August, 2016

Dear Parents,

The study of music and its performance have long been associated with advanced learning skills, self-expression, higher self-esteem, and a greater appreciation for all arts. Many of your child’s classmates will join the Spofford Pond Instrumental and Beginning Band program this September and I invite you to give your child this wonderful opportunity by enrolling him/her.

Every Band member receives a weekly 30-minute small group lesson on his/her choice of: flute, clarinet, trumpet, alto saxophone, trombone, baritone horn, trombone and snare drum/bell kit. To help guide your child in making a well-considered choice, please read the enclosed page, “Helping Your Child Choose a Band Instrument.” Your child may also find it helpful to visit any music store to try out an instrument. Music & Arts, located on Route 114 in Peabody has offered their assistance.

On Friday, September 9th at 2:15pm, all 4th grade classes will attend an interactive assembly featuring professional musicians who will introduce and highlight the instruments in our Band. On Thursday, September 15th at 6:30 pm, I will host a brief meeting in the Spofford Pond cafeteria to explain the instrumental program and answer your questions. Parents are responsible for securing an instrument in good working order and the instructional book “Essential Elements for Band” for their child. As a convenience to parents, a representative from Music & Arts will be in attendance at September 15th meeting offering rental instruments. Please be assured that you are not obligated to get an instrument from Music & Arts. If you choose to do so, you will be able to rent the instrument and buy the book at this time. If your child has chosen an instrument by September 1st, you may pre-order it and the lesson book online at their website, musicarts.com. Click on Rentals, enter the Boxford zip code, and click on Spofford Pond to reach our page. Request that the items be delivered to Spofford Pond so they can be set-aside for you to pick up at the September 15th meeting. But whether you already own an instrument, are purchasing a used one, rent from Music & Arts or prefer to do so elsewhere, your child must have an instrument in good working order and a copy of the book by September 19th.

In addition to lessons, all new band members will rehearse together as the “Beginning Band” two mornings before school every week starting in January. The combination of lessons and morning rehearsals guarantees a minimum of 30 contact hours during the school year. As the level of musicianship improves, band members gain opportunities to perform within Spofford Pond and for the outside community. The Beginning Band has concerts in late January and early June. Our 5th & 6th Grade Bands perform formal Winter and Spring Concerts at Spofford and Masconomet, play at the Boxford Memorial Day Parade and at a Pawtucket Red Sox AAA baseball game. Our 6th Grade Bands add additional performances in Boxford and Boston. All 4th, 5th & 6th grade members are invited to perform in the annual “Recital Night”. Visit www.tritownschoolunion.com/spofford-pond/spofford-pond-band to learn more about our program.

I hope you will consider enrolling your child in our program. Kindly return the Instrumental Questionnaire by Friday, September 9, 2016 (even if your child is still deciding on an instrument) and all Enrollment forms and payment by September 15th. Feel free to contact me at or by phone at Spofford Pond with any questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting you on September 15th!


Mrs. Andrea Monty

Director, Spofford Pond Instrumental Music Program


Friday, September 9th – Instrument Questionnaire due; Band instrument assembly for all 4th graders

Thursday, September 15th – Enrollment forms and payment due; 6:30pm Meeting for new band parents

Week of September 19th – All instrumental lessons begin