Bring A Text To Class
1/9 to 1/13
See my NHS Website for Handouts
Complete all class and homework assignments.
/ 1. What is
2. Activity 1:
Reading Habits Survey
Activities 1-2 on
the same handout
3. Activity 2:
Key Concepts
Anticipation Chart
4. Activity 3:
Bring a Text to Class
Tomorrow, bring a text you have already read to class i.e. magazine article, news-paper article, novel, short story, etc. (No school books or novels read for a class! No biographies!) Use the ideas from the Reading Habits Survey and the Anticipation Chart to help you decide what text to bring that you personally enjoy reading. Please make sure your text is three pages long min. The text should have its original formatting – No copies!
**Also, remember that your text must be appropriate for the classroom. / Text due
1. Activity 4:
Challenge Text Handout
2. Small Group
(on Activity 4 Handout) / 1. Activity 5: Think Aloud Model Checklist
(We are skipping
Activities 6 & 9)
2. Activity 7:
Write Analytical Summary of Your Text:
The summary should convey what you believe to be the text’s main idea. Explain the author’s purpose. Include a reference to some element of the text that you believe indicates something about the author’s worldview or value system. Use strong diction.
3. Activity 8:
• What does the author of this text assume that expert readers like you will know and/or believe prior to reading?
• To comprehend this text, what background knowledge is absolutely necessary?
• Why might some readers fail to appreciate elements of this text? Are there subtleties in its style or its message they might miss?
• Why might some readers reject this text’s ideas? Does the text rest on any assumptions, knowledge, or values not all readers will share? Explain. / Activities 7-8 due
Use a novel you have at home to complete the following activities:
1. Survey Your Text
Surveying your reading material (no matter what its length) will give you an overview of what it is about and how it is put together. To survey a text, answer the following questions:
v  Who is the author of your text?
v  When and where was this text published?
v  What do you think your text will discuss?
(We are skipping
Activities 10-11; 13-14)
2. Activity 12:
Think Aloud
Use Activity 5: Think Aloud Checklist for Stage 2.
Come in with a partner at lunch or after school to make up Activity 12-
Think Aloud / 1. Activity 15: Portfolio Directions for Multiple Genres
For example:
v  Magazine or newspaper article
v  Public Service Announcement
v  Blog Post
v  Review (like Roger Ebert)
v  Op-Ed Piece
Most genres
must be 1 pg. min.
2. Read Activity 16
(On same handout
as Activity 15)
3. Planning
Portfolio Chart
Fill in chart.
/ Bring a text to class tomorrow! / Bring your Text / Bring in actual models of the genres you are choosing to create, so you can model correct textual features (but you will Not copy content).
Plagiarism = Zero!