Updated 08.31.09



CSE 1310-001

Introduction to Computers and Programming

Fall 2009

MW 1-1:50pm

105 GACB

Instructor : Mr. Ray Springston

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The University of Texas at Arlington

August 24, 2009

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Copyright 2009 [Ray Springston] as to this syllabus and all lectures. Students are prohibited from selling (or being paid for taking) notes during this course to or by any person or commercial firm without the express written permission of the professor teaching this course.


CSE 1310-001 “Introduction to Computers and Programming”

MW 1:00 – 1:50 105 GACB

Fall 2009

Updated 08.31.09

Instructor: Ray Springston 324 NH 817-272-3611 Email:

Office hours: MW 2:00 – 4:00pm Web: http://ranger.uta.edu/~springst

Course corequisite: MATH 1302 and/or a passing grade on the CSE 1310 exit exam

Required Text: Foster, “C By Discovery”, Scott-Jones, Inc. (4th Ed., ISBN: 1-57676-170-3)

Grading Policy: Labs & Homeworks 40 %

Exam 1 15 %

Exam 2 20 %

Final 25 %


Total 100%

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

Objectives of this course include :

(1) Introduction to programming

(2) Introduction to the C programming language

(3) Learn ‘good’ programming practices

Outcomes of this course include:

(1) the ability to apply structured top-down design software engineering techniques to the analysis and procedural design of

relatively simple computer programming problems in the C programming languages

(2) a continued appreciation of the need for professional and ethical behavior

Achievement of these outcomes will be assessed by

(1) the production of solutions to assignments on an individual effort basis

(2) individual performance on all exams and quizzes

(3) earning a passing grade (A, B or C) in the course

Late labs and homeworks will not be accepted except with prior approval of the instructor. Make-up exams will be given

only for university-approved absences (see UTA catalog).

Exams: All three exams (exam 1, exam 2, and the final) are mandatory

Attendance/Drop Policy: Each student is expected to attend every class meeting and may be called upon in class to answer questions posed by the instructor. No student will be dropped by the instructor for failure to attend class or for excessive absences; however, exposure to the explanations of the material is useful for understanding of the material. Therefore, make it a point to be in class on time.

If you require accommodation based on disability, I would like to meet with you in the privacy of my office during the first week of the semester to ensure that you are appropriately accommodated.

Violators of the UTA ethics code will lose an amount of points equal to twice the weight of the assignment.

Updated: 08.25.09

Class Lectures Schedule (Syllabus)

CSE 1310-001 – (“Introduction to Computers and Programming”)

MW 1:00 – 1:50 105 GACB

Fall 2009

Instructor : Ray Springston

NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change. Updates to this syllabus will be noted on the web version only.

DOW DOM Topics

Week 1:

M Aug. 24 First Day of Class

W Aug. 26 Introduction

Mechanics of CSE 1310 (labs, homeworks, Omega, Secure Shell, etc.)

Week 2:

M Aug. 31 Getting Started (what is programming, what is a program, basic structure in C)

W Sept. 2 Programming style (comments, indentation, whitespace, readability)

Week 3:

M Sept. 7 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY (no class)



Conditionals(blocks, if, if-else, operators and expressions, switch, break, continue)

Week 4:

M Sept. 14 Loops(for, while, do-while)

W Sept. 16 Review for Exam #1

Week 5:

M Sept. 21 EXAM #1

W Sept. 23

Week 6:

M Sept. 28 Review of Exam #1

W Sept. 30 Data Types (unsigned, float, char, etc.)

Week 7:

M Oct. 5 Functions (naming, prototypes, calls, definitions, passing arguments, return, etc.)

W Oct. 7

Week 8:

M Oct. 12 Arrays (declaring, initializing, passing, modifying, etc.)

W Oct. 14

Updated: 08.25.09

DOW DOM Topics

Week 9:

M Oct. 19 Arrays

W Oct. 21 Review for Exam #2

Week 10:

M Oct. 26 EXAM #2

W Oct. 28 Pointers

Week 11:

M Nov. 2 Review of Exam #2

W Nov. 4 Pointers (cont)

Week 12:

M Nov. 9 Strings

W Nov. 11 The ASII table

Week 13:

M Nov. 16 Strings (cont)

W Nov. 18

Week 14:

M Nov. 23 Strings (cont)

W Nov. 25

Week 15: M-F Nov. 30 – Dec. 4 FINAL REVIEW WEEK:

M Nov. 30 Review

W Dec. 2 Course Evaluations

Week 16:

M Dec. 7 FINAL (comprehensive, 8:00 - 10:30 am)