NHS South of Tyne and Wear

Integrated Consultative Group

Notes of meeting held on 11 December 2007

Present: Vicki Taylor, Director of HR & OD (Chair)

Sue Taylor, Head of HR

Michelle McGuigan, Head of OD & Workforce

Beverley Atkinson, Director of Provider Development

Moira Davison, Director North of England Cancer Network

Elaine Wharton, Head of Facilities

Martin Wrate, BDA representative

Mark Tull, RCN Gateshead

Denise McLoughlin, RCN Gateshead

Roger Nettleship, Unison, South Tyneside

Steve Holmes, SOCOP South Tyneside

Kirstie Harris-Parker, SOCOP Gateshead

Alison McNally, UNISON South Tyneside

Alison McDonald, UNITE, Gateshead

Carolyn Taylor, UNITE South Tyneside

Diane Wilkinson, UNITE, Gateshead

Lucy Goy, BAOT / UNISON Gateshead

Pam Roughead, HR Manager

Sonia Atkinson, HR Manager

Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Karen Straughair, Gill Lambert, Jan Forster Gordon Straughan, Norma Harris, David Hambleton, Louise Robson, Chris Macklin, Sonia Atkinson, Marion Langley and Kelvin Petrie.

Notes Previous Meeting

The notes of the meeting held on 11 November 2007 were reviewed and agreed subject to the amendments noted below:

Page 1 – Present - Alison McNally, to be corrected to Unison, South Tyneside

Page 9 – Changed to be corrected to Changes.

3 Matters Arising

Item 3 Matters arising with reference Item 6 (page 2)

Steve Holmes has been nominated as staff side representative on the group to look at the Trust’s Smoke Free Policy.

Item 3 Matters Arising Item 10.1 (page 2)

Carolyn Taylor raised concerns regarding the lack of progress with the job evaluation process. Vicki acknowledged that there were capacity issues within HR but suggested that a meeting to take place with the Job Evaluation Leads on 3 January 2008. The purpose of the meeting would be to develop a proposed model incorporating KSF and to bring to the next ICG on 8 January 2008. It was acknowledged that there were 3 main strands - posts to be evaluated pre CPLNHS, posts in CPLNHS and posts after CPLNHS and ongoing.

Item 3 Matters Arising Item 4 (page 2)

Vicki Taylor confirmed that Louise Robson had joined NHS South of Tyne and Wear on a secondment basis on 1 December 2007.

Item 3 Matters Arising Item 10 (page 3)

Sue Taylor reported that she had raised the issue of staff side involvement and engagement regarding the Darzi review at the Strategic Partnership Forum.

Vicki Taylor suggested that the Darzi review should not be a standing item on the agenda but added to the agenda when there is further information.

Item 3 Matters Arising Item 13 (page 3)

Vicki Taylor confirmed that a further 2 members have been appointed to the Clinical Executive – Denise Horsley and Joanne Johnson.

Item 8 Infection Control (page 6)

Bev Atkinson reported that 3 papers on infection control have been presented to the board. The first regarding the learning from Tunbridge Wells, the second regarding where we are as a PCT in relation to the code of practice and the third paper where we are as a commissioner. It was agreed that these papers would all be circulated to staff side for information.

Action: BAA to circulate the 3 papers to staff side members of ICG

Item 19 KSF – Additional National Funding (page 10)

Vicki Taylor confirmed that the additional funding had been received and there was a need to spend this by end March 2008. It was likely to be spent on buying evidence portfolios and additional KSF and Career Workshops.

Item 22a – Any Other Business (Page 10)

Vicki Taylor had raised the issue of an additional reward for staff with Karen Straughair who was planning to discuss with the Chairs. Vicki reported that she had agreed in principle to the giving of an additional reward but asked the ICG to try and think of another way to do this other than time off.

Item 22d – Any Other Business (page 11)

Michelle McGuigan reported that the percentage for returned staff surveys were approximately 59% for Sunderland and Gateshead and approximately 57% for South Tyneside; these were better than predicted.

4. Provider Development Project Update

Vicki Taylor reported that all PCTs were to submit a paper to the SHA by the end of December – this will define how we proceed with this project; how it will look at April 2008 and how it will be in April 2009.

Bev confirmed that there is already work ongoing with staff and service improvement plans and baseline data are on track to be finalised by 15 December.

Vicki then shared her thoughts regarding how to keep staff side updated with what is going on. This is a major piece of OD work and there is a need to have constant dialogue and involvement with staff side.

Action: Update at the next ICG

5. NECN Update

Moira Davison reported that the restructure of NECN is nearly complete with only one senior appointment to be made.

The team will physically move to Team View with effect from 17 December 2007 and they will be on one IT system.

Moira thanked Sonia Atkinson for her support from the HR team and also the staff side for their involvement in the restructure.

6. FHS Update

Sonia Atkinson reported that Gordon Straughan has submitted the senior team job descriptions for evaluation. The restructure will take place in phases; the first phase being the senior team and then the second phase the remaining staff. This is in order that the senior team can be involved in the restructure of their own departments. The location of FHS services is still under discussion but there is a requirement to move from current locations so all staff will be required to move work bases.

7. TUPE Transfers

Pam Roughead reported that Local Research & Ethics Committee staff will transfer to North Tees PCT with effect from 1 January 2008.

The Facilities staff from Gateshead FT will transfer with effect from 1 April 2008; this affects 33 posts - 12.55 WTE. There are 2 consultation meetings on 12 and 19 December at Dunston Hill Hospital.

The exact numbers of Facilities staff employed by South Tyneside FT and anticipated to transfer is currently unknown but there is an understanding that these staff will also transfer n 1 April 2008.

A further 3 staff employed in Estates roles across South Tyneside and Gateshead are also to be transferred with the effect from 1 April 2008.

Roger Nettleship raised a query whether these staff were transferring as this was not the information he had received from South Tyneside Foundation Trust.

Action: Pam Roughead agreed to clarify this position with Steve Naylor and South Tyneside Foundation Trust

Sonia Atkinson reported that there was some initial discussions regarding Cardiac Network Staff transferring to Darlington PCT but the transfer date as yet has not been confirmed.

A further 2 posts, working with Government North East Obesity Programme, employed by South Tyneside PCT will transfer to the SHA once the posts have been evaluated.

Vicki Taylor reported that the School Nurses employed by CHS are very likely now to transfer to Sunderland TPCT and a planned meeting with NTW Mental Health Trust regarding the OT staff in Gateshead had been cancelled by NTW Vicki agreed to keep ICG up to date on progress of this potential transfer.

8. North East Transformation System

8.1 Rapid Improvement Workshop

Michelle McGuigan updated the group on the 6 Rapid Improvement Workshops that took place across the SHA patch in week beginning 26 November. The RPIW were very successful and allowed improvements to be made in real time.

8.2 HR Processes

Vicki informed the group that the first internal RPIW will look at the HR Bureau and the recruitment processes and will take place in week beginning 7 January 2008. The staff are involved and, as part of the preparation, information is currently being gathered.

Vicki asked for a nomination from staff side to attend the report out on the Friday afternoon of the week of the RPIW.

Roger Nettleship raised the issue whether changes resulting from these workshops may impinge on terms and conditions of staff. Michelle informed the group that Virginia Mason had a standard HR checklist which the group members would complete and this would highlight any HR issues. Vicki confirmed that this method of making improvements was not a back door method of changing terms and conditions for the staff involved.

Action: To develop HR checklist in conjunction with staff side

Vicki suggested that as a learning process if one staff side could be involved in the whole week – they would be there as a team member not as a trade union representative but could then act as a feedback mechanism to the ICG.

Carolyn Taylor confirmed she would be willing to participate in the RPIW.

Action: MMcG to inform Carolyn of the details of the RPIW

9. Pay Award

9.1 Professional Registration Fees

Sue Taylor tabled a paper outlining the options for payment of the £38 contribution towards professional registration fees. Sue outlined the 3 options and the preferred method would be to arrange payment once the manager has seen sight of the updated registration.

There was a fourth option discussed that all staff who are eligible to be paid to be receive the payment at the same time.

A detailed discussion took place regarding the capabilities of ESR and whether each individual record will be required to be over-riden – if this is the case then the payment would need to be staggered.

Steve Holmes suggested using the travel expense form and to claim the registration fees as an incidental expense. The manager would then sign this off once they have seen the relevant up to date documentation.

Action: ST to assess the capabilities of ESR

9.2 Modern Apprentice/Cadet Pay

Sue Taylor presented a proposal to uplift the MA/Cadet pay, which is currently £84 per week, by the percentage increase of the cost of living rise. ICG agreed this proposal.

Action: ST to action the uplift to cadet pay

10. AFC Protection of Hours

Sue Taylor reported to the group that ESR has reduced the pay automatically for all part time staff following the end of the protection of hours under the NHS terms and conditions of service.

All part time staff have received a letter requesting that they indicate if they wish to increase their time at work or remain on their current hours and take a small reduction in pay. If they wish to increase their time at work, any reduction of pay will be made good in January salary.

11. Christmas Pay Dates

Sue Taylor informed the group that all staff across the 3 PCTs will be paid on 20 December 2007. A briefing will be issued to staff outlining the Christmas pay dates for weekly staff.

Roger Nettleship informed the group that the FT are bringing the January pay date forward to one week

Action: ST to investigate and include this information on the briefing.

12. Starting Salaries on appointment

Sue Taylor confirmed that if we apply the Terms and Conditions handbook, we are required to start new appointments to the Trusts to the minimum of the pay bands and as a consequence, we will struggle to recruit to posts. The paper circulated with the agenda is based on a model developed in Sunderland and allows counting previous service towards incremental credit. This paper does not allow salaries to go beyond the second gateway. If this is necessary the manager will need to discuss this with an HR manager and justify that the person meets the competencies using the KSF outline for the post. Bev Atkinson said that she would make the decision in her Directorate based upon the information received and the level of post.

Carolyn Taylor was concerned that there is a mechanism in the terms and conditions handbook which does allow staff to move further up the pay band It was agreed that Sue Taylor and Carolyn Taylor would meet to further discuss this.

Action: ST/CT to have further discussions regarding the interpretation of the terms and conditions handbook and the impact on this proposal.

13. HR Policy Review Update

Sue Taylor confirmed that the HR Policy Review group had now met for a second time. Two policies were discussed - Professional Registration Policy and Alert Letter Policy.

There is a timetable of work up until the end of March 2008 and during January, February and March 4/5 policies will be required to be presented to each ICG for approval. It has been agreed to review the system in the New Year if we are not achieving the targets set out in the timetable.

14. Uniform Policy for non clinical staff

There has been an addendum to the agreed Uniform policy for non clinical staff and this would be brought to a future meeting.

15. Developing as a Model Employer

Vicki Taylor circulated the board paper outlining the key components of model employer status. The paper is the start of the process and it is important that developing NHS South of Tyne and Wear as a model employer is done in full partnership with staff side.

Action: Comments on the paper to Vicki Taylor

16. Policy on Policies

Vicki Taylor reported that she has written to Debbie Heighes asking to be included in the discussion about how we are going to formally consult on this policy, have we equality impact assessed the policy?

A draft copy has been sent to the integrated risk management committee and Vicki has requested that Debbie Heighes should attend ICG to present and discuss this policy.