Color Replacement JMA501 exerciserev 11/2/2014


  • Replace a color with another one. This is different than filling a selection
  • Download the color replacement psd file on the class site
  • Open it.

We’ll use the color replacementbrush to change the color of her blouse and her hair

The original girl:

First, let’s (re) color her blouse.

  • Choose the new (Fill) color you want to “paint” with, the replacement color
  • I chose a light blue
  • Now, find the Color Replacement Tool:

The cursor should change to a circle with a target inside.

The left and right square brackets can make the cursor larger or smaller. Make your circle “larger”

Assume you selected a blue Fill. Click and hold on the red blouse: As soon as you click, two things happen.

  • First, Photoshop samples the current red color under the target symbol so it knows which color to replace.
  • Then, any red pixels that fall within the larger circle surrounding the target symbol immediately change to blue.

As you drag the Color Replacement Tool over your image, Photoshop continuously samples the color that’s directly under the target symbol in the center of the tool’s cursor. This is the color that will be replaced, and it will be replaced with your current Foreground color.

Any pixels that fall within the larger circle surrounding the target symbol that match the color being replaced will have their color changed

For example, if you pass the target symbol over an area of red in your photo and your Foreground color is set to blue, any red pixels that the larger circle passes over will be changed to blue.

  • Adjust the tolerance
  • Paint over the top of her blouse in one pass
  • If the color leaks onto her skin, the tolerance is too high
  • If too low, color doesn’t replace
  • To reduce the opacity, use Shift-Ctrl>F, it should look more realistic
  • Lower the opacity (Note: Only works on the last color replacement you clicked on)

  • Replace the lower portion of her blouse: Her entire blouse should now be a different color.

Now, for her hair

  • Find a blond fill color
  • And paint with it to give yellow highlights


Partially Based on How to cheat in Photoshop, Caplin, Steve

  • Save as Replacement.jpg