Supplemental Handout: Vignettes

Vignette 1: Julianna

As a teenager, Juliana found that school wasn’t a challenge. She excelled in English; she was average in math (her weakest subject). She read a lot and was in the gifted program in High School.

A successful student, after High School, Juliana decided to continue her education with the goal to become a dental assistant. Juliana applied for and got financial aid. She enrolled in an AA degree program. Juliana is frustrated by the amount of time the degree program is taking and the requirement that she complete an unpaid internship as part of the program. She frequently talks about quitting school to get a job so she will have more money and more free time.

Which of Courtney’s categories (2010) best describes Julianna? Why?

How might a supportive adult approach engaging with Julianna? What services would support Julianna?

Vignette 2: Jane

Although she is in foster care, Jane has maintained contact with members of her maternal family. Her maternal grandmother had been her foster mother for several years. Her maternal aunt was also involved in her life and offered emotional support.

After her 18th birthday, Jane got pregnant and she and her boyfriend decided to become engaged and live together. Offering support for Jane and her boyfriend, her maternal aunt offered them a room in her apartment. They reached an agreement about the living situation and the financial arrangements and Jane and her boyfriend moved in. Fairly quickly, things went awry. Jane learned that her aunt was not in good standing with the landlord. Jane and her boyfriend were not able to stay in the apartment and could not find another living situation that would allow them to stay together. Rather than live separately, they are contemplating moving to a shelter.

Which of Courtney’s categories (2010) best describes Jane? Why?

How might a supportive adult approach engaging with Jane? What services would support Jane?

Vignette 3: Nate

Nate has lived with his grandmother for the past 6 years. He graduated from high school and now attends an art college. Nate enjoys spending time with his friends and does well at school. His grandmother is very protective and does not want Nate to live anywhere else or get a part-time job. Nate did not participate in ILP classes. He does not see the need to do so because his grandmother is always there to take care of him.

Which of Courtney’s categories (2010) best describes Nate? Why?

How might a supportive adult approach engaging with Nate? What services would support Nate?

Vignette 4: Rachel

Rachel entered foster care following severe domestic violence between her mother and her stepfather. Rachel was placed in a group home. Although he was charged with four felonies, Rachel’s stepfather was sentenced to probation with only 1 week of jail time. Rachel’s first suicide attempt took place at the time of her stepfather’s sentencing.

The next few months proved to be very difficult for Rachel. She experienced severe depression and a cycle of dropping out of school, quitting jobs, enduring psychiatric hospitalizations and repeated changes to her psychotropic medications. Over 6 to 7 months, Rachel experienced several short duration hospitalizations following 5150 and 5250 holds. She was repeatedly released and re-hospitalized. Eventually, Rachel went to a residential treatment facility. She experienced severe psychiatric symptoms including self-injury and suicidal ideation. She was on suicide watch and continued to require frequent hospitalization.

After gradual improvements on a combination of several medications, Rachel was able to move to a supervised living setting and attend GED classes. She is easily overwhelmed and is not able to articulate her plans for the future.

Which of Courtney’s categories (2010) best describes Rachel? Why?

How might a supportive adult approach engaging with Rachel? What services would support Rachel?

Partnering to Serve Emerging Adults: Child Welfare in the Age of AB12 v1.0, October 27, 2011 4

Supplemental Handout: Vignettes