School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Members Present:

Sheri Smith, Brenna Kampen, Vicki Moore, Tammy Lyons, Jason Chambers, Heidi Willmek, Carol Venn, Tricia Morton, Audree Cornet, Tyler Cornet, Robert Dewey.

1. Welcome and Introductions

·  The meeting was called to order by Sheri Smith at 7:30 pm.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Heidi / THAT the Agenda for the January 13, 2016 meeting be adopted as presented.

3. Minutes of the last SCC Meeting

·  Minutes of October 2015 meeting were read by Heidi Willmek.

Heidi / THAT the Minutes for the October 2015 meeting be adopted as presented.

4. Treasurer’s Report

·  Treasurer’s report was read by Audree Cornet.

·  Total Balance: $ 19 234.01

·  Fundraising: $855.56 (Cheque not yet cleared for stage purchase)

·  Grant: $3465.02

·  Playground: 14 913.43

Brenna / THAT the Treasurer’s Report be adopted as presented.

5. Principal’s Report

·  Reading goal update:

§  Guest author David Bouchard to read at Harris school on Feb 1, 2016 students from our school will be attending.

§  Looking forward to more visiting professionals.

§  Continuing work on vocabulary and comprehension.

§  Testing of older students and reviewing with younger students to help with vocabulary.

·  Budget shows $10 000 in academics in the decentralized budget from December 2015. It is not yet showing the cost from purchasing the stage which was a total of $2700.

·  Special Events:

§  $1500 available. Spent $162 on Eston library field trip. This will go towards covering costs of other trips this school year like the Harris trip and Swimming.

·  Surveillance:

§  There is now a camera system at the school. There are 3 stations outside and each dome contains 4 cameras that are recording all the time. You can look as far back as a week on the records. Very clear video.

·  Website:

§  New information on it

§  Posting newsletters and events on it

§  If there is anything else we would like to see on website, let Jason know. Suggestion of posting minutes from SCC meetings. Sheri suggested Jason send out a link to website in next newsletter. Krista Walsh school secretary to begin sending copies of newsletters to Robert Dewey. Vicki suggested the SCC create a facebook account and link to website. Sheri will create.

·  Jason suggested using flash drives to have access to the SCC documents he has sent out in email.

·  Curling is set for February 12, 2016.

·  We are hosting track and field this year.

·  If any members are interested, National congress will be held March 20-22.

·  Carol Venn suggested students be educated more in the acts of Kindness rather than just anti bully. Students were brought to the classroom this week to watch a kindness video.

6. Division Initiatives – Vicki Moore

·  Thanks to Sheri for stepping in as chair. Will need a vice chair to replace Sheri interim until elections and this will leave room to add a new member or 2 if there was more than 1. Jason can put in newsletter and if anyone is interested they can speak to Sheri.

·  Vicki put together a handbook for SCC and gave to members.

·  Grant Money handout – National Congress.

·  January 26, 2016 there will be a meeting of the SCC chairs.

·  Personalized learning – working on developing and bringing more in.

·  Our school division won 2nd place across Canada for Innovative approaches to teaching students and it was published in Readers Digest and information is on website.


7. Old Business

7.1 Updates on SCC Events

7.1.1 Fun Night

·  Tricia, Brenna, Heidi, Rebecca Siemens.

·  Human Scrabble and other games such as a Minute to Win It.

·  Indoors in the gym.

·  Prizes

·  Looking at having this in mid March on a Friday night.

·  Possibility of having food.

·  Will have complete details and budget for February meeting.

7.1.2 2nd Annual Fundraiser

·  See attached budget and details. (removed please note attached email)

·  Last year there was no food served, just a concession so costs were lower

Audree / THAT the SCC provide a 50% deposit for the Duelling Pianos for a cost of $1420 that will be reimbursed at the end of the fundraiser. (* please see attached email with changes following meeting)

7.1.3 Playground Equipment

·  See attached budget and details.

·  Tricia reviewed grants. New total is $37 000 now not including what will be made at this year’s fundraiser.

·  Only a partial quote on equipment costs available at time of meeting. $47 848 will be needed and we have $37 000.

·  Total needed to be fundraised is $11 020.

·  CIF will give 80% of the grant now and rest after fundraising is totaled.

·  Jason will find out if parents want to keep or remove teeter totters.

·  Tricia asked Robert if at his board meeting on January 26 he could ask what other schools are upgrading their playgrounds so she can see if we can bundle and get a discount on equipment. Also Sheri will ask at the SCC Chair meeting.

Brenna / THAT the SCC approves the equipment order and the soonest possible dates as per discussion.

7.2 CIF (Community Initiative Funds) Grant Update – Tricia

·  See above point re: playground upgrade.

7.3 Cancellation of Meetings

·  Discussion of whether to hold meetings when we don’t have quorum (at least 4 members present). Needs to be voted on. We are only required to hold 5 meetings per year.

·  Vote made. 5 members for cancelling if quorum not met, one against. Vote favors cancelling meeting if quorum is not met.

·  Need to give Sheri 24 hours notice if unable to attend the meeting. Can send email if pressing situation. Then email can be printed and added to minutes of meeting.

Heidi / THAT the SCC cancels monthly meeting if quorum not met.

8. New business

8.1 Thank yous - Audree

·  Audree wondering if thank yous for recent guest speakers have been sent through the school. Should the SCC be sending those thankyous?

·  Discussion. Decided if SCC books the speaker they will send the thank you and if it is booked directly through the school then the school will send.

·  Audree will talk to Krista Walsh school secretary so they can arrange.

8.2 Election of Interim Vice Chair

·  Discussion. No one came forward at this time. If Sheri unable to make meeting she will appoint another SCC member to run meeting.

8.3 Pre Kindergarten – Tricia

·  Tricia spoke with Shelly Hengen about whether we would be able to have Pre Kindergarten in D’Arcy.

·  We would need to have 16 prekindergarten kids ages 3-4 that have to meet specific criteria in order to qualify for this program.

·  It is a ministry sponsored program.

8.4 Honoring Linda Kilford

·  Discussion regarding honoring Linda Kilford as a pillar of the community. Also Tammy Lyons and Carol Venn.

·  Possibly at the School Out picnic. Bring ideas to next meeting.

8.5 School Sewer

·  Discussion regarding issues with the sewer. Have had sewer issues over past couple years, plumbers have come and fixed and replaced some equipment. Recently there was another issue, unsure of what is causing the problem. Vicki will take to division and have it looked into.

8.6 Saskatchewan Youth Choir

·  Robert presented email he received. A student from our school division (student is not named) has auditioned and made it onto the Saskatchewan Youth Choir.

·  If anyone is interested in attending, a concert will be held in Swift Current on February 7.

·  Vicki will put all info in the Friday File on website.

9. Date of Next Meeting

·  Date of next meeting will be February 3, 2016.

10. Adjournment

·  Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm