Seps - Oil and Carbon Chemistry p.XXX

Section 3 - Oil and Carbon Chemistry

Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil

* Crude oil is mainly a mixture of hydrocarbons, with impurities such as dissolved sulphur. It forms a valuable resource, both as the origin of many types of fuel, and as the starting point for petrochemicals (plastics, detergents, solvents etc). However, it must first be separated into mixtures with a much narrower boiling range.

* In the laboratory, fractional distillation is used to separate liquids with different boiling points, by heating the mixture in a flask, separating on a column packed with glass beads, and collecting the different samples as they emerge from the top at different temperatures.

* In industry, crude oil is separated by a continuous process, taking off the samples at different levels from the column. The dissolved gases come out of the top, and the boiling points rise as one goes down the column. Note that the process does not produce single substances, but less complex mixtures than in crude oil. A simplified diagram is shown below:

·  The Crude oil is initially heated and evaporated.

·  The small molecules have a low boiling point and rise to the top of the tower.

·  As the tower is descended the molecules get longer and have a higher boiling point and so condense at higher temperatures.

Carbon compounds

* Carbon can form strong carbon-carbon bonds and so produces a wide range of compounds, including “chain” and “ring” compounds. Carbon always forms four bonds and hydrogen forms one bond. For example:

Pentane cyclobutane

* The simplest carbon compounds are the hydrocarbons (defined as compounds which contain carbon and hydrogen only).

* The molecular formula of a compound shows how many of each type of atom there are in a molecule. For pentane (above) this is C5H12.

* The displayed formula of a compound shows all the bonds between the atoms in a molecule (as shown for pentane and cyclobutane above).

Remember that real molecules are three dimensional, so the angles are not 90o.


* Most of the hydrocarbons present in crude oil are alkanes.

* The alkanes are said to form a homologous series, that is a series of organic compounds with the same general formula. Each member (after the first) differs from the one before by addition of a –CH2– group.

* General formula CnH2n+2.

* The physical properties of a homologous series usually show a regular trend. For example, their boiling points increase steadily along the series; this is because, as the molecules get larger, the attractions between molecules increase. Chemical properties are usually similar for all members.

* N.B. Physical state: a substance is normally a solid at all temperatures below its melting point, a liquid at temperatures between its melting point and its boiling point, and a gas above its boiling point (at atmospheric pressure). e.g. pentane melts at –130oC and boils at 36oC. At –140oC it will be a solid, at 20oC it will be a liquid, and at 40oC it will be a gas.

* The alkanes may be defined as hydrocarbons of general formula CnH2n+2. You should learn the names and structures of the first five members:

Pentane, C5H12, is shown at the top of this page.


Alkanes with four or more C atoms can show isomerism.

Isomerism: when two or more different compounds have the same molecular formula, they are called isomers. For example there are two compounds of formula C4H10:

butane methylpropane

The one on the right is a branched-chain compound (i.e. the carbon atoms are not all in a row). For C5H12 there are three isomers, two of which are branched:

pentane methylbutane dimethylbutane

Shapes of Alkanes

* Alkanes consist of carbon atoms with four covalent bonds.

* Each carbon atom therefore adopts a tetrahedral shape with a bond angle of 109.5o.

Methane Ethane Propane

Uses of Alkanes

* Alkanes are widely used as fuels. When they burn in air they form waste gas (carbon dioxide and water vapour), and the reaction gives out heat to the surroundings (an exothermic change). Examples:

CH4 + 2 O2 ® CO2 + 2H2O (combustion of natural gas)

C5H12 + 8 O2 ® 5CO2 + 6H2O

C8H18 + 12½O2 ® 8CO2 + 9H2O (or this can be doubled)

* In a restricted supply of air, carbon monoxide is formed: this is highly toxic (and particularly dangerous since it has no colour or smell). Carbon monoxide is poisonous because it reduces the capacity of blood to carry oxygen

* During the combustion of fuels such as petrol and diesel, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides may also be formed. These gases are pollutants which contribute to acid rain.

Apart from combustion, alkanes are relatively unreactive: they don’t react with acids or alkalis, bromine (except in sunlight), or most other laboratory reagents.

However, they can react with chlorine and bromine in the presence of sunlight, and be split up by strong heating:-

Reaction of alkanes and bromine in sunlight.

Alkanes react with chlorine and bromine in the presence of sunlight, as shown below.

CH4 + Cl2 ® CH3Cl + HCl

C2H6 + Br2 ® C2H5Br + HBr

Splitting alkanes up by strong heating.

* Cracking: this is an example of a thermal decomposition (a reaction in which a substance is heated until it breaks down into other substances). Thermal decomposition reactions take in heat from the surroundings (endothermic). When an alkane is cracked, by passing its hot vapour over a catalyst, it splits into a shorter-chain alkane and an alkene:

cracking: long-chain alkane ® shorter-chain alkane + alkene

e.g. C10H22 ® C8H18 + C2H4 (high temp, catalyst)

or C3H8 ® C3H6 + H2 (i.e. alkene+hydrogen)

Importance of Catalytic Caracking

* Cracking is important because: (a) it produces valuable alkenes, which are the starting point for petrochemicals; (b) it also gives shorter alkanes, so can convert longer-chain alkanes into those suitable for making gasoline (petrol), normally with 6–10 carbon atoms.

* We can illustrate this using displayed formulae, for cracking pentane, the fifth alkane:

pentane ® propane + ethene

In some cases it is possible to obtain an alkene and hydrogen gas, as mentioned before:

C2H6 à C2H4 + H2

Hydrogen gas obtained like this is used as a fuel in the oil refinery to drive other processes (e.g. to heat up vapour for cracking).


* These are also hydrocarbons, and have they form another homologous series of general formula CnH2n. The first two members are: ethene, C2H4 and propene, C3H6.

* Whereas the alkanes only contain single C–C bonds, the alkenes each have a C=C double covalent bond:

ethene propene

Shapes of Alkenes

* Around the double bond the carbon atoms adopt a trigonal planar shape so the the bonds are directed to the corners of an equilateral triangle with a bond angle of 120o.

Ethene Propene

Reactions of alkenes

* The presence of double bonds means that alkenes are more reactive, since they can undergo addition reactions.

* In an addition reaction a molecule adds to the C=C bond to give a single product with a C–C bond. Molecules with double bonds that can undergo addition reactions are said to be unsaturated, while compounds (such as alkanes) which only have single bonds are called saturated.

(i) With bromine

When a small amount of alkene is shaken with bromine water in a test tube, the orange colour of the bromine disappears. This reaction is used as a test for unsaturated compounds, as saturated compounds do not decolorise bromine water (orange colour remains).

(ii) Addition polymerisation

This is the process in which a large number of small molecules link together to form a large molecule. Ethene molecules can be made to join together to form the polymer called poly(ethene) or polythene which is used in plastic bags, etc. High temperature and pressure are needed for the reaction to occur.

ethene + ethene ® poly(ethene) shows repeat unit

In this reaction the double bond is opened up, to form a link either side to another molecule: note that double bonds are not present in the long chain polymer.

When propene polymerises it forms poly(propene) — note how this differs from poly(ethene),since it has one CH3 attached to alternate C atoms in the chain:

propene + propene poly(propene)

* In general any ethene molecule which has an H atom replaced with an group will polymerise in a similar way. For example if is Cl, the polymer is called poly(chloroethene) [or commonly PVC, for polyvinylchloride]:

monomer + monomer ® polymer from n monomers

Study the repeat unit on the right, and see how to work out the monomer molecule on the left by putting in the double bond between the C atoms in place of the trailing bonds on left and right. Apart from some termination group at either end, the whole chain is built up from joining these repeat units together.

The properties of the polymer depend on the group X. Polymers with a different X (e.g. H or CH3 or Cl) will have different physical properties (e.g. softening temperature, flexibility, toughness etc), and so will have different uses.

You need to know common uses for these three polymers:

·  poly(ethene) for plastic bags and plastic bottles (since it forms a flexible film and is transparent)

·  poly(propene) for plastic crates and ropes (since it is stronger and less flexible than poly(ethene), and the fibres in ropes are flexible)

·  poly(chloroethene), or PVC, for drain pipes and for insulation on electric cables (since it is strong but flexible, and doesn’t conduct electricity).

Note – Most addition polymers are not biodegradable (not broken down by bacteria in the environment), and so last for very long periods in landfill sites.

When burnt some give toxic fumes, so safe disposal, especially of packaging, is difficult.


Ethanol, C2H5OH is the second member of the alcohol homologous series.

Industrial formation of ethanol.

* Ethanol can be made from ethane and steam.

* High temperature (450oC), a catalyst (H3PO4) and high pressure (60 atm) are needed. The ethene combines with steam to produce ethanol, which is used as a solvent:

ethene + steam à ethanol

Making ethanol using fermentation.

* Another way of producing ethanol is from fruit juices: fermentation is the process by which yeast, in the absence of oxygen, produces ethanol and carbon dioxide from glucose.

* A sugar solution (such as grape juice) is mixed with yeast and warmed slightly (20-25oC). An airlock is used to keep air out. The yeast undergoes anaerobic respiration, and releases enzymes, including zymase, which catalyse the breakdown. You need to know the word equation:

glucose à ethanol + carbon dioxide

C6H12O6 à 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

This is the basic process by which wine and beer are made.

Advantages of fermentation: cheap and renewable resource like sugar cane

Disadvantages of fermentation: slow reaction made by an inefficient batch process, poor quality product eg low aqueous concentration <14%.

Advantages of ethene route: fast and efficient continuous process,

relatively pure product

Disadvantages of ethene route: non-renewable finite resource

Reactions of Ethanol

Ethanol can be dehydrated (i.e. have water removed chemically from the molecule) to ethane by passing the vapour over hot aluminium oxide. This is the reverse of its formation from steam, above:

Condensation Polymerisation

* Carboxylic acids can be used as monomers to make a second type of polymer called condensation polymers.

* Condensation polymers are polymers formed from condensation reactions between monomers. A small molecule (often water but sometimes HCl) is produced as well as the polymer.

* Many natural polymers are condensation polymers, e.g. silk, starch and DNA.


* Polysters are formed between monomers containing two carboxylic acid groups and two alcohol groups.

e.g. Terylene

Polyamides - Nylon

* Nylon is a condensation polymer formed between monomers containing two amine and two carboxylic acid groups.

+ HCl