35 PMChair Hill’s Remarks

  • Online Teaching
  • Relationship of Senate to the Colleges
  • Upcoming presentations

2:50 PMParliamentarian Report – Annemarie Perez

  • Elections

3:05 PMAVP Clare Weber, Faculty Affairs – Data on Tenure Density

3:20 PMDean Stephanie Brasley - Library Plan

4:00 PMAVP David Braverman, Student Life/Dean of Students
Students in Distress


4:20 PMEPC Report – Sheela Pawar

4:30 PMFPC Report – Kara Dellacioppa

4:35 PMStatewide Senators Report – Tom Norman, Kate Esposito

4:40 PMCFA Report – Senator Price

4:45 PMOpen Mic

5:00 PMAdjournment

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Academic Senate 1000 E. Victoria  Carson, CA 90747  WH-A420  (310) 243-3312

Academic Senate Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2016

LSU2:30 –5:00 PM

Voting Members Present: Abdourazakou, Avila, Dam, Dotti, Durand, Ferris, Furtado, Galant, Haney, Heinze-Balcazar, Jarrett, Kaplan, Krochalk, Kulikov, Ledesma, Ma, Macias, Monty, Moore, Nelson, Oesterheld, Peyton, Pourmohammad, Price, Radmacher, Robles, Shakib, Sneed, Still, Tang, Thomas, Villanueva

Voting Members Not Present: Barab, Chavez, Ernst, Grasse, Jett, Lacanlale, Leonard, Parker, Riddick, Vanterpool

Voting Ex-Officio Members Present:Dellacioppa, Esposito, Hagan, Hill, Iheke, Norman, Perez, Pawar, Talamante

Voting Ex-Officio Members Not Present:

Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members Present:Avila, Brasley, Davis, Franklin, Hay, Huizinga, Kalayjian, LaPolt, McNutt, Stewart, Weber, Wen

Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members Not Present: Carrier, Driscoll, Goodwin, Manriquez, Poltorak, Sayed

Guests:G.Rhodes, K.Boyum, B.Kassel, B.Gould, L.Wilson, C.Stevens, H.Salhi

2015-2016 Academic Senate Executive Committee:

Jim Hill – Chair, Laura Talamante – Vice Chair, Annemarie Perez – Parliamentarian, Sheela Pawar – EPC Chair, Kara Dellacioppa – FPC Chair, Thomas Norman – Statewide Senator, Kate Esposito – Statewide Senator

Recorded and Edited by SEW and the Executive Committee

Meeting Called to Order2:30 PM

Approval of Corrected AgendaMSP

Approval of Minutes (05/04/16)MSP

Chair Hill’s Report: opened the meeting. Hill noted that sent out electronically there were minutes of the General Faculty meeting of May 04th, 2016 as well.

  • Chair of the Statewide Academic Senate meeting will be at our meeting on October 5th.
  • Last year we had worked on the Faculty Advocate position and filled them. At some point, we will have the Faculty Advocates come forth and remind us of their role here at CSUDH.
  • Hill attended a meeting with department chairs and coordinators, what they’re referring to themselves as an AdHoc Council of Chairs and Coordinators who will meet a couple of times throughout the semester. Hill described it as a very open format and they requested he attend to discuss the relationship with Senate. Discussed the flow of policy recommendations and about practice vs. policy. One of the outcomes is having someone from that council to come and speak with the Senate about what that council is considering. IvonneHeinze-Balcazarvolunteered to presentto us in a few weeks.
  • Hill said, as Chair, a lot of things have come down to practice vs. policy; clarity of policy; channels for policy. In the Senate retreat, one thing that came up in a couple of places was the membership of EPC/FPC. There were also a few other things that came up about committees and their membership there. The Parliamentarian may have some comments regarding practice versus policy for getting members for committees on campus. There seems to be a lot of confusion. Hill commented that years ago when he first served as Senate Chair, the comment was made, “Do we need a committee on committees?” Hill said policy and practice for committees that have representation per college get confused. For example, the Student Grade Appeals Committee – the charge says that there should be representatives from each college elected by the Senate. Often for committees where the request is per college, the Associate Deans deal with this within the college. Things that are elected by Senate where you need to separate by college can be brought forward differently. The problem is that the current calls for service – UCC, USLOAC and Student Grade Appeals all have similar needs but are dealt with differently. They’re not only dealt with differently, at least one of them was dealt with in a way that was inconsistent than the explicit charge within that committee. Once again, policy vs. practice. We need to make sure we know and have an accurate list of what the practices and policies actually are. All these calls that go out we need to review carefully. We need to, at the very least, to get ourselves a better list of what’s there. We go on a lot about shared governance and how we need to have our voice as faculty, and if we’re going to claim our share, we’d better make sure we have our house in order about how we’re going to take that share of shared governance which is shared work. Membership of committees on FPC/EPC that came up in retreat, one of the ideas that was brought forward was to follow the statewide model. The Statewide Academic Senate, Senators other than first year Senators are expected to serve on one of their standing committees and have to put their name down to serve on one of the standing committees at the end of the year for the next year. We certainly can’t jump to this model, however we might work towards a more systematic approach having Senators have their voice included. It’s mainly a task that appropriately goes to the Parliamentarian and to the staff of the Senate office, but we need input on some of these things, especially on any changes we make. We need input beyond just a floor discussion. So it might be time to enlist some people to sit and have a deeper discussion. We certainly need organizational review and we might need an overhaul. The example given of the one committee has often been staffed by college elections run by Associate Deans but the charge states it should be staffed by college representatives elected by Senate. It may need a charge change. Maybe it doesn’t. We need to decide what we should do and how to move forward to make things consistent and smooth working. Hill said that when he ran into a few Associate Deans, they agreed that it would be very helpful to get clarification on which tasks are theirs and which are not. We need to look at the committee structures.
  • Review of Senate Constitution, something we began talking about last spring – there is a resolution being brought forth today by the Vice Chair. Senator Thomas said with regard to dealing with service and service needs on campus. He said there is a term that had been used years back called the “dirty 30”, which referred to the fact that the same (30) faculty respond to the service needs semester after semester, year after year. “Whether or not that’s accurate or not, I’m actually endeavored to prove it,” said Thomas. He further commented that what we just heard is that the service needs on the campus outpace the tenure track faculty to do it. “We have reached a point in terms of tenure track faculty where you cannot continue to pile on service without backing it up with tenure track faculty.”

President Hagan’s Report – Hagan said he agrees, you do see the same 10 – 15 people, and having more people for service is critical.

  • We received an email today from the President of WSCUC Accrediting regarding the closing of ITT Techs which recently left thousands of students stranded. They did an analysis of all the programs that ITT Tech offers and tried to find institutions of higher education that might have degree programs that are similar to some of those. The email asked if Dominguez Hills be willing to look at its programs that might match those and have discussions about the potential for transfer opportunities. Hagan said he will have all the appropriate discussions with our administration first, but he wanted to bring the request to our attention. For us there are only 3 programs in the project management category, but we’ll have discussions about it.
  • September 19th in Extended Education, Rm 1213 @ 3 pm. There will be a discussion related to the Provost. At that meeting we’ll have Provost Hay give an overview about the current structure of the Provost office and talk about the job description. We’re going to also talk about the issues of discontinuity, because that was one of the concernswith the high degree of turnover. We’ll discuss how if you can ensure that with that kind of turnover at leadership levels that there are mechanisms or strategies in place so that the campus doesn’t suffer a loss of momentum on key initiatives or doesn’t suddenly find itself under a whole new set of ideas. The main thing is to get your feedback and we’ll talk a little bit on the search process. Hagan said he had agreed that they wouldn’t start the search until after we’ve had those discussions.
  • The date hasn’t been set but we will be updating our facilities Master Plan. That has to be done as we look at some of the larger issues on our campus and as we look at putting in place the current dormitory that we expect to have approved this month as well as future dormitories. We have a Land Development Committee and we’re going to sit down and talk about the overall process. But we have to do a lot of environmental impact studies related to those things. We’re just going to redo the entire Facilities Master Plan which is a campus wide discussion. There will be various sub committees, but we’re also going to do a campus Open Forum to talk about facilities on this campus. We expect the first Open Forum around mid-October.
  • Budget Forum – We’re going to have a Budget Forum that we’ve committed to having in the fall and spring semester. The first Budget Forum has been set for October 20th.
  • – We have entered into a contract with and we’ve started uploading data. We should be able to role that out some time in November. The credit for this goes to Interim VP Naomi Goodwin who made this one of her top priorities.
  • South Bay Economic Forecast on October 27th. President Hagan asked VP Stewart to speak to this. Stewart said last year was the first Economic Forecast that we hosted. It was an exciting opportunity for us to begin to feature the intellectual capital we have at this campus. We don’t showcase the expertise of our faculty and some of the important research that occurs here on our campus. We really wanted to provide a resource to the local region by conducting an economic forecast event. We worked with LAEDC last year and they produced the first economic forecast report for us and then we supplemented that with work that was done by Jose Martinez. This year we have an economic institute on campus and they’re actually conducting additional research. They’re be presenting data on October 27th. In addition to presenting a report and forecast for the region, we’ll also be featuring a panel entitled “A Region in Transition: Game Changers.” We’ve invited a lot of corporate leaders in the region to have a discussion about some of the important work that they’re doing in this area. Joe Buscaino, our alumnus and Councilman of Los Angeles City Council is going to be talking about the San Pedro development and the important work they’re doing there. We also have Kevin Demoff, Chief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President of Football Operations of Los Angeles Rams who will be discussing the development of the Inglewood stadium and how that’s going to have an impact on the region as well. We have students who have been participating in the research as well and we hope many of you will attend..
  • Diversity and Inclusion – Hagan said that was a very good diversity and inclusion discussion last year. The topic really requires ongoing discussion. You’ve seen what’s going on with this on college campuses around the country. We’ve committed to appointing a diversity and inclusion committee, we have recommendations to have a broad based campus committee. We’re going to ask that committee to come up with ideas and suggestions for having more of those conversations.
  • We will have a forum to discuss where we are with WSCUC. A lot of work has been done by a lot of faculty and staff around the campus and we want everyone to know where we stand.
  • Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Japanese incarceration on February 9th. You’ll hear more about this later. It’s an opportunity for the campus to continue to recognize the issues of social injustices that have occurred. We have a strong task force looking at that who are faculty, staff and members of the community.
  • In March there was a workshop on understanding and preventing campus violence. A forum was put on as a direct result of issues raised here. The President asked the Senate to let him know if there are other types of discussions or forums that should be set up campus wide or on a smaller level that we haven’t mentioned. That workshop was very well done and very well received.
  • Food and Shelter Insecurity on the campus was another topic we discussed last year. Hagan said regrettably that’s a big issue in Higher Education in general, and in the CSU and on this campus. Hagan said we’ve been doing a lot since here at Dominguez Hills and asked VP Franklin to talk to this, recognizing that we’re not done.VP Franklin said, yes, there’s plenty more to do. The Chancellor’s office had launched a system wide study in 2015 looking at food insecurity and shelter instability for students. They did focus groups and surveys and did some document analysis and they came back with some pretty alarming information. We’re going to be launching our own study this semester to find out how deep the well goes here. We did not want wait for what the study told us and what faculty, staff and students have already told us. There are a lot of students who aren’t sure about where their next meal is coming from and while they may be couch surfing, they may in fact be homeless. You’ll find a real marketing campaign that’s about to move forward. There’s a website that’s been set up to help students understand where they can go when they need support. We were able through the University Budget Committee to get $35,000 for students that we’re going to use for food vouchers, 3 day hotel stays for students who may find themselves suddenly without housing, looking at some real emergency funding for students. It goes beyond this, we’re going to do some real case management around students who are facing long term issues. How do we connect with the community? How do we connect with the folks who are around us? We’re really looking forward to getting deeper into knowing and understanding where our students’ needs are and how we can be immediately responsive but also how we can be responsive for the long term to make sure that those things are taken care of. Franklin said this comes on the heels of a program that VP Stewart and her team did last year, where faculty and staff, through payroll deductions, there are also emergency funds. Sometimes students are a car breakdown away from dropping out of school. We wanted to be able to respond to those issues. We’re going to be having lots of conversations with students, faculty and staff in terms of how we can begin to get our arms around this.Hagan asked if there were any questions/Ideas on what we should have on campus.


Hill said he’s gotten inquiries regarding the Land Development Committee. What we passed last year was an AdHoc Committee for Land Development. Is that going to be rolling over to continue that work? Hagan said there are two things – we’re going to be having a meeting with the AdHoc Committee to present where we are on land development. But because we have to do an expanded Facilities Management Master Plan, we would take that committee and add a few more folks to itand make that the steering committee since that group is already going to be invested in that. We’ll come back and lay that out. Hill said that by labeling it a steering committee it has a significant advisory role. EPC Chair Pawar said that this weekend she had received a text about an all clear in housing, yet she had not received a text that there was any issue to be begin with, she got an email about that. Hagan said I’m glad you brought that up. He said they will be having a discussion about it on Monday, September 12th. That alert was supposed to go out as an email. That was the agreement. A lot of people got it as a text or a phone call. You try to judge the nature of the seriousness, someone had displayed a gun in the dormitory area and there was high evidence the person had left but a search was still necessary. Due to the strong evidence that they were not on campus, an email would have been fine. It was a mistake and an email and the text went out.