IEEE Seattle Section
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Date:Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Time:6:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Place:Seattle University – Bannan building, BA215
Seattle, WA 98
Curtis Lu, Kimberly Motonaga, Axel Peterson, Christopher Norwood, Rob Tiplin, Sheri Rees, Frank Paglia, Al Moser, Merv Eaton, John Nierenberg, John Thompson, Franklin Lu, Sharon Williams
Changes to the Agenda - none
Approval of Minutes
Corrections to February minutes noted and meeting minutes approved.
Chair Report – Franklin Lu
- Web Site Advertisements – Dix Fulton has a seminar posting request. Is the posting free or should there be a charge ? It is Grounding /Bonding seminar cosponsored by Snohomish PUD. It is a 1 day course and the fee is $100. It was noted that current job ads are charged $100/month. The course is presented by a profit organization and it is not an IEEE sponsored course. Motion made by John Nierenberg to charge $100 to post the seminar ad. Motion 2nd by John Thompson. The motion passed by voice vote.
- Region 6 Awards - May 1st is the deadline for nominations for Region 6 Awards: Individual Achievement, Community Service, Small Company and Large Company. Action item: Bring nominations to April’s meeting.
- Engineer’s Fair - The fair was held at Cross roads in Bellevue rather than the Seattle Center. There was good attendance by students throughout the entire weekend. The UW provided booth displays.
- Nominations - The nominating committee has list of officer nominations for 2000-2001. Bios are on the web-site. Additional names can still be submitted by April 30th; 30 days from posting the names in the Datalink. There is no limit to Standing Committee Chairs. The newsletter editor will listed as a Standing Chair position.
Vice Chair Report – John Nierenberg
- The Spring Banquet – The banquet is Thursday, May 18th : 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. at the Space Needle at the Sky line level. Tickets are $25.00. Student tickets are $12.50. We had company sponsors last year and John would like assistance acquiring sponsors again this year.
- Power Society Summer Meeting - The conference is July 16th – 20th and is currently posted on the web site. John would like to get student volunteers.
Secretary’s Report – Sharon Williams
- 2000 Rebate Worksheet - The Annual Secretary’s report was submitted in February. This summarizes chapter meetings that are verified by meeting report forms. It also confirms EXCOM and Chapter officers. Copies of the report were provided.
Treasurer’s Report – Sheri Rees
- Expense Reimbursements - Forms are available from the web site as a pdf format.
- 2000 Rebate Worksheet - Will file the Treasurer’s report this week.
Northcon – Rob Tiplin
- Northcon 2000 will be held in Bellevue October 24-26th at the Medenbauer Center. Distribution for the Northcon Portland is $11,556.
Standing Chair Report –
- John Thompson – Datalink Editor
There will be an April issue and maybe a May issue of the newsletter. The Spring Banquet announcement should go in the next issue. If possible, will obtain from Leann Kostek the Millennium
Award recipients for the next issue.
Al Moser – Student Activities
Student Activities - Has met with the student officers at the UW and communicated with SPU regarding the up coming Paper Contest.
PE refresher – Tony Johnson of Universal Avionics did the Communications Review. Al would like to look at the mix of people taking the test to determine if we’re offering the appropriate mix for the review class.
- Student Chapters
Curtis Lu – University of Washington
T-shirt contest – The UW IEEE student chapter requests a loan of $200 for printing the
T-shirt. The loan will be repaid after the T-shirt sales. Motion made by John Nierenberg to loan
$200 to the UW Student Chapter. The motion was 2nd by Swarn Kumar. The motion passed
by voice vote.
Student Organization – The UW IEEE student chapter have registered as student organization at the
University of Washington. They have begun planning the calendar for next year.
Frank Paglia – Seattle University – President Student Chapter
Student chapter meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month. 16 students attended their last meeting.
T-shirt contest –Looking for a new design
Student Paper contest – Actively working to increase participation in the contest. The papers will be judged by their advisor.
Action Items – The web-site needs to be updated.
Chapter Reports
Computer – Swarn Kumar
- Has received a local contact list of Computer Society members from Steve Allen. Swarn is working to build attendance for the Computer Chapter meetings. A joint meeting was held with the Communication Chapter.
Oceanic Engineering – Sheri Rees
- Meeting held in February. Meeting scheduled for March.
Power Electronic – Merv Eaton
- Joint meetings are scheduled with Circuits and Systems. Meeting location moved to Seattle University due to the Boeing strike. Merv requests a large meeting room for ~ 60 people at Seattle University for their April Meeting. He’s expecting a large crowd.
New Business
Old Business
April EXCOM meeting will be held again at Seattle University.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15
Submitted by
Sharon S Williams