Basketball: Steps to Success, 2E

Test Questions and Answers

The Sport of Basketball


The game of basketball was invented by

a. Forrest “Phog” Allen

b. Luther Gulick

c. John Wooden

d. James Naismith

Basketball became an Olympic sport in

a. 1900

b. 1908

c. 1936

d. 1960

The basketball court is how many feet wide?

a. 40

b. 45

c. 50

d. 55


Men’s and women’s basketballs are the same size. False: The circumference of the men’s basketball is a maximum of 30 inches and a minimum of 29 1/2 inches; the women’s ball is a maximum of 29 inches.

The NBA three-point line is marked at 19 feet, 9 inches from the center of the basket. False: The NBA three-point line is marked at 23 feet, 9 inches from the center of the basket. The college three-point line is marked at 19 feet, 9 inches.

College games consist of four quarters of 12 minutes each. False: College games consist of two halves of 20 minutes each.


An NBA player who commits ______personal fouls is disqualified from the game. (six)

A player has _____ seconds to inbound the ball. (five)

Teams have _____ seconds to get the ball across the midcourt line. (10)


Define three common ball-handling violations. Out of bounds: causing the ball to go out of bounds. Over and back: causing the ball to return to the backcourt after it has crossed into the frontcourt without the defense touching it. Traveling: taking more than one step before the start of the dribble or taking two or more steps before releasing a pass or shot. Double dribble: resuming dribbling after having stopped dribbling or dribbling with both hands simultaneously. Charging: running into or pushing a stationary defender.


Create a warm-up routine consisting of at least three drills or activities. Include at least one offensive footwork drill, one dribbling drill, and one defensive footwork drill in the routine. Be prepared to introduce the routine at the start of an upcoming class.

Step 1 Balance and Quickness


When using the one-two stop, which foot lands first?

a. front

b. back

c. left

d. right

When playing defense, attacking or moving up on your opponent is often referred to as

a. defending

b. pursuing

c. closing out

d. locking down

From an offensive perspective, the weakness of the basic defensive stance is

a. the lead foot

b. the back foot

c. the width of the stance

d. the feet being staggered


When using a jump stop, both feet should land simultaneously after a player releases the ball. True.

You should use the two-foot jump when you are on the move. False: Use a one-foot jump.

When using a two-foot jump, you should land in the same spot from which you initially jumped. True.


Quickness refers to speed of ______when performing a skill, not just running speed. (movement)

When executing a jump stop, _____ before you stop. (hop)

When an offensive player dribbles toward the basket past your lead foot, use a _____ step to quickly recover on defense. (drop)


Describe the specific biomechanics of the defensive stance. Head over waist, back straight, hands above shoulders, elbows flexed, wide base with weight even on balls of feet, feet staggered and shoulder-width apart or wider, knees flexed.


With a partner, practice using jump stops and catching the ball near the three-second lane. Have your partner pass you the ball as you execute five jump stops at the left box, dotted line, and right box. After catching the ball, finish with a hook shot or jump hook shot.

Step 2 Passing and Catching


The most common pass in basketball is the

a. bounce pass

b. chest pass

c. overhead pass

d. baseball pass

When you have to pass over a defender, you should use the

a. bounce pass

b. chest pass

c. sidearm pass

d. overhead pass

A more advanced pass that skilled players use is the

a. bounce pass

b. chest pass

c. overhead pass

d. behind-the-back pass


The bounce pass requires the use of similar mechanics to the overhead pass. False: The chest pass does.

A pass travels many times faster than a dribble. True.

The chest pass and the baseball pass are the most effective passes to use when passing (feeding) to a post player. False: The overhead pass and the sidearm pass are recommended.


When executing a bounce pass, aim for a spot _____ of the distance between you and your target. (two-thirds)

A _____ pass is often used when you need to make a long outlet pass down the court. (baseball)

A _____ pass is especially useful when a defender comes between you and a teammate on a two-on-one fast break. (behind-the-back)


Describe three specific uses of a pass during a basketball game. Get the ball out of a congested area; move the ball quickly up the court on a fast break; set up offensive plays; get the ball to an open teammate for a shot; move the ball around, using the pass and cut to create an opportunity for your own shot.


You will need a partner and a stopwatch. Stand 20 feet apart and count how many of each pass you can execute in 30 seconds: chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass, and baseball pass.

Step 3 Dribbling


When you are closely guarded and must keep the ball protected, use the

a. speed dribble

b. reverse dribble

c. control dribble

d. crossover dribble

Which type of dribble is often used to avoid trouble caused by defensive pressure?

a. behind-the-back dribble

b. crossover dribble

c. retreat dribble

d. reverse dribble

3. Which type of dribble keeps your body between the ball and defender as you change direction?

a. crossover dribble

b. speed dribble

c. behind-the-back dribble

d. change-of-pace dribble


To be an effective playmaker, you must become skilled at dribbling with one hand. False: With both hands.

5. You should learn to minimize the use of the dribble. True.

6. While dribbling, you may touch the ball with both hands simultaneously. False: Only one hand at a time.


At the start of the dribble, the ball must leave your hand before you lift your ______foot. (pivot)

The _____ dribble is useful when you are not closely guarded. (speed)

Look to _____ before you dribble because ______travels many times faster than a dribble. (pass; a pass)


Describe three specific uses of dribbling during a basketball game. Move the ball out of a congested area; move the ball up the court; penetrate the defense for a drive to the basket; draw a defender to you to create an opening for a teammate; improve your position or angle before passing to a teammate.


With a partner playing defense against you, try to perform the following dribble moves without losing control of the basketball: control dribble, speed dribble, footfire dribble, change-of-pace dribble, retreat dribble, crossover dribble, reverse dribble, and behind-the-back dribble.

Step 4 Shooting


How many basketballs can fit inside the rim at one time?

a. approximately 1 1/2

b. approximately 2 1/2

c. approximately 3 1/2

d. approximately 4 1/2

A jump shot is similar to a set shot, except you align the ball

a. lower before releasing it

b. higher before releasing it

c. more left before releasing it

d. more right before releasing it

One distinct advantage of a hook shot over other types of shots is that it is

a. easy to shoot if you are short

b. usually shot beyond 12 feet

c. difficult to learn

d. difficult to block


Great shooters are born, not made. False: Great shooters are made through hard work and practice.

Most players use a two-handed set shot to shoot a free throw. False: Most use a one-handed set shot.

If your perimeter shots are consistently short, usually it is because you are not using your arms. False: You are not using your legs.


A great shooter is often called a _____ shooter because he or she possesses great touch and a free-flowing shot. (pure)

The position of having the shooting hand facing the basket (behind the ball) and the nonshooting hand under the ball is called the ______. (block-and-tuck)

The highest percentage shot in basketball is a _____. (layup)


Describe three basic mechanics of shooting. Sight: focus your eyes on the basket, aiming just over the front of the rim for all shots except the bank shot. Balance: spread your feet comfortably to shoulder width and point your toes straight ahead to align your knees, hips, and shoulders with the basket. Hand position: turn your shooting hand to face the basket while touching the ball; place your nonshooting hand under the ball for balance.


With the help of a video camera, have a partner record you as you shoot the seven basic shots: one-handed set shot, free throw, jump shot, three-point shot, hook shot, layup, and runner. Evaluate your mechanics for each shot as you review the videotape. Identify areas of improvement for each shot.

Step 5 Rebounding


The most commonly used coaching strategy for defensive rebounding is the

a. check-and-go

b. box out

c. block out

d. check out

The key to offensive rebounding is to

a. jump

b. turn

c. work

d. move

The preferred method of defensive rebounding for blocking out a nonshooter is the

a. front turn

b. check out

c. box out

d. reverse turn


A player should always try to grab a rebound with one hand. False: With two hands.

An offensive player should use a straight cut if the opponent is trying to block out using a front turn. True.

An offensive player should use a spin move if the opponent is trying to block out by leaning back into him or her. False: Use the step back move.


The offensive rebounder should try to _____ the ball into the basket or keep it alive until a teammate can grab it. (tip)

The best method of defensive rebounding for blocking out a shooter is the _____ . (front turn method)

The key to defensive rebounding is getting _____ position on the opponent and going for the ball. (inside)


Describe one emotional factor, mental factor, and physical factor essential for a player to develop into a good rebounder. Emotional: desire; wanting the ball more than the opponent and assuming that every shot will be missed. Mental: learning about the opponent; getting to know the characteristics for each player on the opposing team. Physical: developing muscular endurance, total body strength, and quickness.


With two playing partners, try to perform the four methods of offensive rebounding: straight cut, fake-and-go, spin, and step back. One partner shoots the ball from the perimeter; the other partner tries to block out as a defensive player. Once you have successfully performed each rebounding method, switch positions with your partners.

Step 6 Offensive Moves with the Ball


Offensive moves made with the back to the rim and close to the basket are called

a. high-post moves

b. perimeter moves

c. low-post moves

d. three-second lane moves

The distance from the basket in which you can consistently make perimeter shots is called your

a. shot area

b. shooting range

c. perimeter area

d. perimeter range

When a defender fronts a low-post player, what pass should be used to get the ball to the post player?

a. bounce pass

b. chest pass

c. lob pass

d. baseball pass


One-on-one basketball can be unselfish if the ball is passed to open teammates at the right time. True.

Drop steps are essential elements of effective perimeter play. False: Drop steps are effective elements of low-post play.

A player’s ability with the ball is worthless if he or she cannot get open to receive the ball. True.


To be considered a ______, a player must be able to make outside shots, pass to open teammates, and dribble to the basket to finish plays. (triple threat)

When you are in the low post, try to _____ off your defender by using your back, shoulder, and upper arm on that side. (seal)

_____ the defense means determining how your defender is playing you so that you can react with the correct offensive move. (reading)


Describe the important concept of unselfish one-on-one basketball called the draw-and-kick. An unselfish one-on-one player has the basketball and draws another defensive player to react to stop him or her. The player then passes to an open teammate who is spotting up for an easier shot.


With a partner, play a game of one-on-one using only the six basic perimeter moves. Following the game, play a second one-on-one game using only the four basic low-post moves. Evaluate your performance of each group of offensive moves, identifying areas of superior performance and necessary improvement.