Buxted Community Hall Meeting held at 11.30 on 7th November 2013 at 9 Broad Oak, Buxted

Present: Nick Tricker (chair), George Claydon, Eileen Claydon, Maggie Dopson, Pauline Bonner, Sheila Bartholomew








Progress with Trust’s aims

Unfortunately there is no recent update to give. Simon was meeting with Highways regarding the access for emergencies and to the Scout Hut for deliveries. No update has been received following that meeting. The Parish Council have sent out requests for local groups who use the Reading Room to fill out a questionnaire for a transport survey which will be part of the planning application for the new hall. The Trustees decided to prepare a statement to be read out at the next Parish Council meeting on 12th November in order to put on record our dissatisfaction at the legal restrictions being imposed on the Parish Council for the future use of the Reading Room as a condition for planning approval. (See attached at end of minutes) / NT,GC,SB



Financial Report

An up to date financial report was circulated to the Trustees, (please see attached at end of minutes.)



AGM Arrangements

It was decided that our AGM would be held in the Reading Room on Wednesday 29th January at 7.30. Sheila will arrange with Beccy. George will approach our current auditor (Michelle Warner) to ascertain whether she is prepared to undertake the role for another year.
Nick Tricker announced at that he would be resigning as Chairman at the AGM but would continue as a Trustee.
George will arrange to advertise the AGM on the Buxted Parish Website and in the Buxted Messenger. / SB

The meeting ended at 12.45.

BCHT Statement

The trustees of the Buxted Community Hall Trust understand that WDC is discussing with the Parish Council the imposition of restrictions on the future use of the existing Reading Room in Church Road, Buxted, as a condition of any planning consent for the proposed new Buxted Community Hall. In particular the Trust hears that WDC demands from the Parish Council a legally binding signed document to the effect that the existing Reading Room could only be used as a storage facility or the site as public car parking if the new Hall is allowed to proceed. If correct, we wish to put it on record that we deplore what we consider is a draconian abuse of their authority.

It has always been the intention that the proceeds of any disposal by the Parish Council of the old premises would be made available to the trustees to part-fund the hall. If, in the future, the 7Km exclusion zone was to be relaxed, we - and most probably the local residents - would feel that any restrictive conditions about the use of the Reading Room would be to the detriment of the proposed new hall.

Financial Year: 1st May 2013 to 30th April 2014
Report for BCHT Trustees: 7th November 2013
B/f from report to trustees on 13th Sept 2013 / £161.46
26th September / CAF bank interest to date since last report / £1.48
4th October / HMRC Giftaid reimbursement - including interest / £25.18
TOTAL / £188.12
None / 0,00
TOTAL / £0.00
Current years balance / £188.12
Balance B/f from 2012-2013 / £5,739.38
TOTAL / £5,927.50
CAF Cash Account / £1,024.34
CAF Gold Account / £4,903.16
TOTAL / £5,927.50
George Claydon (Hon Treasurer) DATE: 5th November 2013