DATE / Hockey Pavilion, LoughboroughUniversity
Monday 27th June 2011
LEAD / John Litchfield / NOTE TAKER / Margaret McLoughlin
Present / JDL, MM, Jo Brocksopp, Martin Wilkes, Saul Shohet
Apologies / Marc Abraham, Elaina Leithead, Vicki Smith and Ed Westbrook,
2 / John extended a warm welcome to Jo Brocksopp and Martin Wilkes to their first meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 14 March were checked by those present and approved
Review of the membership of the RYUAG Executive Group
John indicated a willingness to continue for the time being as Chair and continued with the agenda.
-Elaina Leithead has agreed to take over the vacancy for the welfare officer.
-Marc Abraham MRYUAG secretary
-Martin Wilkes replacing Steve Tabb, John to write to thank Steve for his work and ongoing support to young umpiring
-Ed Westbrook availability coordinator
-Representative for current EMHUA umpires to be approached to join the committee
-A third young umpire to be approached to represent our members views on the committee.
Names were suggestedand are to be followed up
-Management committee to be JDL, MM, MA and EW
EL had forwarded a number of documents for the committee to review, consider and adopt.
- The Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey and the newly formatted Role and Responsibilities of the MRYUAG Welfare Officer were both approved adopted and signed by the Chair on behalf of the group. Both are to be placed in the group minutes.
- The rest of the committee to be circulated the remaining documents and then email MM to acknowledge that they have seen so that the Policy communication plan can be updated
- A continuing check can be made to ensure that the correct people have knowledge of and access to this information as required
- That MM sits down with EL to review the current consent form and make appropriate changes
3 / Minutes arising from 14 March Meeting (not covered by Agenda items).
-MM to check that Ed’s Mentors Guidance paper is on the website / that all mentors had received a copy
- Development of County YUAG’s – forthe time being no further work will be undertaken to progress this issue but we stand ready to assist and inform wherever needed.
- / MM
4 / Finance Update.
- The birthday enhancement is not what was needed and has not been progressed.
- In line with MRHUAmileage rate will be 24penceper mile from 1st September and this makes the cost per appointment now £19. These changes were approved by the committee
- MM asked to chase Midlands S+Y re outstanding invoice for £350
- A number of individuals have again returned their expenses to the fund which, whilst it remains small, will enable us to operate again next year. The funding issue continually remains in the background.
- We may need again to see if we can find some funds for umpiring ‘pool’ shirts.
5 / JRPC Competitions in September
No new information was to hand at this time, as there was a Midland Junior Performance Group (MJPG) meeting to follow on Wednesday. Also NYUPL had yet to publish its latest minutes / guidance regarding candidate assessments to be done during the two tournament days. / MM
6 / CRB checks
List reviewed. Action still pending re Linda Hamilton, Emily Bower and Will and Georgina Hessey.
Updated list filed with these minutes / JDL
7 / Membership progress report / panel changes
The list was reviewed and MM to produce new sheet and circulate. All changes approved.
We were delighted to have received an email from Liz Palling informing us that Sarah English has been invited onto NYUPL following her performance at the National U14 boys schools finals in May. Well done Sarah.
The JACround robin games were supported mainly in Notts, Derby’s, Leic’s and Wark’s as this was were we had county support. All were successful with a number of new young umpires then coming to the Midland Minis’ on Sunday 3rd April. We were grateful to 4 senior colleagues who ran one pitch and with a blend of existing members (7) and new umpires Grace …..?, Laura Yell, Alasdair Townsend, Becki Woodcock, Dani Brosnan, Josh Carroll, Ashley Holloway, Jamie Boast and Stuart Richards
Nominations to Umpire Challenge
This year the regions were invited to send 3 and after much discussion Laura Yell, Georgina Hessey and Josh Carroll were selected. We took a chance and offered 2 reserves Ashley Holloway and Alasdair Townsend and were delighted that all 5 were called up, and all had a brilliant time and were a credit to MRYUAG. To top off the weekend Laura Yell returned with the National Challenge YU of the year award.
Our thanks to BCHUA for their financial contribution towards sending these umpires.
Possible names from our “A” Panel umpires were discussed for nomination for watching by NYUPL Selectors.
Disappointingly we have been told that umpires will NOT be invited to HiPac this year due to cost effectiveness.
8 / Any Other Business
Various permissions and changes to the admin web system are to be made following committee movements
MW suggested that we have list of ages / panels which may help us check progress / number weaknesses ahead of time - this is a possible function already on website. Checks / bring to next meeting / MM
9 / Date and venue of Next Main Committee Meeting
A management meeting is to be scheduled in late August.
Next FULL committee meeting 7pm Monday 3rd October 2011 – at Loughborough / Venue booking to be conf.
1September 18