Frequently Asked Questions

How much money is there for projects in each electoral division?

Each division has a total of £40,000 of funding to be allocated.

How much can my organisation apply for?

There is no lower limit for funding and organisations can apply for up to £40,000 from each electoral division.

What types of activities could be funded?

Some examples of the types of activity that could be funded through the ‘Active Together’ sport and physical activity grant are:

·  Encouraging active travel to school or developing walking / cycling groups

·  Supporting existing sports clubs to expand their membership – taster days / coaching qualifications / community coaching / creation of new junior sections

·  Purchasing sports equipment or refurbishing a sports facility

·  Street games / Doorstep sport – providing opportunities for young people to be physically activity at a time, place and style that suits them

·  Improving green spaces e.g. making them appealing to children, improving a sports pitch, improving play areas

·  Increasing opportunities for disabled people to participate in activities on a regular basis – new groups / taster sessions

·  Provision of alternative sports e.g. parkour, street cheer, to address the drop-off in participation of young people

·  Less formal activities that involve families and focus on ‘fun’ rather than competition

·  Mass participation events such as jog or walk a mile

·  Exercise classes for older people

·  Projects for women only or which are culturally sensitive in other ways.

·  Dance classes, cheer leading

How long is the funding for?

The scheme will be launched on the 2nd June 2014 and is taking place during the financial years 2014/15 and 2015/16. Grants can be awarded between 2nd June 2014 and March 31st 2016. The grant is not recurring so once all of the money has been awarded no further funding will be available.

Who can receive funding?

The scheme is aimed at not for profit organisations but they must be constituted and have a bank account held in the name of the organisation that is applying.

We are a new group and don’t have a constitution etc - where can we get information on how to set up as a formal organisation?

The Charity Commission provides guidance about the type of groups that can be established and how to do this. More information is available from their website

Can schools and academies apply?

Schools and Academies are eligible for the grant although the reason for the grant should also benefit the wider community.

How do I get an application form?

Application forms are available from the Gloucestershire County Council website

What is the process to submit an application?

First, make sure that you have read the guidelines to be sure that your organisation and project are eligible to apply. Applicants should then download the application form from the website and email the completed version to the relevant councillor.

It is a good idea to contact your councillor first before filling in an application form as they need to support your application and will submit it on your behalf.

It is expected that all applications will be completed electronically. In exceptional circumstances hard copies will be accepted signed by the relevant councillor(s).

How do I find out who my councillor is?

The contact details for councillors are available on the Gloucestershire County Council website. Or you can use the link below.

How will I know if I my application was successful?

A member of the Active Together team will contact you to let you know if your application has been successful or not.

If my application is successful how long will it take before I receive the funding?

We will process applications as quickly as we can. We aim to make payments for grants under £5K within one month of receiving your application. Grants for more than £5K will require more information from you so these will take longer to process, but we will aim to have these payments made within two months of receiving your application.

These timescales will depend on the number of grants that we receive but we will keep you informed of the progress of your application.

What sort of other information will you need from us?

Depending on the amount of funding you receive we may ask you to provide additional information e.g. accounts, copies of your constitution. We will contact you to let you know exactly what we need.

Is there any other information that we will need us to provide?

One of the conditions of receiving the grant will be that you keep a record of how you spent the funding e.g. invoices and receipts etc and these will need to be kept for at least 6 years. If your project involves any building work we also expect you to obtain 3 quotes before awarding any contract. We may contact or visit you and request to look at this documentation.

If my organisation receives funding how long have we got to spend the money?

Once organisations have received funding the grant has to be spent within 12 months.

How many projects can my councillor support?

It is up to councillors to decide how many applications they want to support. As there is no lower limit for funding councillors may wish to support a small number of larger projects or a greater number of smaller projects.

Will successful applicants be made public?

To ensure that the scheme is transparent we will make information about which projects have been funded publically available on the council website.

Where else can I seek help?

Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) has a team of funding advisers (and have links to other sources of funding advice and support through GeFAN - Gloucestershire Funding Advisers Network) who give a wide range of advice and capacity building support to community projects and organisations throughout the county. They have specialist knowledge of funders' requirements, help groups to have all the necessary policies and procedures in place and have a history of supporting groups to make successful funding applications. If you would like help so that your group are able to submit an application for funding to this grant scheme please contact GRCC ”