Inspectors GeneralChecklist
SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM 1720This checklist applies to all levels and types of commands.
Functional Area Sponsor:
HQMC Marine and Family Program Division / Name of Command
Subject Matter Expert: Ms.Alisa LaPorte
/ Date
(DSN)278-9679(COML) 703-432-9679 / Inspector
Revised: 1 March 2018 / Final Assessment
Discrepancies: Findings:
Overall Comments: Place Here
Subsection 1 –GENERAL
0101 / Does the command have a collateral duty Marine Suicide Prevention
Program Officer (SPPO) appointed in writing with a training certificate
demonstrating SPPO Distance Learning Module training was completed
within 30 days of appointment? Appointment letter includes (1) duties,
responsibilities and expectations, and (2) limitations of the SPPO.
SPPO supports local commander with information in their areas of
expertise, intervention services, and assistance in crisis management.
Typical responsibilities of this collateral duty do not include clinician or
therapy duty.
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(b)
Result / Comments /
0102 / Does the commander ensure the SPPO presents a copy of their
appointment letter and MarineNet training certificate to their
administrative section for unit diary reporting. The Reporting
Unit/Installation Personnel Administration Center will assign the “SPPO
code” via the unit diary. Installation commanders shall coordinate with
their subordinate commanders/tenants to ensure they understand the
contents of this MARADMIN and its applicability. Individual Marines are
responsible for providing a copy of their SPPO appointment letter and
MarineNet certificate to their S-1 administration unit within 30 days of
Reference: MARADMIN 230/17
Result / Comments /
0103 / Does the command have a written implementation plan to address a
suicidal crisis? At a minimum, the written plan should include internal
suicide-related event notification procedures, measures to facilitate
crisis management, methods to restrict access to lethal means that can
be used to inflict harm on themselves or others, training and reporting
requirements, procedures to ensure confidentiality, direction on how to
assist fellow Marines directly or indirectly affected by the crisis, and a
list of internal and external suicide prevention resources.
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(h)
Result / Comments /
0104 / Does the command ensure all Marines and Sailors who engage in
suicide related behavior or who are at risk for harm to self or others are
kept in sight and escorted to an evaluation with a mental healthcare
provider, and when applicable, attend follow-up appointments?
Ref: MCO 1720.2 par 3b(13)(f)
Result / Comments /
0105 / Can the command provide documentation showing all Marines and
attached Sailors receive suicide prevention training annually?
Reference: MCO 1720.2 par 3b(13)(c)
Result / Comments /
0106 / Do command procedures ensure suicide hotline contact numbers are
readily available to Marines (examples include website links to
DSTRESS Line or Military Crisis Line)?
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(h)4
Result / Comments /
0107 / Can the command representative explain the Marine Intercept Program
(MIP) process and function of the program?
Reference: MCO 1754.14, par 3b(4)(b)3; MARADMIN 073/14; MARADMIN 461/15
Result / Comments /
0108 / Can the command identify a MIP point of contact at the installation
Community Counseling Program (CCP)?
Reference: MCO 1754.14, par 3b(4)(b)1; MARADMIN 073/14;
Result / Comments /
0109 / Does the command report all suicidal ideations, suicide attempts, and
deaths by suicide by active duty personnel on a Serious Incident Report
(SIR), and all suicide attempts and deaths on a Personnel Casualty
Report (PCR)?
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(h)6; MCO 3040.4; MCO 3504.2A
encl 2, par 11
Result / Comments /
0110 / Does the command complete a Department of the Defense Suicide
Event Report (DoDSER) for all cases of deaths by suicide? All
DoDSERs must be completed within 15 days of the initial PCR.
Reference: MCO 1720.2 par 3b(13)(k)2; MCO 3040.4
Result / Comments /
0111 / Does the command verify the completion of a DoDSER for suicide
attempts, as determined by competent medical authority (must be
completed within 30 days of the attempt; track for existence of DoDSERs
for suicide attempts)?
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(k)1
Result / Comments /
0112 / Does the command complete a death brief and an 8-day brief for
deaths due to suicide? (Track for existence of death brief and 8-day
Reference: MCO 5100.29b, par 4b(13)(f-g)
Result / Comments /
0113 / After a suicide ideation or attempt has occurred, does the command
incorporate restriction to lethal means practices as part of the safety
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(h)3
Result / Comments /
0114 / Does the command recognize personal preventative and/or proactive
efforts in suicide prevention?
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(m)
Result / Comments /
0115 / Does the command have a plan for reintegration of Marines and Sailors
who were evaluated or treated for suicide ideation or attempt?
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3a(2)(d)6
Result / Comments /
0116 / Does the command provide postvention support to families and
affected units after the suicide or suspected suicide of a Marine?
Reference: MCO 1720.2, par 3a(2)(d)4; MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(i);
MCO 1720.2, par 3b(13)(j)
Result / Comments /
0117 / Has the commander provided written policy/guidance for the control,
storage, and accountability of personally owned weapons and
ammunition in the unit armory?
Reference: MCO 5530.14A, par 802
Result / Comments /
0118 / Are personally owned weapons stored in the unit armory registered with
the installation Provost Marshal’s Office? (Only required if the
commander has authorized personally owned weapons storage in their
respective armory.)
Reference: MCO 5530.14A, par 8029
Result / Comments /
0119 / Are personally owned weapons and government owned weapons
stored in separate containers? (Only required if the Commander has
authorized personally owned weapons storage in their respective
Reference: MCO 5530.14A, par 8029
Result / Comments /
This checklist outlines the general elements needed for the day-to-day administration and operations of this function area. Additionally, this checklist provides guidelines for internal evaluations and standardized criteria for the conduct of inspections. Commands must also fully comply with all applicable references.
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