Kansas City Kansas Special Education

Study Skills

Learning Styles / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Describe visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles
§  Describe the differences between the learning styles
§  Describe the learning conditions that support their learning style
§  Identify their individual learning style
§  Apply their knowledge of learning styles to other subjects and future success / §  Activities focusing on:
o  Understanding the different learning modalities and how they can affect learning
o  Completing a learning styles survey to indicate learning style(s)
Refer to “Metacognition” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  Students share/post learning styles results
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st QTR
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Learning Styles Survey (Portfolio)
§  Learning Styles Rubric / Refer to “Metacognition” Wiki folder
Organizational Skills / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Describe what it means for a student to be organized. How does it look?
§  Utilize a student planner/calendar
§  Develop effective organizational skills.
§  Demonstrate skills in prioritizing and in management of time.
§  Show awareness of how time and space can be used more efficiently. / §  Activities focusing on:
o  Spatial organization
o  Time management
o  Chunking assignments
o  How to organize and use a student planner
o  The Master Notebook Routine
Refer to “Organizational Skills” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  Notebook system
§  Student planner/calendar
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st QTR:
Introduction to organizational skills including time management, chunking, Master Notebook Routine, and student planner
1st-4th QTRS:
Ongoing focus on helping the students to stay organized
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Student Planner
§  Master Notebook
§  Notebook Organization Rubric / Refer to “Organizational Skills” Wiki folder
Goal Setting
& Progress Monitoring / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Understand why setting a goal is important.
§  Identify the process for goal attainment.
§  Determine individual short-term goals to be achieved based on data collected.
§  Determine an individual long-term goal to be achieved based on data collected.
§  Identify possible obstacles to goal attainment and solutions to those obstacles.
§  Determine an action plan to help guide them to their goal.
§  Know their IEP goal(s) and their quarterly benchmarks.
§  Measure progress toward goal attainment / §  Activities focusing on:
o  Purpose for setting goals
o  Components of a good goal
o  Distinguishing between short-term and long-term goals
o  Students setting SMART goals
o  Students reviewing their IEP goals
o  Collecting data for progress monitoring their goal(s)
o  Use of a graph to depict progress on goal(s)
Refer to “Goal Setting & Progress Monitoring” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  Data folder
§  Graphing data
§  Teacher conference & feedback
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st QTR:
Introduction to goal setting
1st-4th QTRs:
§  Ongoing student self progress monitoring
§  IEP goals and objectives monitored quarterly
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Progress monitoring graph (Portfolio)
§  Goal Setting Rubric (Portfolio) / Refer to
“Goal Setting & Progress Monitoring” Wiki folder
Note Taking
& Summarizing / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Identify the elements of note taking techniques
§  Identify important items to be included in notes (concepts, details, facts, sources, definitions)
§  Identify and demonstrate a note-taking strategy to use for capturing information presented during lecture
§  Identify and demonstrate a note-taking strategy for capturing information when reading text?
§  Take notes to fulfill two major functions: to record information and/or to aid reflection.
§  Identify the important items/concepts to be included in notes.
§  Use organization strategies (graphic organizers, mind mapping, outlining, etc.) to gain, clarify, and summarize information.
§  Make outlines based from information from various formats.
§  Write a summary using information taken from various formats. / §  Activities focusing on:
o  Different note taking strategies
ü  Cornell
ü  Outlining
ü  Concept Mapping
ü  Charting & Summarizing
o  Summarizing
Refer to “Note Taking & Summarizing”
Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  Evidence of a note taking strategy on assignments
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st QTR:
Cornell & Summarizing
2nd QTR:
Outlining & Summarizing
3rd QTR:
Concept Mapping & Summarizing
4th QTR:
Charting & Summarizing
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Portfolio
§  Note Taking Rubric
§  Summarization Rubric / Refer to “Note Taking & Summarizing ” Wiki folder
Interpreting & Creating Visual Aids / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Understand and explain how visual aids can improve comprehension
§  Interpret various forms of visual aids including graphs, tables, timelines, and diagrams.
§  Create various forms of visual aids including graphs, tables, timelines, and diagrams.
§  Understand key components to an effective power point
§  Create and present a power point. / §  Activities focusing on:
o  Describing visual aids including
ü  Tables
ü  Graphs
ü  Diagrams
ü  Photos
o  Interpreting the information provided in visual aids
o  Students creating visual aids to summarize information
o  The criteria for effective power points
o  Students creating and presenting a power point
Refer to “Interpreting & Creating Visual Aids” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  Assignment Graphic Organizers
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st – 4th QTRs:
Analyze & interpret tables, graphs, diagrams, and photos
3rd QTR:
Effective Power Point
4th QTR:
Create & present
a Power Point
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Power Point Presentation
§  Power Point Rubric / Refer to “Interpreting & Creating Visual Aids” Wiki folder
Strategies / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Understand the difference between short-term and long-term memory.
§  Investigate and utilize strategies for memory and concentration improvement.
§  Create a personalized memory and concentration “toolbox” of useful memorization techniques/strategies.
§  Improve their ability to recall pairs of associated information such as a word and its definition, a person and her or his achievement, a date and an event, or a place and an event.
§  Describe how to use a memorization strategy to a peer or teacher. / §  Activities focusing on memorization strategies including:
o  Chunking
o  LINCs
o  Mnemonics
o  Chaining
o  Paired Associates
o  Rhyming
o  Acronyms
o  Peg Words
o  Key Words
Refer to “Memorization Strategies” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st QTR:
First Letter Mnemonic
2nd QTR:
3rd QTR: Chaining
4th QTR:
Paired Associates
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Student resource “toolbox” of memorization strategies
§  Learning Logs
§  Assignment & Test performance / Refer to “Memorization Strategies” Wiki folder
Test Taking Strategies / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Understand and demonstrate how to prepare for a test (attend class regularly, take accurate notes, complete daily assignments, organized notebook, etc.)
§  Define terms found on tests
§  Identify and describe various types of objective tests
§  Identify and describe various types of subjective tests
§  Identify and discuss behaviors and materials needed for successful test taking (sufficient rest, sharpened pencils, clean work area, etc.)
§  Preview test and budget time
§  Listen to/read directions carefully and completely
§  Determine test strategy for subject being tested
§  Understand and demonstrate how to approach taking a test based on the type of test
§  Proof read for any errors
§  Understand what to do with the test results once received
§  Be familiar with and utilize test taking strategies
(PIRATES & DETER) / §  Activities focusing the different types of tests:
o  Multiple Choice
o  True/False
o  Short answer
o  Essay
§  Activities focusing on general test taking tips including:
o  Test Preparation
o  Taking the Test
o  Post Test
§  Activities focusing on different test taking strategies including:
Refer to “Test Taking Strategies” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st -4th QTRs:
Identify the different types of tests encountered with ongoing
use of test strategies
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Test performance / Refer to “Test Taking Strategies” Wiki folder
Writing / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  / Refer to “Writing” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st QTR:
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Rubrics
§  Essays / Refer to “Writing” Wiki folder
Reading Strategies / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases
§  Use figurative language and nuances to determine word meanings
§  Enhance knowledge and application of vocabulary
§  How to use word relationships to better understand word meanings
§  Determine main idea of a text
§  Demonstrate understanding and use of text features to locate information in text book.
§  Distinguish between fact and opinion
§  Determine meaning of words as used in a text
§  Respond to comprehension questions and make “real world” connections
§  Use context clues to determine meaning
§  Distinguish between similarities and differences / §  Activities including:
o Understanding text features (headings, bold words, table of contents, glossary, index, and graphics)
o Pre/During/Post reading strategies
o Vocabulary strategies
Refer to “Reading Strategies” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / Each Quarter a new strategy for:
·  Vocabulary
·  Pre-Reading
·  During Reading
·  Post Reading
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  Graphic Organizers / Refer to “Reading Strategies” Wiki folder
Research / Objectives / Instructional Topics, Activities & Assignments / Formative Assessment / Pacing Guide
The students will:
§  Define task and purpose of research
§  Gather relevant information from multiple resources
§  Interpret information
§  Cite resources / Refer to “Research” Wiki folder / §  Learning Logs
§  CFU Strategies:
Refer to “Checking for Understanding” Wiki folder / 1st -4th QTRs:
Summative Assessment / Resources
§  Learning Logs
§  / Refer to “Research” Wiki folder