Grove Park Assembly Action Plan 2010-2013
PRIORITY 1 - TRANSPORT – Traffic CongestionPriority Concern 1 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Addressing Traffic congestion problem across Grove Park Ward in particular junction of Baring Road with Chinbrook Road and Downham Way plus concerns with uneven Road surfaces and pavements / § Lobby TFL, LBL Transport division to carry out work to change sequence to the traffic lights at the Grove Park junctions – outside bus station and Downham Way
§ Ensure improvement works are done to improve pedestrian access and safety in areas around Grove Park Station Crossing at Downham Way and Chinbrook Meadows
§ Investigate the possibilities of improving the conditions of hazardous pavements (Le May Avenue, Chinbrook Road
§ Investigate access problems associated with heavy duty lorries not observing residential road speed limit (Winn Road) / Works completed in summer 2010
Partly completed with a view of completion by March 2012
Ongoing negotiation in progress with LBL Highways
Ongoing dialogue with resident and SNT through Assembly to explore possible resolution or reduction to problem – review in March 2012 / Reduction in level of traffic congestion around Grove Park area including top end of Downham way into Grove Park
Improvement to traffic light sequence with a view of reducing congestion in the area
Better, safer pedestrian access in areas around Grove park Station and Downham Way junction
Reduction in complaints received on this issue / § Transport for London (TFL)
§ LBL Transport Division
§ Local Resident
§ Police
§ Network Rail
§ Grove Park Community Group
§ LBL Environmental section
§ Local Residents
§ Assembly
§ Safer Neighbourhood Team
Priority Concern 2 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Trains at Grove Park station and Buses not frequent enough / § Raise issue with network rail and bus company to improve frequency of trains and buses in the area. / Completed – Trains into Grove Park increased to every 15 minutes instead of previously 30 minutes / Positive feedbacks on impact of revised train times. / § Transport for London
§ Network Rail
§ Local Residents
§ Grove Park Community group
PRIORITY 2 - Provision of more activities for young people and the elderly
Priority Concern 1 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Increase the number of affordable activities / facilities throughout the area for all generations but particularly for children and young people / § Partnership work with Lewisham youth service, L&Q and children’s centres to develop more community based activities for children and young people
§ Continue to develop a diverse range of diversionary activities for young people
§ Raise awareness of existing services and activities available for all ages by publicising events, activities and facilities more effectively in recognition of the value of culture and leisure activities
§ Look into the possibility of providing detached youth outreach services to cater for those young people who do not access youth establishments but rather congregate in street corners and outside shops
§ Improve play park equipment for children 1 – 13 years (Chinbrook Meadows and Northbrook Park)
· Assembly funding made available to build junior cricket pitch at Chinbrook Meadows / Ongoing – progress already made in improving provisions for children and young people by the provision of additional play facilities for the under fives in Chinbrook Meadows through funding secured from the Locality Fund and LBL Childrens Services. This project was completed in May 2009.
Funding from Mayor’s Fund already secured to deliver similar play facility in Northbrook Park – to be completed in Summer 2010
We have tapped into existing publicity resources made available by Grove Park Community Group well as the Assembly door to door leaflet to advertise and publicise activities and events to young people in the area
Detached Youth work extended to cover Grove Park from July 2010
Creation of additional play equipment at Northbrook Park and Chinbrook Meadows using the Mayor’s fund – works completed
In progress, to be completed spring 2012 / § Feedback collected from young people and their families on the benefit and effectiveness of activities delivered to young people
§ Increase in young people accessing range of activities delivered
§ Increase in number of people using both Park and accessing the new play facility provided. / § Lewisham Youth Service
§ Marvels Lane Boxing Club
§ London & Quadrant Housing Trust
§ Ringway Centre
§ Grove Park Library
§ Marvels Lane Primary School
§ Coopers Lane Primary School
§ Baring Road Primary School
§ Local faith Groups
§ Grove Park Community Group
§ Grove Park Nature Reserve
§ Friends of Chinbrook Meadows
§ LBL Leisure Services
§ Area 3 Children Centre
§ Glendale
§ Pre school groups in the area
§ Antisocial Behaviour Team
Priority Concern 2 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Increase the number of affordable activities / facilities throughout the area for all generations but particularly for elderly people in order to tackle concerns of people feeling isolated / § Organise outings to places of interests, for example day trips to sea side or to a historical site. Develop social activities such as knitting clubs and quiz nights, towards bringing people out of their homes and socialising
§ Provide accessible and affordable health, leisure and nutrition advisory service to the elderly
§ Provide transport to assist the elderly and house bound to attend planned activities at Grove Park library and other planned activities / Funding made available through assembly locality fund, to Grove Park Library and Bobby Dazzlers to deliver activities for the elderly in the ward - ongoing project for as long as is sustainable
Assembly funding awarded to SAGE to deliver a range of activities to respond to these needs
Funding provided to Grove Park Library to deliver project from Sept 09 for a year. This work will be continued by SAGE / Feedback received from service users – through project evaluation
Feedback received from service users – through project evaluation / § Bobby Dazzlers over 50s group
§ W.G. Grace bingo club
§ Grove Park Library
§ LBL Leisure Service
§ Community Education Lewisham
§ Downham Nutrition Partnership
§ LBL transport section
§ Local schools
§ LBL Transport service
§ Local health centre and GPs
PRIORITY 3 - Improving Community Facility and Communication
Priority Concern 1 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Improving links with local facilities, faith groups and other organisations in the area / § We have established good links with local services e.g. Grove Park Library, elderly and youth groups, disseminating information on events and activities which brings people in the community together.
§ Increase links with churches, community and voluntary organisations in the area to enable them participate fully in assembly process / Assembly funding released annually to support and enabled the delivery of the Grove Park annual garden fun day.
Good links with local faith groups and voluntary organisations has enabled the inclusion of assembly news in various newsletter developed in the ward. / Feedback from the community – co-ordinating group volunteers and assembly coordinator will be collecting information through regular interaction with residents / § Grove Park Library
§ Grove Park community group
§ Local Faith groups
§ Voluntary organisations
§ Community wardens
§ London & Quadrant Housing Trust
Priority Concern 2 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Increase participation of local people in activities to build stronger communities to lack of community spirit fuelled by conversion of family dwellings into multiple occupation / § Encourage further community involvement by engaging local residents and supporting individuals to be more proactive in their community
§ Continue to provide support and encouragement to residents wishing to become more involved in their local community by providing training and funding to further this work / Ongoing work – as of when required – To be reviewed in March 2012
To be reviewed March 2012 / Number of people positively engaged through outreach work in the community / § Grove Park Homes Community Board
§ Local resident
§ Grove Park library
§ Grove Park Community Group
§ Local businesses
§ Local school
§ Voluntary groups
Priority Concern 3 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Lack of support for community centre. Residents would like to see a multipurpose community centre to replace the prefabricated building currently housing the Ringway Centre / · Assembly funding allocated to conduct a feasibility study of current facility housing the Ringway Centre
§ Work with the Grove Park Community Groups, voluntary groups and the Council to look for external funding to build or improve community facilities in Grove Park / Action completed in March 2011
Ongoing partnership work between GPCG and LBL with other partners to explore various options starting with a feasibility study pending the Mayor’s Fund approval / Level of awareness raised and partners resources attracted
Level of awareness raised and partners resources attracted / § Grove Park Community Group
§ LBL Community Sector Unit
§ Library Services
§ Ringway Centre Users
§ Local Faith Group
§ Friends of Chinbrook Meadows
§ Grove Park Nature Reserve
§ LBL Planning
§ Resident
PRIORITY 4 - Environment – Cleaner Better Environment
Priority Concern 1 / How are we addressing concerns? Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Improve the environmental quality of Grove Park ward / § Tackle fly tipping issues particularly on Lambscroft Road through enforcement action and other ‘hot spot’ areas and negotiate better response to rubbish clearance service to cover known problematic areas
§ Improve street cleaning especially in public areas outside Grove Park Station and shopping parade opposite train station
§ Work with local groups and residents to develop a community peace garden in Chinbrook Meadows
§ Cleaning of Grove Park and St Mildred’s War Memorial / Partnership work with L&Q had resulted in the erection of fencing on the land to eradicate this problem. Completed
Negotiation with Network Rail has resulted in the cleaning and tidying of the areas outside Grove Park Station. Work in progress on the opening of Sainsbury store in the shopping parade opposite the station. To be reviewed in March 2012
Completed July 2009 (part funded from the Grove Park Assembly Locality Fund)
Cleaning of Grove Park war memorial completed in April 2009 through community pay back scheme. St Mildred’s memorial cleaned by local scout group in 2010. Restorative work done using Assembly funding / No further reports of fly tipping in this area
Feedback received from residents plus physical improvement work done to the area identified
Feedback received from residents plus physical improvement work done to the area identified
Level of satisfaction from the local community
Community working with Council & other partners to improve the environment / § London & Quadrant Housing Trust
§ LBL Environment Section
§ LBL Cemetery & Crematorium
§ Community Warden
§ Safer Neighbourhood Team
§ Local Businesses
§ Local Voluntary
§ Probation Service
§ Glendale
Priority Concern 2 / How are we addressing concerns? - Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Improvements to street lighting required (particularly Lions street area / § Work with London & Quadrant Housing Trust and LBL to improve street lighting provision / Council awarded PFI funding to improve lighting borough wide. To be reviewed in March 2012 / Improved lighting to area / § London & Quadrant Housing Trust
§ LBL Environment Section (Street Lighting)
PRIORITY 5 - Neighbourhood Security
Priority Concern 1 / How are we addressing concerns? Actions to include: / Time scale to address actions? / How will we measure success? / Who needs to be involved?
Reduce instances of residential burglary, mugging and general theft
Effective partnership working with the police and patrollers to reduce the amount of crime and antisocial behaviour
Support Community watch schemes
Tackle instances of drug dealing activities in the area / § The local Safer Neighbourhood team have targeted patrolling areas vulnerable to this kind crime.
§ Several steps has been taken by the police to disrupt activities of suspected offenders. Both actions has led to a reduction recorded
§ Continue to support and promote community neighbourhood watch schemes
§ The SNT continue to act on intelligence resulting in a recent closure of a drug factory in the area.
§ Automatic number plate recording continued to be carried out. / Ongoing
Ongoing / Number of local people satisfied with policing work in the area
Number of people involved with scheme
A reduction in reported cases in the area / § Grove Park Safer Neighbourhood Team
§ Community Wardens
§ Grove park Community Group
§ LBL Community Safety Section
§ Local businesses
§ Local residents